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Buck Owens playing steel

Posted: 30 May 2007 11:03 am
by Gary C. Dygert
Does anybody besides me remember a recording of Buck Owens playing nonpedal steel?

Posted: 30 May 2007 12:42 pm
by Larry Schoppe
No, but I saw him do it live a couple of years ago at the Crystal Palace.

Posted: 30 May 2007 2:55 pm
by Dennis Schell
There's mention in his bio that he played non pedal steel really early in his career, even pre Broadcaster & Tele....


Posted: 30 May 2007 4:40 pm
by Corey Woodcock
no..but I would love to hear it. anyone know of any clips?

Buck Playing Non-Pedal Steel

Posted: 30 May 2007 4:46 pm
by Bernie Gonyea

Hey fellows: Do any of you forumites have a clip of Buck miss behaving on a non-pedal guitar? Hadn't ever heard this info before. Many of our members have hidden talents. What are yours? Don't be bashful, Dennis; you're owin it to the late and great "BUCK".. Thanks, guys..Bernie :roll:

Posted: 30 May 2007 5:01 pm
by Nathan Hernandez
About 3 years ago I seen Buck at the Crystal Palace play a Resonater,,,I think it was on Togather Again, and he was perty good.

Posted: 30 May 2007 7:10 pm
by Jody Sanders
There is a clip out there with Buck on non pedal steel. I have seen it, but don't remember the source. Jody.

Posted: 31 May 2007 6:02 am
by Bob Hoffnar
I have a D8 58 Stringmaster with a string pull hole in the tuning key pan that came from Buck's studio in Bakersfield. I was told it was Buck's steel. Its the steel I'm playing in the little picture on the side there.

Buck playing a Rickenbacher Bakelite

Posted: 31 May 2007 7:40 am
by Ray Montee
On a somewhat recent network news/feature, they did a bio on Buck Owens. In one clip, it displayed a series of 8 x 10 glossy photo's on a wall behind him. There was a young Buck "the kid" standing up and playing a Rickenbacher single neck Bakelite steel.
I wrote to him following that telecast and asked about the steel and he was kind enough to respond that he did in fact play steel guitar when he was younger. He exhibited dismay in the realization that somehow, someway, he had let that beautiful little guitar get away from him. He spoke fondly of it and wondered where it might be at this time.
Wouldn't it be a find, if one of you Forumite's were to discover that little Bakelite hanging on YOUR wall, was the Buck Owen's g'tar?

Re: Buck Playing Non-Pedal Steel

Posted: 31 May 2007 11:17 am
by Dennis Schell
Bernie Gonyea wrote:
Hey fellows: Do any of you forumites have a clip of Buck miss behaving on a non-pedal guitar? Hadn't ever heard this info before. Many of our members have hidden talents. What are yours? Don't be bashful, Dennis; you're owin it to the late and great "BUCK".. Thanks, guys..Bernie :roll:
Don't have a clip Bernie, sorry.... :cry:

Here's a photo of Buck on steel though...


And here's a great link to "things Bakersfield" including a cool little tune: 8)

Buck Owens, The Steel Guitar Player

Posted: 31 May 2007 5:13 pm
by Bernie Gonyea
Dennis: Thanks for giving us the clip and photo of Buck, holding a steel guitar. Now, please give us a sound clip with Buck doing some finger picking on that baby. I truly love that " Bakersfield Sound " Merle Haggard; Tommy Collins, Dwight Yokem, and naturally, our man, Buck; may he rest in peace.. Dennis, you're still " OWIN me BUCK.. Thanks, Bernie :roll:

Posted: 31 May 2007 6:11 pm
by Chris Schlotzhauer
Last time we played the Crystal Palace Buck played the reso. He would also play fiddle occasionally.
Man, I sure miss him.

Re: Buck Playing Non-Pedal Steel

Posted: 4 Jun 2007 2:39 am
by Alvin Blaine
Dennis Schell wrote:

Here's a photo of Buck on steel though...


And here's a great link to "things Bakersfield" including a cool little tune: 8)
And the cute little girl(with the big smile) standing on Buck's right is Bonnie Camppbel, soon to be Bonnie Owens.

Re: Buck Playing Non-Pedal Steel

Posted: 4 Jun 2007 9:43 am
by Dennis Schell
Alvin Blaine wrote:
And the cute little girl(with the big smile) standing on Buck's right is Bonnie Camppbel, soon to be Bonnie Owens.
Yep, and later to be Mrs Merle Haggard. Matter of fact, the same year she married Merle, 1965, she was "Female Country Vocalist of the Year"....

Posted: 4 Jun 2007 11:56 am
by Les Anderson
I will stand to be corrected on this; however, did Buck Owens not do a short stint with Ernest Tubb as the Texas Troubadours lead guitarist? On a couple of the early Tubbs local TV shows, there was a young guy who looks an awful lot like Buck Owens who was playing stand up steel while his electric guitar was hanging almost on his back.