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Ken Pippus

Langford, BC, Canada
Post  Posted 23 May 2007 2:13 pm    
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More stupid questions from the banjo player. Got my Fess D-10 from Bobbe Seymour. Great axe, great service.
Everything on the E9 neck seems to be stock Emmons setup, except RKR changes D# to C#and RKL changes D# to F.
Can I get away with changing this by just retuning at the changer for half a tone on each lever? Should I change the slot on the pull to try and keep the travel consistent? Should I recognize that this is the only correct way to be set up, and leave it well enough alone? Should I go back to the banjo and leave this complicated stuff for somebody more mechanically competent? How 'bout them Yankees?


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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 23 May 2007 2:20 pm    
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Please confirm that D#>F. That would be an odd one. Anything else on that lever? Also, does the D#>C# have a feeler stop for your D? If not, is the D#>D somewhere else?
More response after more info.....
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Ken Pippus

Langford, BC, Canada
Post  Posted 23 May 2007 2:24 pm    
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I tried to feel for a 1/2 stop "detent" on the C#, and I don't think it's there. Can't find any other changes affecting that string. Will recheck the "F". Not at the guitar currently.


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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 23 May 2007 3:01 pm    
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Here's a general answer:

with a fair understanding of the mechanics of your steel (any all-pull guitar but we'll keep this specific to your Fess) you can indeed go in there and change things---whether it's changing slots to keep travel consistent (consistent with other strings on the same lever and consistent with the feel you want on your guitar in terms of travel length and amount of resistance).
However: you can really bollix things up good if you haven't thought things out so unless it's ok with you to learn by error, do have a good idea what you are trying to do.
Yes, there are some alterations you can make just at the nylon hex nut without changing rod stuff but I've found that it's rare that you would make a half-step alteration without needing to do some rod work.

I'd be interested in seeing your E9 setup. The less changing you have to do, the better, of course--you want this guitar sitting upright to be played, not laying on its back with its legs in the air (well, unless....nah) but there are some minimum suggested elements you'd want on the E9---a D#>D for sure.
I'm still trying to ponder that D#>F.
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Ken Pippus

Langford, BC, Canada
Post  Posted 23 May 2007 5:17 pm    
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OK, have rechecked the guitar, and found out the real truth: RKR does D#-C#, with no obvious half way point. It also drops ninth string D to C#. (And something on the C6 neck.)

RKL does a weird whole step, but not what I said previously. It does first string F#-G#, and as well does sixth string G#-F#, the opposite whole step change (it does something on the C6 neck as well, but I'll worry about that later).

I'm obviously pretty green, but some of this seems odd to me. Suggestions?

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A. Roncetti

Toronto,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 23 May 2007 6:11 pm    
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is what should happen:
RKL should raise(1)F#+G+G#, (2)D#+E and lower(6)G#-F#
RKR should lower(2)D#-D-C#, (9)D-C# I had an issue a while back where the half stop on the 2nd string was hard to distinguish.I moved the pull rod(see pic)to another slot and then the stop became quite obvious.

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Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2007 6:50 pm    
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FWIW, my Fessy has the same change on the RKR, both pull rods (2nd and 9th string) are on the slot farthest from the axle (as you hold the guitar upside down in your lap, that is the highest slot.) The ninth string should have a lot of slcak and the second string very little slack.

On mine at least, this gives a very solid feel to the half stop D# - D-natural.

Durham, NH
dbmCk mUSIC
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Tucker Jackson


Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 24 May 2007 2:49 pm    
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Ken, the changes you currently have on RKL are somewhat common. I would be inclined to leave those changes on your guitar for now.

The only issue is that you need to figure out how the half-stop change on your 2nd string works (from D# to D). Maybe Dan's advice will fix you up there.
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Drew Howard

Post  Posted 26 May 2007 5:58 am    
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Sounds like RKL should pull the D# to an E not an F.

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