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Author Topic:  The HSGA Show in Waikiki - How Was It?
Mat Rhodes


Lexington, KY, USA
Post  Posted 3 May 2007 12:36 pm    
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If there was one, I must have overlooked the thread about last week's HSGA convention in Waikīkī. Any pictures, comments, drama, etc.?
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 4 May 2007 5:40 pm    
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While I didn't see the events at the Queen Kapiolani hotel, the Ala Wai Ho'olaule'a seemed to flow along without any major glitches.
'The Lion' Kobayashi, brought along a steel protege from Japan to accompany him (name?, please), and I'm looking forward to hearing him again, solo and with some volume. A promising student, for sure.
Jeff Au Hoy got a standing ovation for his set.
Jeff and the boys pulled a fast one on Alan Akaka, ala Jerry Byrd. During Alan's show ending set, they suddenly appeared on stage, surrounding him with pads and pencils in hand, ready to jot down any and all secrets from the master that they could steal. Pretty funny, and Alan whipped a nice Whispering Lullaby for us.
I was glad to see the 'jam' re-instated into the post show lineup. It can make for an interesting and fun sonic free-for-all, letting those who may have been a bit up-tight during their spotlight moment to let their hair down.

Also, the May Day sit-in sessions at Kapiolani Park showed major set-up improvements this year, with a nice little stage, substantial seating and full & proper rain/sun cover. Very nice. This all may have been in place last year, but I didn't make it.

In reflection, I'm personally dedicating this last week of steel to Wally and Alma Pfeifer, may she rest in peace.
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Don Kona Woods

Hawaiian Kama'aina
Post  Posted 8 May 2007 11:02 am    
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There has been a lack of response to this thread because most of us are just getting back from Hawaii.

It was a great convention where over 40 steel guitar players from all over the world participated. There were 15 players from the USA including Hawaii and 15 players from Japan. There was a good representation from Canada and New Zealand.

People attending the convention, some of whom are steel guitar players but did not play, were from Ireland, Wales, Italy, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, British Samoa, Japan, Canada, USA, etc.

It was an enjoyable experience for me to meet Steel Guitar enthusiasts from all over the world and learn more of their culture.

I have a good many pictures of the convention, the May Day Celebration, the Ho'olaulea, the Kapahulu Library concert, the Kona concert at Kona Canoe Club hosted by Kona Bob.

What is your pleasure concerning the pictures?

I am a novice at getting pictures onto the SGF so it may take me a little time to do it or I may come back for some help.

Aloooohaaa! Smile
Kona Don
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Kay Das

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 9 May 2007 9:33 pm     Yes, please!
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As always for me, visiting Hawaii is a soulful longer think of myself as a tourist there. Would love to see your pics, Don and others who were not fortunate enough to be there may enjoy them. I also have a few, but its on the computer my wife took with her to Singapore. Will post them next week when she is back. I will also post a "blog" shortly.
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