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Author Topic:  Build a Cattle Call
Sherman Willden

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 12 May 2007 7:57 am    
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Come one! come all! Let's build a Cattle Call tab. This is a learning tool so feel free to post your phrase of the tab and welcome comments about your post.

Here are the criteria:
1. A phrase shall consist of no more than four measures.
2. A person can only post one phrase
3. A person can not modify her or his phrase once it is posted. What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)
4. If a phrase is repeated you may post your version of that phrase at the point it is repeated
5. No plagerism please. Post your own work
6. All comments as the tab is built are welcomed. In the comment you may post suggested enhancements
7. Have fun! This is mandatory

Here is what I think the start of Cattle Call is:

1  F#|_________________________|
2  D#|_________________________|
3  G#|_7~8_7~8__7~8  8_________|
4  E |_7~8_7~8-_7~8    8_______|
5  B |_________________  8++~8_|
6  G#|_________________________|

Sherman L. Willden
It is easy to play the steel guitar. Playing so that the audience finds it pleasing is the difficult act.
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