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Session Death

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 1:18 pm
by Robert Leaman
This is what happens to a Sierra Session when age and bad legs come together.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 3:35 pm
by A. J. Schobert
Bob my cat does the same, it's funny. They are good pets.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 4:57 pm
by Bo Borland
Bob , I will not stand for a steel that keeps getting under a cat.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 6:42 pm
by Stan Paxton
Bob, our cat also seems to favor my psg as a perching place; I think cats understand there is a mystic quality to the instrument !! :roll: May your legs be revived.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 11:37 pm
by Larry Lorows
My cat loves my pak a seat, but only if I leave the back down. If I leave the back up, she won't get up there. Larry

Posted: 29 Apr 2007 5:24 am
by Mike Spaeth
Larry, ditto on the pak a seat! I am always getting cat hair off mine! :)

Posted: 29 Apr 2007 8:48 am
by b0b
Bob, your cat looks a lot like our Missy. We lost her last year. :cry:
Image </center>


Posted: 29 Apr 2007 5:16 pm
by Robert Leaman

Curiously enough, my cat's name is Missy as well. We found her skinny and frightened at the local shelter. She had parasites, matted fur, and ear infections. Now after some very costly vet visits, vitamins, several oatmeal baths, plenty of food, and attention, she looks like a healthy cat. It's always sad when a family member is lost.

Missy's name was not on her collar since she had none. For sentimental reasons, I picked Missy for her name since she is a lovely girl.


Posted: 29 Apr 2007 5:45 pm
by Jim Cohen
Hey wait a minute: b0b lost a 'Missy' and Robert found a 'Missy', and they both look like that, huh...? Hey Robert, did your Missy already have her name on her collar? Cats have nine lives y'know... :shock:

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 6:31 am
by b0b
Sad to say, our Missy died last year. She was a very sweet pet. She lived with us for 14 years.

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 6:50 am
by Jim Cohen
Not to make light of your loss, b0b, but just cuz a cat dies doesn't mean she doesn't turn up someplace else...

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 7:34 am
by Jay Ganz
One of our cats made it all the way to 22 years old
before she went to kitty heaven in 2003. She was
always partial to push/pulls. :wink: Every time I tried to practice, she'd come over and start yeowling.
Trying to tell me something I guess :?: :roll:

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 8:17 am
by Ron Page
Bob, it doesn't have to be age and bad legs. If I were to drag mine out of the closet, the cats would spend more time at it than me. They have to pass by it on the way to their litter box, which tell you a lot about how my playing rates. ;)

Hope all is well with you down south.

Posted: 3 May 2007 10:32 am
by Joe Casey
We have two cats 5-7 years old both females. Never bothered to name them just call them big Girl and little girl. They spend most of their time out on the screen enclosed Pool deck and on its wall. However in the evening they gather around us at the TV. Of course our German Shepard Budwieser (named for obvious reasons)has the floor covered. Amazingly they all get along greatly. All our animals are shelter adopted. PS they all love music. :)

Posted: 4 May 2007 1:21 am
by Paul Redmond
Just lost Cindy 2 weeks ago at the ripe old age of 4 due to acute renal failure. Had an autopsy done to make sure it wasn't due to the poison cat food on the market. It wasn't. . .it just happened. That was at least some relief. I sure would have felt rotten cradling her during her last breaths of life knowing that I was the one responsible for her death. Glad to see so many cat-lovers out there. They ARE truly remarkable and majestic animals. It took me quite some time to figure out just what steel guitar covers are really for. They're to prevent those precious little critters from cutting the pads of their feet on those dastardly sharp strings!!

Posted: 4 May 2007 12:22 pm
by John McClung
Guess we should run a poll: what's your cat's name?

Our cat is, you guessed it, named Missy. She loves sleeping on top of my old Sho-Bud pack-a-seat, the vinyl cushion doesn't bother her a bit. Unfortunately, she finds the tolex covered sides to be a perfect scratching post, so now I have to keep the studio door closed, can't have that happen to my brand new and wonderful ATA seat.

Posted: 4 May 2007 5:51 pm
by Paul Redmond
God bless y'all for adopting these innocent victims from animal shelters. It would sicken most people to discover just how many of these poor victims are euthanized every DAY in this country. It's so unnecessary. I have done little nickel-dime jobs for people over the years, and instead of paying me for these little jobs, I ask them to drive to their store, purchase a bag of DRY food, then deliver it to a local shelter. Most shelters operate with 100% volunteer help and often purchase food and supplies out of their own pockets. How about it people??
Oh, names -- Moira, Bobbie, Brandy, Hannah, and Chester. All spayed/neutered and de-clawed and all indoor pets.

Posted: 4 May 2007 7:43 pm
by Perry Keeter
Tinkerbelle. Her glowing eyes match her personality



Posted: 5 May 2007 3:08 pm
by Robert Leaman
Well, I take comfort to know my superb Sierra has found a useful purpose. Here in Murphy, NC we are fortunate to have a fine shelter for abandoned animals. One local vet provides neuter services at a nominal fee and there is a thrift store in Murphy managed by volunteers for the shelter. By the way, I am fortunate enough to have a cover made by Jeff Blackwell's wife. Take a good look. The Blackwells no longer supply covers and that's sad commentary since this is a fine item. However, Jeff has other items, except the banjo shirt, and you can see those at:

Sad News

Posted: 7 May 2007 7:48 am
by Robert Leaman
My cat, Missy, had some digestive problems since she was adopted. She had extensive examinations but the vet couldn't find anything definite. In the past two weeks she became rather listless and slept more than usual. I know, cats sleep 16 hours a day. On Sunday, May 7 (yesterday) she began some rectal bleeding. This was not the first time however it was not acute in the past and only occurred once. This was much more serious. I took her to vet this morning at 7:30 and she was diagnosed with acute intestinal bleeding. This case was chronic bowel disease likely caused by an injury suffered when she was neutered. She was neutered at the shelter, not by my vet. The condition is not curable and prognosis is negative. She lost 1-1/2 pounds from 12 pounds to 10-1/2 in ten days.

Missy had euthanasia at 8:45 EDT today and now I miss her.

Posted: 7 May 2007 8:14 am
by b0b
I'm so sorry to hear that, Bob. :cry:

For a brief time there were two cats named Missy, long haired and grey, belonging to two guys named Bob who played Sierra steel guitars. Will the circle be unbroken...

Posted: 7 May 2007 9:50 pm
by Perry Keeter
Robert, My heart goes out to you. It is tough to loose a close pet. We had to euthanize our dog Pudge last June. It was a very difficult thing to do. Take comfort in knowing that you gave Missy a good home and a good life in her latter years...

Posted: 8 May 2007 9:12 am
by Leon Roberts
It's always nice to have some help when adjusting return compensators. This is a young "Bandit" that lived to be 17 1/2 years old. This photo was taken about 23 years ago. Bandit is now enjoying himself at that big shrimp boil in the sky.



Posted: 18 May 2007 11:12 am
by Robert Leaman
My cat, Missy was a Maine Coon blue tabby and a sweet girl. There are those in the "Maine Coon Community" who care for Coon lovers just as the SGF people care for each other. I got an offer that I was not able to refuse. Cleo (Cleopatra) is a purebred Maine Coon tabby whose owner can't keep her because of health problems. She weighs 15 pounds (not fat), is five years old, and very affectionate. Cleo can't replace Missy but she fills a very empty space.


Posted: 20 May 2007 8:37 am
by Randy (Fuzzy) Whitener
Robert we had to have our dog euthanized he was 17 and it hurt me but my vet said it was the last good thing I could do for him so he would not suffer.
Sorry about your kitty.