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NV112 vs NV400

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 7:17 am
by Harry C Clark
I've been considering trading my NV 400 for an NV112. My number one priority is tone. Weight is not a factor. I plan to try it out, of course, but would welcome input from players familiar with both amps. Can I expect better tone from the 112, (recognizing, of course, the subjective components involved in tone evaluation)?

Harry Clark
Kingston Springs, TN

Mullen HWP D-10, NV400, Hilton pedal

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 9:27 am
by Jack Stoner
I had a NV400 that I used for about 8 years. I've been using a NV112 for a little over 2 years. I never really cared for the NV400 tone (and it had the factory tone mod), but outside of the old Session 500 I would rate the NV112 as great tone.

But, tone is very subjective and what one considers "great tone" someone else may not care for it.

You're not that far from Bobbe Seymour's shop. Take your guitar and NV400 with you and try out the 112 at Bobbe's with your guitar and compare it to your NV400.

NV112 vs NV400

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 12:36 pm
by Harry C Clark
Good plan and thanks.

Harry Clark

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 4:43 pm
by Bo Borland
Harry, I used a 1st year Session 400/JBL since it was new, & still have it, but in the interest of saving my back, I bought a NV-112 from Bobbe.
While I still love the warmer tone of the S400, bottom line is.. I get a great sound from the NV112, and the difference is not worth the 35 lbs.
I agree with Jack , go try one out at Bobbe's

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 7:05 pm
by Stan Paxton
Harry, I traded a N-400 for the N-112. The 400 had the factory mod, but my 112 gets closer to the tone of my vintage LTD400 that has the Ken Fox mod. Just according to my ears; others may have a different take on it... 8)


Posted: 30 Apr 2007 6:18 am
by Mike Brown
Thanks for using Peavey products.

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 2:39 pm
by Tom Mossburg
I just returned from the show in Washington Pa. Great show and lineup of players. Tone is subjective but IMHO There was a local guy there that played an Emmons through 2 400's. In my opinion, it was the best tone in the show and there were some power players there. Clean, punchy, warm, defined,etc etc.

Posted: 1 May 2007 4:15 am
by Larry Behm
Keep the 400, put in the Ken Fox mod and sit back.

Larry Behm

Posted: 1 May 2007 4:38 am
by Ken Metcalf
1-12 is good but a NV,400 has cleaner bottem end.
Old Session 400s are a hair better yet.


Posted: 3 May 2007 5:27 pm
by Gary Preston
:) I have two of the Nashville 400 amps and i get great tone with both . I am considering getting a ''112'' just because of the weight . My buddie has two of the ''112's'' and he gets a good sound from those ! I do agree with Larry ''keep the 400's '' ! G.P.

Posted: 3 May 2007 6:04 pm
by Travis Toy
Well...for me it depends on the situation. If I was playing a live club gig, and I was depending on my amp to carry the whole room (no P.A., mic, etc.) I would stick with the 400. In about any other situation I would go with the 112. The 112 is all I've been using in the studio for the past 2 1/2 years. I love it. I have actually been using a 1000 on the road with Rascal Flatts, but I think I'm gonna switch it out with a 112. I don't like the high end on the 1000. The digital power amp in those things is a little thin. I've just been too lazy to switch it out. Lol. Can you tell I'm a hard worker?


An example of my Nashville 112 on the last Rascal Flatts record. There's a split fiddle and steel solo about half way through the song. ... kwards.mp3

Posted: 6 May 2007 9:11 am
by Roger Crawford
Larry's right, as usual. Ken's mod is amazing. I have, and love, a 112, but we do play some outdoor gigs and the 400 just has more power to punch. One of each is an awesome combination.

Posted: 7 May 2007 5:56 am
by Jeff Hogsten
do you think two 112's would handle a road situation if they both have a mic on them

Nashville 112

Posted: 7 May 2007 11:10 am
by Mike Brown
When the "112" was first introduced, our recommendation was for this model to be used as a "rehearsal/in bedroom" type of amplifier. But, as always our customers know best as they are in the "real world" weekend situations and by all indications, two will work fine for live roadwork.

Travis Toy performs in the "real world" in major arenas, so I have no doubt that the "112" will work as long as they are mic'd.

Posted: 7 May 2007 5:53 pm
2 Nashville 112's are GREAAAAAAT!!!!!! :D

Posted: 8 May 2007 5:53 am
by Jerry Hayes
I used a NV 400 for about 10 or 12 years until I bought two NV 112's from Bobbe Seymore. I've since just started using one of them as I've found no venue where it wouldn't work. If we're outdoors in a large setting I just plug an XLR mike cord in the back and run it through the PA set and it sounds wondeful. I think this if finally the almost "perfect" steel amp. I've had an offer to trade a NV 1000 straight across for my 112 and refused the deal.......JH in Va.

Posted: 11 May 2007 8:23 am
by Travis Toy
They don't so well in an arena without a mic. :D

Peavey Nashville 112

Posted: 16 May 2007 9:51 am
by Peewee Charles
I have used Peavey amps from the get go for over 30 years & never had a problem touring worldwide with Gordon using 2-112's & they truly are remarkable amps & love the tone....just ordered another from Mike as backup & for studio only....Love these amps & the great service that goes along with them...thanks Mike Brown.....Ed

If Weight is not a problem

Posted: 16 May 2007 6:44 pm
by Ernest Cawby
If weight is not a problem go wuth Ken's mod, it turns a 400 in to a sound monster, just ask Randy Beavers he loves his, after Ken did his majic on it.


Posted: 16 May 2007 7:55 pm
by John Bechtel
Harry; Hi! Since 1982, this latest ‘Pair’ of Peavey Amps. is pair #9, so; I've had many of their models and I must say I like these N–112's (either one or two) as much, if not more than any of the models I've owned! I've owned pairs of: Vintage~Classic-212, Renown-15”, N–400-15”, Vegas-400-15”, Studio 50-12”, Stereo~Chorus-212, Session-400 Limited-15”, N–1000-15” & ‘N–112’! All very good amps. with no problems!