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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 24 May 2005 8:37 pm    
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A fellow named Jack Hamlett called me from Maryland who is writing a new book on straight steel and wanted to know about Joaquin etc.and I told him what I knew - also I told him there were a couple good lap and Hawaiian steel books out there already and he was aware of that. In his book,he wants to deal specifically with western swing steel and country steel. A lot of what he wants to write about is historical in nature and before my time so I told him I would see if anyone here on the forum can shed more light than I could. Bob Dunn,Noel Boggs and other early players' tunings came up and I've seen them written down but I couldn't give you any personal anecdotes about them. So he's looking for all that sort of thing. If anybody wants to contribute any stories,pictures,other info,knows the famlies of deceased players or just wants to speak to Jack and be part of his project,I can put people in touch by e-mail. Just tryin to help..... -MJ-
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Larry Phleger


DuBois, PA
Post  Posted 25 May 2005 9:19 am    
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You might have him contact Billy Robinson. He has been played with all the legends in country music since the late 40s.
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Bob Kagy


Lafayette, CO USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2005 10:09 am    
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And Herb Remington at his site:

And Maurice Anderson at his.

Edited to correct Herb's website address. Thanks Ian


[This message was edited by Bob Kagy on 26 May 2005 at 11:47 AM.]

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Ian Finlay


Kenton, UK
Post  Posted 25 May 2005 3:06 pm    
Reply with quote actually.

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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 25 May 2005 5:14 pm    
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Jack spent a lot of time on the Jerry Douglas bulletin board gathering information on old-time dobro players like Clarence Jackson, Monroe Queener, etc. He's been pretty thorough-might end up being an outstanding book!

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DeWitt Scott

St. Louis, Missouri, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 26 May 2005 12:13 am    
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I keep in close contact with Jack Hamlett and as of this date he has interviewed 90 individuals many of which are not players but artists and people that the players played with. At his point in time he has obtained information on 70 steel and dobro players for their bio's. Jack plays the steel guitar himself. He has several guitars one of which is Bud Isaacs old Bigsby. So far Jack has not hooked up the pedals and with help of Jerry Byrd, myself and Billy Robinson he has become very effecient with his playing. His dad, Jack Hamlett, was very popular in the "Ggood Old Days" as a singer of country music and was also a DJ. He is still a DJ spinning tradional country music in the Edgewood, MD area. The two Jack's have played at Bob Maickel's PSGA show and the I.S.G.C. Convention in St. Louis. Jack is around 21 years old and is sometimes known as "Smiling Jack" and he is to be congratulated for spending so many hours searching out the people that he has interviewed. This started out as a simple project for the University he attends and has grown to a monster size. It is very gratifying for me to see a youngster get involved with the steel guitar and then do something about it! Keep up the good work Jack! Scotty
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