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Author Topic:  A C6th Leavitt pedal/kneelever
Ian Kerr


Queensland, Australia
Post  Posted 21 Apr 2007 3:07 am    
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After reading about the Leavitt tuning in Steel without Pedals and seeing it's chordal possibilities I wondered whether it's a viable proposition to have a dedicated pedal/knee lever in the C6th tuning to
immediately give you the Leavitt tuning.I realize with pedal 8 raising string 7 to C# AND a K/L raising string 4 to Bb you would have the tuning with
D on the top string[also E on the 2nd].So you have
A7#9 [pedal 8 only] with string 3 and A7b9 with the A
to Bb raise on string 4.Another possibility which almost gives you the tuning is to use pedals 5&6 to
get the traditional diminished chord.Now C# is on string 7 fret 1 and you now have on fret 1 :
7 C# 6 E 5 G 4 Bb 3 C [with C to B lower]
As well as these are, would it be convenient ,easier , and hold more chordal possibilities when considered with other levers/pedals to have a dedicated lever/pedal to either
A : Raise strings 4&7each a semitone so you would now have [8 A]7 C# 6 E 5 G 4 Bb 3 C 1 D
B : Raise strings 7 & 8 a semitone each so you now have on FRET 3
10 Eb 9 Ab 8 C# 7E 6 G 5 Bb 4C 3Eb 2 G 1[F]
This is fairly close to the tuning Bill Hatcher
posted.You would have to use a pedal/k/lever to get the D note.
To me it seems there is still a lot of strum type
chord work that can be done if that's needed and it seems a very easy way to get the b9/dim chords and
others when used in conjunction with pedals 5&6.Or do you think it's duplicating what's already there?
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Ga McDonnell


Post  Posted 23 Apr 2007 5:53 am    
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"...or B : Raise strings 7 & 8 a semitone each so you now have on FRET 3
10 Eb 9 Ab 8 C# 7E 6 G 5 Bb 4C 3Eb 2 G 1[F] ...close to the tuning Bill Hatcher....."

What a bummer that this has everything but the D. Getting it on a lever wouldn't work. A lot of the chord groups depend on the D being there.

An option would be to drop the first string a tone and a half for playing Leavitt and get it there.
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