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Unfinished Business" mp3

Posted: 13 May 2005 2:41 pm
by Steinar Gregertsen
Here's another mp3 from me, temporarily called "Unfinished Business" in lack of a better name....
This one's quite a bit louder and rougher than the stuff I've posted earlier, but I'm sure you can handle that. Image

It's a huge file, 5,5Mb, but there's a shorter version on my website for those with slow connections.
It's my Asher Electro Hawaiian all the way, as usual..

Enjoy - Unfinished Business



Posted: 13 May 2005 3:35 pm
by David Yannuzzi
Nice Track....
Dig the fretless ...

Was that the asher with wah pedal or a regular guitar..

Thanks -Dave

Posted: 13 May 2005 3:43 pm
by Steinar Gregertsen
Thanks Dave,- the wah solo is the Asher.



Posted: 13 May 2005 6:12 pm
by Bill Blacklock
Dam fine peice Steinar.You really know how to bring out the best in that Asher.

Posted: 13 May 2005 10:09 pm
by Rick Alexander
Real nice Steinar! That's a keeper.


Posted: 13 May 2005 10:47 pm
Loved it.

Have downloaded it to let a few friends here in Spain hear it.

Jeremy Williams
Barcelona Spain

Posted: 14 May 2005 1:00 am
by David L. Donald
Absolutely awesome,
right up my alley musically.
Post some more like this!

Posted: 14 May 2005 7:14 am
by Joel Newman
That is really coooool!!!! Wow, tanx for posting . . .

Posted: 14 May 2005 8:21 am
by Kay Das

that is one cool track!!



Posted: 14 May 2005 12:02 pm
by Jan Jonsson
Wonderful playing, Steinar! Those beautiful notes echo all across the border to your Scandinavian neighbor.

Now I want to hear more ...

-- Jan

Sho-Bud Pro II Custom 8/4, Fender Stringmaster S-8, Fender CS Nocaster

Posted: 14 May 2005 12:24 pm
by Steinar Gregertsen
Thanks a lot for all your positive comments folks,- much appreciated! Image



Posted: 14 May 2005 3:06 pm
by Christer Fredriksen
Nice song Steinar!
Beatiful "refrain", and a nice little visit from jimi on lap in there.. Image

Posted: 15 May 2005 10:06 am
by James Quackenbush
Another keeper !!......Love the interactions between the instruments.....Very well done !!.... I particularly like the fretless bass beginning, and the wah lead that comes in fit's the tune so well, and then goes back nicely to the clean lead line..
I'm impressed !!.....Nicely done.....Jim

Posted: 15 May 2005 4:05 pm
by John Pelz
Image Image Image Great job, Steinar! I really enjoyed this tune. Like James Q. says above, the intro really sucks you in, and the rest of the song delivers the goods, in a rockin', tasteful way. I definitely hope that this one goes onto your CD. Great job all around. Thanks for posting it! Image

Posted: 15 May 2005 4:57 pm
by Steinar Gregertsen
<SMALL>Like James Q. says above, the intro really sucks</SMALL>
Well, thanks a lot John! Image

(just kiddin' Image )


Posted: 15 May 2005 5:45 pm
by Wayne Cox
I love it! I'm an "old timer" who started out playing Ray Price tunes and trying to emulate the "country" sounds of Jerry Byrd and Buddy Emmons. Although your work could be confused with standard guitar slide work (by the casual listener), you certainly play with feeling and good tone & technique that is complimentary to the musical number. All in all...beautiful! Thanks for posting it!!!

Posted: 15 May 2005 7:49 pm
by John Pelz
<SMALL>Like James Q. says above, the intro really sucks</SMALL>
<SMALL>Well, thanks a lot John! Image</SMALL>
Dang it, Steinar, now why'd you have to go & quote my words out of context? Image Now I know what all the politicians mean on the cable news channels when they complain, "Now hold on just a minute, I'm being quoted out of context here!" etc., etc...

I apologize for that unfortunate combination of word-choices there, Steinar. Image It ocurred to me after posting the above that my choice of words was perhaps not the best (in retrospect, I guess that, no matter how positive the intended sentiment may be, "sucks" should probably never appear anywhere in any sentence that is meant to be a compliment...), but I hoped that no one would pick up on it. Shows you what <u>I</u> know!

Anyhoo, let me say it again, but hopefully this time with some better-chosen, more straightforward words: Great job! Image

Posted: 16 May 2005 5:03 am
by Randy Reeves
very nice Steinar. loved all the voicings.

funny thing, I plugged in my Vox wah this weekend. had some results, but not even close to your excellence.
props dude.

Posted: 16 May 2005 5:51 am
by Charlie McDonald
Nothing unfinished about this business....
Beautiful, Steinar.

One question: what tuning do you use?
I aspire to your playing and composition style, and have tried many tunings, yet to find one that really fits. Always looking for new tunings....

Posted: 16 May 2005 6:58 am
by Steinar Gregertsen
Thanks a lot folks!

Randy - funny you should mention your Vox wah, because the one I use is a Fulltone "Clyde" wah which is inspired by the Vox "Clyde McCoy" wah from the late '60s. Is that the one you have?
For those interested,- I run the Asher through the Fulltone Clyde wah into a Fulltone Full-Drive2 overdrive, and then through my POD set to a clean Fender 'Blackface' amp emulation.

Charlie - I use the open-D tuning on this one (as on most of my stuff). I'd say a tune like this could have been played in almost any tuning though, including the standard guitar tuning, since it's all single note stuff and no chords, harmonies, or 'standard' steel licks involved. Some phrases would naturally sound a bit different, but the basic character would be intact (I think....).



Posted: 16 May 2005 7:06 am
by Randy Reeves
Steinar. I have an old Vox wah. the pot went on it and a tech rebuilt the pedal. it now has a hotter pot in it.
if I am not careful with my treble setting
I can cut glass and diamonds with the sharpness when the strat treble is up full up.
rolling back a bit I can get bite, but with softer teeth.
my wah and lap have a completely different sound than yours.

but then our parts are different that make up the whole.

your whole sounds better than mine.

I play an Epiphone Zephyr through a fender vibrolux custom. love them tubes.
the pickup was rebuilt by Lindy fralin. he did a fantastic job.

Posted: 16 May 2005 9:45 am
by Charlie McDonald
Great stuff.

I also use a fretless, a 1969 P-bass, for the same reasons as you, I imagine. You have an excellent sound. A fretless bass is the only thing to use with a fretless guitar. Actually, it's probably the reason I went to lap steel. A natural progression.

Posted: 17 May 2005 5:01 am
by Steinar Gregertsen
Interesting point, Charlie.
Even though regular guitar was my main instrument for ~30 years, I've always had an intense on/off love affair with the fretless bass. The fretted basses I've owned has never lasted long,- I love playing bass but it has to be a fretless.
Just bought myself a fretless Fender J-Bass (I use a Yamaha on this track) and was blown away by it, I had completely forgotten how fast and slim those J-Bass necks are...

Frets are boring........ Image



Posted: 17 May 2005 7:23 am
by Randy Reeves
fretless basses are so enjoyable. at the studio where I jam , there is a Yamaha fretless.
we were short a bassist on night, so I jumped on it. half way through the jam I realized that the bass i grabbed was fretless. I thought, hmmm, nice.

then someone showed with a P bass. damn beautiful.

Posted: 17 May 2005 7:41 am
by James Quackenbush
I never gave the "fretless" bass and "fretless" guitar interaction much thought ....Now that it's been mentioned, it's starting to make more and more sense to me ... I'm always leaning toward a fretless bass on song's of a moody nature ... This fit's a lot of Steinar's work from what I have heard...
Sort of a "dreamscape:" for lack of a better word ....Very relaxing.... I love it !!.......Jim