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Author Topic:  The Curly Chalker Videos.
Archie Nicol R.I.P.

Ayrshire, Scotland
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2007 3:23 am    
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I received an e-mail from `Sleepy1776` who has just started posting on You-Tube again. Looks like we might be losing out for a while:

Hi Arch,

I just wanted to mention this to you. Evidently there is a new group that recently licensed some of the material I've been putting up lately.

Everything I put up is owned by a company called "Act IV Video Tape Library". This company is owned by Willie Nelson. I heard indirectly a while back that Willie doesn't have any problem with these shows being up on YouTube. That's the only reason that I've been putting stuff back up.

I've seen a few new country video DVD box sets being marketed on TV over here lately, in those box sets there are videos/songs from Act IV's catalog... so evidently there is an additional company in the mix now. It seems THAT group is going to try to protect their investment. I got a bunch of copyright infringement notifications from YouTube yesterday.

I'm going to stop putting stuff up at YouTube and probably start putting it up over at They have higher quality video capability over there, so it'll probably be better in the end.



I'm well behaved, so there!
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