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Author Topic:  Dale Watson, "Little Darlin Sessions/moved to steel pla
Al Moss

Post  Posted 26 Apr 2007 11:00 am    
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I think that this is the (soon to be released) recording that I'd heard about quite a few months ago, lots of the original pickers from the Little Darlin 'Paycheck recordings, including Lloyd Green. I had heard that it was likely to be a teriffic disc, but, here's what has been posted on Dale's website as of April 22nd regarding the May 8th release of the disc by Koch records. He aint too happy about it.
The Little Darling CD was never finished ( we cut a lot of songs but never were given the chance to correct mistakes or overdub background vocals or anything else.) i.e. We were given one run through and that was it. They wouldn't allow any of my originals and that result is tandem to me doing Karaoke on Little Darling songs. A couple of the songs I begged not to have to sing as I really did not like them. In that regard it really was Nashville 1966. KOCH is releasing it under protest of me and Lloyd Green.
They are basically unfinished roughs. We offered to go in for free and fix the record but they were done spending anything on it. I plan on the next record to be with Lloyd and the guys again but with me and Lloyd producing, and with a lot of my new originals. The next Hyena release will be the monumental record of legendary musicians meeting new originals thus being the record that the Little Darling Sessions failed to be. To those of you that choose to buy the record, please give a sympathetic ear to my vocals and the musicians playing. Many of these recordings were run throughs. It's is not the record we thought we were making. That said, it was a joy to work with these legendary pickers and look forward to recording the next record
with them.
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