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Author Topic:  My Old Marlen Guitar
David Collins

Madison, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 12 May 2007 9:28 am    
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Hello All,

I have posted a comment or two in the past about the old Marlen D-10 that I have. I've had a few folks contact me and asking for pictures. I finally took a few minutes this morning and got a few photos.

These are for conversational purposes, the guitar is not for sale. I hope to someday have the time to dissassemble, clean, restore and reassemble it to as near as original condition as is possible.

Believe it or not, the old boy plays very nicely just as it is. I drag it with me to Church occasionally and play a few hymns.

It was built very early in the Marlen history, as near as I can find out, around 1960-1962.

As you can see, it is somewhat crude and primitive by today's standards, but I love the history, and playing WITHOUT lowering the E's on E9th is a trip for sure.

Here is my daily player

And for Farris Curie, I've got the "sauce" for that big ol hog you're cooking up Very Happy

6 gallons of Scuppernong Wine. Make it myself in the basement. It seems to go a long way toward making the Steels sound better. Wonder why Smile
David Collins
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Alan Harrison

Murfreesboro Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 12 May 2007 11:45 am     Your Old Marlen
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Great looking old Steel, Had a friend in California in the mid 60's played one that looked very similar. Would love to see it after restoration. It will be 100 proof. Not 190 proof like the jug in the bottom photo......That'l knok your hat in tha kreek.
Mullen (Black) Pre G-2 9x7, B.L. 705 PUP's, Evans SE 200 Telonics NEO 15-4, BJS Bar, Peterson Strobo Flip, Steelers Choice Seat, Folgers Coffee and Hilton Pedals.

"I Steel Without Remorse"
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Ben Godard


Jamesville NC
Post  Posted 12 May 2007 12:12 pm    
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Looks like an old pull release.

Ugh Bad memories come to mind.
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David Collins

Madison, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 13 May 2007 3:46 am    
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Hi Ben and Alan,

It is a pull-release changer system. Some folks are terrified of them, and I suppose rightly so to some degree, but I have very little trouble with it.

I play the guitar very simply, and just live with the setup the way it is. This is not one that you'd want to change setups on often for sure.

Heaven only knows when I'll ever be able to restore the old boy. I'll be sure and let everyone know when I do.

As to the scuupernong wine, it come in at approximately 12% alcohol, or 24 proof. It's really pretty mild. I started making it a few years back after a "mild" heart attack. Doc says a glass every night will be good for me.

I don't care for the heavy red wines that are commercially available, but found that the scuppernong grape contains more of the reservatrol, the heart healthy stuff, than a lot of red grapes.

Wine making has turned into a very fun and relaxing hobby.
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