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Ray Minich


Bradford, Pa. Frozen Tundra
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2007 7:34 am    
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This question has to do with the location of the swivel joint on the pedal. I ask it 'cause I broke a pedal off last week...

Some pedals (i.e. Dekley) have two possible locations (threaded holes) for the swivel ball.

Is it better to have the ball rod end screwed in near the pedal axle? or out away from the axle and closer to the foot contact zone?
I understand the lever arm differences between the two locations.
The pedal that broke had the ball end close to the axle. I moved all my swivels out to the 2nd hole, but now pedal action is hard.

Is one hole location preferred over the other?
I don't want to break any more pedals off, supply is limited...

What is the "conventional wisdom" on this subject?

Thanks in advance.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2007 7:43 am    
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It's a personal thing, but I prefer the hole further from the axle, unless I'm pulling 4 or more strings. Then I'd take the easy-effort one (with more travel) that's closer to the axle. You can also do the same thing with slave rods (as in my Millennium), or any other guitars that don't have two holes.
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Glenn Suchan


Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2007 10:55 am    
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Donny pretty much summed it up. Although, another thing to consider is total pedal movement: As you understand the mechanics of a simple lever, and as Donny said, the greatest lever advantage will require the greatest amount of effort, but will have the least amount of travel. With that said, you might also consider if the pedal you're concerned with will be primarily used alone or in tandem with another pedal. If used alone, then you need only concern yourself with the feel, as Donny said. However, if it will be used with another pedal you might want to consider total pedal travel in relation to the other pedal. Too much pedal travel may be awkward, as well as, too little.

Keep on pickin'!
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