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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 17 Mar 2007 5:19 pm    
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I haven't seen the show yet, but tonight at 11:00 PM eastern time the Discovery Channel show "How It's Made" has a segment on guitar strings. We roll music wire at the spring plant where I work and it's a pretty neat process to watch. Hopefully this show will be more than just a short blurb.

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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 17 Mar 2007 5:27 pm    
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I've seen it. It's pretty cool. And it's long enough to be more satisfying than a 90 second summary of the process. I think D'Addario is mentioned in the credits. That surprised me because this Canadian show predominantly features home-grown industry. Are there no Canadian string makers? Or does D'Addario have a Canadian plant?
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Bill Miller


Gaspe, Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2007 4:33 am    
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I don't think there are any Canadian string manufacturers...I've never heard of any at least. It appears that there are an awful lot more brands of strings than there are string manufacturers anyhow. I've read a lot of conjecture but it would interesting to have the definitive number of sources for all the popular brands of strings we buy.
As an aside, my Fender SuperBullets are "assembled in Mexico of U.S. materials"...except for the bullet ends which are made in Germany. They were having quality control problems with one batch I bought because all of the plain strings had black tarnish spots. They did replace them free however.
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