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Tommy Alexander


Friendswood, Texas 77546
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2007 7:51 am    
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It seems like each time Sarah Jory commits to the conventions, she whines up cancelling it. What's with this???
And how come Ron Elliott has not been invited to the TSGA?
Will someone with some knowledge of this, explain it????
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2007 12:22 pm    
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Ron has played for the TSGA in the past, and we're hopeful he'll play for us in the future. My memory fails me but I believe he played in either 2004 or 2005.

The unfortunate reality is the fact that there are only 52 time slots available for the show, and there are more than 52 players who want to play the show, or are requested by fans. We try to keep a Texas element in the our Jamboree since it's the TSGA, and that means that we sometimes lack time slots for players who play Scotty's show. Just like the SWSGA has Arizona/New Mexico players, and the Oklahoma show has players from their home state.

Sometimes fans of a particular player, and even players themselves, get their feelings hurt when they don't get a slot on the TSGA show. This is so unfortunate, since it's simply a matter of reality. There's only so much time to fill, and the TSGA has NEVER tried to be a duplicate of Scotty's ISGC. At the TSGA show, you hear players you don't get to see at ISGC, and vice versa.

Most every steel hero plays either the TSGA or ISGC every year, many play both. If your particular favorite doesn't appear at one show, chances are he'll be at the other. You can choose to support the steel industry by being happy and attending BOTH shows, which everyone I've talked to feels are equally enjoyable.

In answer to the question we've been recently asked, "how come Sarah isn't playing the show?" Sarah has cancelled twice in a row, once because she had an accident, this year because she has a more important commitment. We understand, though it causes problems for the show. In a nutshell, if Sarah WANTED to play the show, she WOULD be playing it; if she's not, its because other things are just more important to HER. Her absence this year is no decision on the part of the TSGA.
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Son, we live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with steel guitars. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg?
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Allan Thompson


Post  Posted 18 Feb 2007 1:34 pm    
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Sarah has not long started a job playing in the Van Morrison band and from what I have heard is doing a great job. I can understand her having to cancel the Dallas show as that is now her full time job and when the boss calls you have to be there. It is a shame as I would have loved to see her on the Dallas stage, but never mind maybe next year. One thing for sure the Scots and Irish and one or two English gentlemen are going to have a great time no matter who plays. See y'all soon.
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Fred Justice

Mesa, Arizona
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2007 3:46 pm    
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Allan baby, I like your style!!! Smile
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Paul King


Gainesville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2007 8:07 pm     show
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Thanks Herb for setting the record straight. I am sure Sarah did not plan on having an accident so she would not have to play the Texas show last year. Things do come up that cannot be helped. I personally believe the TSGA staff does a great job in lining up this show and deserve credit for what they do.
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Ricky Thibodeaux


Post  Posted 19 Feb 2007 6:16 am     No Show
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Maybe she is related to NO-SHOW JONES
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Tony Palmer

St Augustine,FL
Post  Posted 24 Feb 2007 12:36 pm    
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Herb, I am extremely pleased to hear that you and TSGA go out of your way to keep your show predominently Texas-style.
There is no point in repeating Scottie's show, in style or in players.
I love both, but I especially like the Texas western swing style and flavor to the TSGA show.
Don't change anything!
As for Sarah Jory and Paul Franklin not making it this year, at first it was a disappointment to hear, but I remember enjoying some of the lesser known steel players <i>the most</i> last year. So, no matter who the lineup, I intend to have a great time!
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