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Some Guys Really Like Their Sho Buds

Posted: 7 Feb 2007 3:42 pm
by Marc Weller

Posted: 7 Feb 2007 5:19 pm
by Alan Brookes
Is this your car ? If not, is the owner a member of the Forum ?

Posted: 7 Feb 2007 5:45 pm
by Marc Weller
My car. Got the plates today. Shouldn't have any trouble remembering my license # from now on.


Posted: 7 Feb 2007 5:49 pm
by b0b

Posted: 7 Feb 2007 5:59 pm
by Jeremy Threlfall
one of the cool things about it, is that most people wouldn't have a clue.

Petrol heads are probably thinking "OK, this car has a 'buddy' in the garage that wins lots of car shows"

rose growers might think there is a bud show coming up

Posted: 7 Feb 2007 6:01 pm
by Stephen Gambrell
Them California growers might have something else in mind :roll:

Posted: 7 Feb 2007 6:48 pm
by Jeremy Threlfall
yeah, well theres that too ...

Marc, I hope you don't cop any flack from girls who think you want them to show you their buds.

Posted: 7 Feb 2007 10:39 pm
by Marc Weller

Funny you should say that. When I applied for the plates I thought either the DMV would think it was somehow obscene or that some other steeler would have already requested it. I was pretty surprised that DMV processed my order.


Posted: 8 Feb 2007 4:52 am
by A. J. Schobert
I think I told this story before, I had a SHo-Bud t-shirt, the place I was working thought it had something to do with drugs, and somehow tied to my last name (not quiet) well they piss tested me and found nothing, I don't work there now but I thought it was funny and bothersome. And just like my old 'bud we are both clean! (we have always been clean)

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 6:40 am
by Marc Weller
Merle Haggard once said the only place he DIDN"T smoke marijuana was in Muscogee !!! Didn't Big Jim Murphy have a pot leaf inlaid on his Sho Bud ? I saw him with Asleep At The Wheel. What a great player !!!!

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 6:51 am
by Charlie McDonald
I would take it as an invitation to a drag race.

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 8:55 am
by Marc Weller
Well I'm pretty heavy into drag racing so that works too !!! That license plate frame is vintage '69 original Irwindale Raceway (not the current NASCAR venue).

Murph's Sho~bud

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 8:59 am
by Ricky Davis
Hey Marc; yes Murph had a Sho~bud with the Leaf in question on the front of it; here I am playing it.
Oh and Way Cool Licence plate.

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 9:08 am
by Mark Eaton
That is a great plate!

I bought a new car a few months ago, and was considering for the first time to get a personalized plate-it was going to have something to do with the word "dobro."

But then I checked the price, and the fact that one has to pay yearly maintenance fees to keep it up in California, and thought to myself, "that's a lot of money spent that could be used toward strings!"

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 9:57 am
by Jackie Anderson
Besides, Gibson would sue you for trademark infringement!

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 10:14 am
by A. J. Schobert
Ricky if that guitar could tell some storys....

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 10:23 am
by Mark Eaton
Jack Anderson wrote:Besides, Gibson would sue you for trademark infringement!
Maybe I could have had them punch out a little "R" within a circle for the upper right hand corner, above the second "o." :wink:

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 1:04 pm
by Ben Elder
Off and on for 15 years or so, I've saluted the greatest-sounding acoustic steels as best one can in reducing 11 characters to the statutorily-mandated maximum of seven in California:


But when walking out of the DMV office with the plates, it struck me what the rest of the public would probably be thinking: pro-life advocacy (Yes Unborn)...a fight I don't care to join on either side, given the loathsome tactics of everyone with an axe to it were.

YSNBORN has been out of service for the two years since the infamous totaling of my 95 Olds when the rear plate was torn off in the impact and lost in the pouring rain. The salvaged front plate is in the trunk of my latest 95 Olds, awaiting reactivation and a new rear of these days, like when I have any money left over from guitars.

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 1:20 pm
by Mark Eaton
I've often thought on a number these plates, that if at some of the public doesn't get it-then what's the point?

It kinda reminds me of gang members tagging the concrete along freeways or on railroad box cars. They have sort of a secret language in those graphics, that probaly only about 1/10th of 1 percent of the population understands, so why bother?

Now with a Sho-Bud plate, somebody will get it-if you pull up to a location for a steel jam, or some country music bars, or a parking lot at a major venue where there is a country music concert, etc.

Now I'd figure out the Ysnborn thing, so you have at least one fan of that one!

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 3:33 pm
by James Morehead
I guess we will have to run your plates to find out your copedent. :P

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 3:49 pm
by Marc Weller
There are plenty of steel fans who don't play steel. I saw a guy at the gym with a Sho Bud t-shirt and he turned out to be a non-musician pedal steel fan. I also encounter this quite often at gigs. People tell me they come out just to hear pedal steel (and I don't even play all that well !!).

Posted: 8 Feb 2007 6:18 pm
by Alan Brookes
Envy ! Envy ! Envy !

Now I wish I didn't live in California, because that number is taken !

Posted: 9 Feb 2007 10:37 am
by Dave Van Allen
a few years back I got a license plate frame from dykom (manufacturers of automotive aftermarket "speed products " for riceburners) with this slogan on it:


next best thing to a vanity plate and much cheaper...

but that is one cool plate Marc! :)