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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2005 12:41 pm    
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If you are used to 24" scale and you are stringing up a 23" scale guitar with the same tuning, do you compnesate for the scale or do you just use the same strings you would use on the longer scale? If I use a .036 for a low B, 24", do I use a different string for 23"?
I am stringing up the Melobar that came a day early (!!) and it is 23". I'm putting an E13 on it and the strings would be nearly the same as an E9 PSG except for the scale thing.
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2005 5:01 pm    
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WEll first of all; a .036w for the low B on a 24" e9 pedal steel; is the WRONG guage. At least a .038w for a 24" scale would be proper.
So for a 23" scale; yes you want even heavier. I would suggest.
Here's what I use on short scale(23" is short scale) E13+9 tuning.

G# .012p
F# .013p
E .015p
C# .018p
B .020p
G# .024w
F# .028w
E .032w
D .036w
B .040w

Otherwise you may incure some intonation problems...and how some folks can't hear intonation problems....I know YOU CAN JON>>>ha....

Ricky Davis

Rebelâ„¢ and Ricky's Audio Clips
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 4 Mar 2005 12:49 pm    
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Thanks Ricky. Good chart to work from. You know, I've always had the 36 on my Carter. When I had the more traditional Uni tuning that string had to raise from B>D but I ditched that change and never considered the heavier string. I will now consider it.
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