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New Member

Posted: 19 Jan 2007 2:01 am
by Bernie Liebe
As a new S G Forum member I'd like to thank the rest of the forum contributors for all the tips & tactics helping me & others to be better players or just listeners. I'm a late bloomer as a player of this beautiful PSG instrument so any help I may get from the forum, or anywhere else is always welcome. Been listening & loving steel guitar music since having to curl up in front of our family's old arch top Philco and hear those famous words, " ...Welcome to the Grand Old Opry, l-l-leter-r-r go boys." Not knowing what TV was yet, that ol' Philco radio was our connection to the world of CW music and that far off place called Nashville Tennessee. I've grown up with a love for the music and the singers and players, "steelers" in particular. I hope sometime I can contribute something to the forum & perhaps help another player or listener of this wonderful thing called the steel guitar. God Bless all the members & families for being part of something thats good for us all.
Bernie Liebe-Wisconsin

Posted: 19 Jan 2007 7:07 am
by Jack Ritter
Welcome to the Forum, Bernie! A great place to be able to visit and receive all kinds of help and info. you will like it!!


Posted: 19 Jan 2007 7:11 am
by Stan Paxton
Welcome Bernie !
Sounds like my story with the Grand Ole Opry; as a child, dad & I listened til midnite on the old AB pack radio, so far out in the hills that the signal would come & go; then get up & go to church on Sunday.
As you already have seen, I guess, the Form is a great place to be; I think I am addicted to it...

Posted: 19 Jan 2007 10:03 am
by Charles Davidson
Big welcome Bernie from Alabama,Bama Charlie.

Posted: 19 Jan 2007 10:28 am
by Papa Joe Pollick
:D Hello Bernie,welcome aboard.PJ

Welcome Aboard

Posted: 20 Jan 2007 11:20 pm
by Bernie Gonyea
What a nice name, Bernie; glad to have you come into our grand club of folks whom love and play the music of steel guitars.My oldest sister [ God Bless her soul ] used to reside in Iola, Wis.I loved the area where thay lived. Welcome to the " FORUM ".. Regards: BERNIE G. :roll:

Warm welcome deserves thanks!

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 3:32 am
by Bernie Liebe
Thanks for the welcome fellow steelers. I indeed feeel like i've come into a family with much in common with most of you! After all we're all family anyway according to The Almighty. Thanks Jack, I spent my share of time in and around the Ft Sill area. Every place has it's special beauty. Florida, Stan is also a very beautiful place and your winter warmth is thought often these -9 degree mornings. Papa Joe, thanks for the welcome. There's been some rev-ups, burnouts, a couple vicious speed bumps & some major skids but still lookin straight ahead thank God. Bernie, I'm about 10 miles W of Iola and it's beautiful country for sure. Spent most of my 60 or so years calling it home. Now back to practice on my SD 10 Carter 3-5. Thanks to Bud Carter, John Fabian and all the Carter staff for making one fine instrument. I'm learning something new all the time and I think I'm getting better. Hard to gauge progress day to day but I'm usin' what small talent the Lord gave me & it makes one person very, very! Thanks again all & best regards, Bernie L.

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 8:09 am
by Mark Edwards
Welcome Bernie, sit back and enjoy the journey.

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 8:15 am
by Larry Strawn
Welcome Bernie,
This is a great place to be, lots of nice folks around here!
