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Posted: 13 Aug 2008 8:43 pm
by David L. Donald
Seems the ancestral home of Nothing has been found!


Posted: 13 Aug 2008 10:20 pm
by David Doggett
Tamara, we are all like trees, with all those rings for each year still deep inside us. Inside, you will always be as beautiful as that picture. And that's just the way we see you in our mind's eye. ;-)

Posted: 14 Aug 2008 4:02 am
by Tamara James
I need coffee..Plain, nothing in it

Posted: 14 Aug 2008 6:33 am
by Alan Brookes
Tamara James wrote:...Is an ante of NOTHING tangible still an ante? IF it's called an ante..can I use Antie May to bet with? Would Antie May then be NOTHING?...
...well AnteNatal isn't nothing, it always leads to something or someone. :D

Posted: 15 Aug 2008 4:46 am
by Ray Minich
Last night, when my girlfriend was in a friendly mood, she said she would stop at nothing...

Posted: 15 Aug 2008 9:34 am
by David Doggett
Odd how in Ray's situation "stop at nothing" could have two exactly opposite meanings. It could mean "you get nothing" or "you get anything." :?

Posted: 15 Aug 2008 4:35 pm
by Wayne Morton
In 1897 on this site, nothing happened.

Posted: 16 Aug 2008 3:28 pm
by Michael Douchette
Ok, then... sorry... no more.

BTW, that was a Mac ad.

Posted: 16 Aug 2008 5:40 pm
by Zeek Duff
Michael Douchette wrote:Wonder what she knows about computers?

Does it matter if she knows something or nothing?
Well, if that's the mouse in her ear, she's going to hear nothing!


Posted: 16 Aug 2008 8:24 pm
by Jim Bob Sedgwick
All I know is if you are traveling at the speed of light in your car at night and you turn on the headlights, NOTHING HAPPENS !!

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 6:14 am
by Steve Atwood
I have to object to that photo. It's obviously been offensive to one of the lady members of the forum, and she's even been brave enough to post a photo of herself to show what real beauty is.

How about it Donna?

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 7:28 am
by Archie Nicol
Donna could close it, as there would seem to be nothing more to add. I don't think Mikey has posted anything close to porn. Just to balance things for the ladies, here's a nice pic:



Posted: 17 Aug 2008 7:56 am
by Donna Dodd
To be honest, guys, I am a little uncomfortable with some of the scantily clad, suggestive lady photos.

I realize it's nothing we wouldn't see on the streets, but it makes ME uncomfortable. So far, I've let it go since most of our membership is full of testosterone.:)

I have assumed it ISN'T an issue since b0b has never commented (that I'm aware of). Most of the girls in the photos are younger than your daughters and granddaughters. It's just a little creepy to me.

Maybe b0b can chime in on this.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 8:03 am
by Edward Meisse
I realize it's nothing we couldn't see on the streets

Where do you live, Donna? Being a commercial driver by trade I can find a job anywhere in the country with very little trouble. :D

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 8:28 am
by b0b
To be honest, I find some of these pictures embarrassing. I wouldn't want my little granddaughter to think of them as role models for "what Grandpa likes", as she looks over my shoulder while I'm reading the forum.

It's not "Nothing", imho. :\

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 9:29 am
by Rick Campbell
Personally, I think this sets a bad example in that this girl is supporting herself by leaning on the top of the computer monitor. This could put unnecessary strain on the monitor and top of the computer, and result in breaking something.

On the other hand, everyone that keeps talking about getting younger guys interested in steel guitar....well............

Come on, this is the 21st century. If you watch the olympics you'll see more than this in the volleyball competition, or the Sunday newspaper inserts.

The is a very pretty girl, that God has given the gift of beauty. She is not showing anything vulgar and IMHO has nothing to be at all ashamed of.

Finally, if it offends you, you always have the option of not looking at it.

Nothin' to sneeze at ;-)

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 9:54 am
by Richard Sevigny
Porn for biologists:




Posted: 17 Aug 2008 10:29 am
by Archie Nicol
I know, Rich;
Nice pair of ****
and a nice ***


Posted: 17 Aug 2008 10:53 am
by Donna Dodd
Rick Campbell wrote: Come on, this is the 21st century. If you watch the olympics you'll see more than this in the volleyball competition, or the Sunday newspaper inserts.

Rick, it's not so much the lack of appropriate attire that makes me uncomfortable - it's the suggestive pose. Rick, ask your wife if SHE thinks there's a difference.
Rick Campbell wrote:Finally, if it offends you, you always have the option of not looking at it.
Yeah, well - I moderate this section, so I HAVE to look at it.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 11:14 am
by Matthew Walton
does anyone find it just slightly unsetteling that this is usually the #1 thread?
something about nothing?

but as for me, I've got nothing to say. :P

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 12:03 pm
by Edward Meisse
I moderate this section, so I HAVE to look at it.

It was noted quite early on, if I'm not mistaken, that this might not be appropriate on a forum that is supposed to welcome people of both genders. Being a male, I don't mind seeing a picture now and then. And I don't mind if the ladies want to turn things about to a similar degree. And I don't mind talking to grandchildren about the birds and the bees when things like this come up. But besides being off topic on this particular thread ( as b0b pointed out, it is not nothing), I think it might be time to consider that we may be overdoing it just a little bit. Maybe it's time to get back on topic.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 12:06 pm
by Rick Campbell
I just had my wife look at the photo and honestly she did notice a difference from the norm. That girl is using an Apple computer and we use PC's. :) Other than that she didn't have any problem with this because it's just a joke, and I'm sure that's all Mikey D. meant for it to be. I think it was uncalled for to refer to Mikey D. as a pornographer.

Donna, as the moderator you have the authority and responsibility to remove this if you feel that it's inappropriate. I personally don't care either way. You do a good job and I always respect your decisions. :D :D :D

I guess some of my old photos from my college days when I was working with the Chippendales would be completely out of the question? Now there's a joke for sure! :eek:

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 3:17 pm
by Richard Sevigny
Rick Campbell wrote:I guess some of my old photos from my college days when I was working with the Chippendales would be completely out of the question?

Didn't know you were into antiques, Rick

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 3:34 pm
by Rick Campbell
Ha Ha !!!! I love it. I probably lean more toward Early American. :D

BTW: I've got a friend that's been divorced four times. He says he's "given away more cars and furniture than Bob Barker".

Posted: 17 Aug 2008 3:56 pm
by Michael Douchette
Ok, in the interest of propriety, I have gone through this entire topic and deleted everything I posted in it.

I literally have NOTHING here.

Mr. Atwood... go pound Massachusetts sand.

Donna, I apologize for any consternation I've caused you. One mod shouldn't do that to another.

Tamara, if I offended you in any way, I'm sorry.