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Posted: 18 Feb 2003 4:29 pm
by John Steele


Posted: 18 Feb 2003 4:34 pm
by Matt Steindl
Everyone chill out! Melinda is new to the forum, and kinda went overboard w/ her oppinion(that aint a crime), but she was a good girl and edited her post just to apease you, so everyone drop it.

As for the idea that deadheads are pinko commies. I agree that the sense of community was very strong on dead tour. But if that was meant to mean that heads are un-american,you are flat out wrong.Pre-9/11 I bet you there were more american flags on the backs of cars in a parking lot at a show than at any other tour out there. And I was personally responsible for a lot of them.

In 1993 my wife and I were on summer tour, and we had a few catastrophic events(blown engine, ripped off cash, bail etc.) Luckily we had a box of about 2000 big american flag static/decals. By just giving them away for donations, we ended up w/ enough money to finish the tour and get home and back to work. As a matter of fact there are probably people on this forum who got one of my flags!

Sooooooooo...........your pinko commie angle is a little off base!!!

Mattman in "The Big Sleazy"-:
S-10 Dekley, Suitcase Fender Rhodes, B-bender Les Paul

Posted: 18 Feb 2003 4:40 pm
by Pete Burak
Jerry Garcia is the best steel player that ever lived!

Just thought I'd sneek one more post in before this one gets locked up!

Posted: 18 Feb 2003 4:40 pm
by Joey Ace
Hippies are a race??? Image

Posted: 18 Feb 2003 5:00 pm
by b0b
I think that's enough mud-slinging for this month. Topic closed.

<img align=left src="" border="0"><small>               Bobby Lee</small>
-b0b-   <small> </small>
-System Administrator