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Posted: 22 Nov 2001 12:07 pm
by Ron
Merle did his new cd Roots 1 in his living room and it was done like Lefty Frizell did. That is the good ole sound.


Posted: 22 Nov 2001 1:36 pm
by Tele
Ron, you're so right !! I love that album and the sound is perfect for such a tribute.
Should be the same with this Ray Price thing. Can't wait till it's finished !

Hows about " Sittin and thinkin" ???


Posted: 22 Nov 2001 8:23 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Sittin' and Thinkin' yes, one of my favorites also,Looks like you guys are doing all the work on this project! Good, it can be all of ours! I sure can't claim I did all the leg work on this one, I'm just the pawn, and I like it! Talk about a group effort!
I wonder if anything like this has ever happend before? I can't think of a project being born with one guys idea(Steve's) and everyone else , all over the world participating in the production of it. This has to be something truly special and unique. Let's all think about this "coming together music project" and what it means in this world of unrest and upheavel,it sort of restores your faith in mankind, at least musically anyway. This is truly a international undertaking. I'm getting help from all over the world, on the forum and e-mail. Nothing will get in the way of this project. Buddy, Ray, and everyone that built this sound should be proud.That was 40 years ago.
Yes, we can all be proud, this is a great country and we as Americans have great friends everywhere, all over the world.Especially the ones that like 4/4 shuffles!(all our enemys seem to have gone into hiding in the last couple weeks.)
Keep freedom strong and good music alive and well.

Posted: 22 Nov 2001 8:47 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Tele and Ron, Don't worry,This won't be done digitally. 15 ips tape,possible dolby "A".
Much care will be taken accustically also. 16 trk, 2" is the plan. A tube board if we can find one, however I think most of the original recording was done on 8 and 16 track Ampex tube or transistor, depending on the session. (Columbia "B") Kelso Hurston E-mailed me with some valuable info a while back and I feel this legend of production and rhy guitar can give me more good information for this project in the future.
He sure was there when it happend.I would like some help from Buddy also and am hoping
we can get some of the pieces put back together, record wise,Thanks to UPS, our last project fell apart. I think it's still on his basement floor! I really cut some good stuff too!

Posted: 27 Nov 2001 6:59 pm
by Roger Crawford
Bobbe...this project of yours has caught the attention of a MAJOR Nashville steel guitar session player (who wishes to remain annonimous). I was quite flattered to have him ask me to keep on you like white on rice until you have this thing finished! I assured him that a Bobbe Seymour collection of Ray Price greats was a good reason to stay fired up, so..... WHERE IS IT ? Don't make me get ugly!
(aka Bulldog)
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Roger Crawford on 27 November 2001 at 07:40 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 27 Nov 2001 7:52 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Thank you Roger,I'd like to know who annonomus is, but I 'spose we can respect his wishes. I have gotten a lot of offers for help and am taking advantage of some. It appears as though a major lable is getting intrested, however I don't want to jinx it by being to open about it. This is sort of a forum pushed deal and I am letting all ideas in . I won't let "Big Lable" get in the way of our original "vintage" ideas either. I won't give up any production power. I feel we have the plan. Thank you Roger.

Posted: 28 Nov 2001 4:06 am
by Ron Whitworth
Way to go Bobbe!!!..Take your time & do it your way as i am sure you know how to do it-seems to me i remember that at one time you owned 2 or more recording studios in the big city there.Another Priceless song i thought of is "Talk To My Heart"..I always thought that was such a pretty melody...
Later Ron <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ron Whitworth on 28 November 2001 at 04:07 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ron Whitworth on 28 November 2001 at 04:07 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 28 Nov 2001 12:29 pm
by Doyle Weigold
You done me wrong. I always liked the way the steel came in at the end of each line.

Posted: 28 Nov 2001 4:54 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
You done me wrong! Hard to play the way Jimmy played it on his Wright custom four neck in '57, but wow,I think you want to see me in a strain. Great playing by Jimmy Day though,not really his style either!

Posted: 3 Dec 2001 5:21 pm
by Roger Crawford
Well...I guess we've finished the charts and are ready to hit the studio! Can't wait, I need several of these for my Christmas list.
Bulldog<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Roger Crawford on 03 December 2001 at 08:55 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 4 Dec 2001 8:54 am
by Steve Kritz
Bobbe,sounds like your putting heart and soul into the project,don't think you will be disappointed and I know we won't.You are truly an unsung hero of steel guitar,in my opinion a true"MASTER".From all of us that use the Forum,thanks for your dedication and hardwork.

Posted: 6 Dec 2001 5:25 pm
by gene brown
Bobby,was good talking to you on the phone. This project could be one of the biggest things that has come along ,in years to come. Make the c-d. Make a practice c-d with the same songs,just leave out the steel. Also make a video of the songs,break them down for instruction. You could do all,or only one. This thing would be like catching a record bass. It would never end. Your recording of Crazy Arms,is one of the best I have heard. Your friend Gene.

Posted: 8 Dec 2001 1:40 pm
by forrest klott

There's one tune that nobody has mentioned that in MHO is one of the most underrated Ray Price songs ever...The second cut from the album "The Other Woman". That would be "After-effects From Loving You". That tune cuts me to ribbons every time I hear it. In fact, the only other tune that does that to me is Waylon's "Choking Kind", but that's another tribute entirely!!! Image Image Image
All I can say is do it and I'll buy it!!!

Take care,

Skeeter K.

Posted: 12 Dec 2001 5:49 pm
by Roger Crawford
Congrats on the Sgt at Arms post, but don't let it get in the way of "Price-less"!!! This isn't going to be one of those"ignore it & it will go away" deals. We really want you to keep us posted on this project. There hasn't been anything quite this exciting happen in a long time. You're the one to make it happen.

Posted: 15 Dec 2001 11:30 am
by Steve Kritz
Roger,got an E-Mail from Bobbe a few days ago and the "PRICELESS" project is moving along,told me things are progressing.Also would like to remind the Forum that Dec.21 is Bobbe's birthday,I know he would appreciate a birthday/holiday greeting.

Posted: 15 Dec 2001 8:08 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Steve, How did you know? My mother can't even remember my birthday!

Posted: 15 Dec 2001 10:22 pm
by Steve Kritz
I received an e-mail from a great steel player a few weeks ago who not only told me your birth date but also had some good things to say about you,called you" a true behind the scenes inovator for steel guitar."Truly, the guy has a tremdous ammount of respect for you and the huge contribution you have made.He asked to remain annonomous.

Posted: 17 Dec 2001 5:15 pm
by Joe Casey
Happy Birthday Bobbe and whats more significant is how you look so good for being 70....... Image


Posted: 17 Dec 2001 9:38 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Joe, what do you mean by that? I'm not 70,why, My I.Q. isn't even 70! So there!
Seriously, I do thank you for remembering.My mother never remembered my birthday, or my name for that matter!
Love you guys ,
(the second letter is a letter)

Posted: 18 Dec 2001 2:58 pm
by Joe Casey
Well OK Bobbe ;I stand corrected however you don't look so good for 60 Image.But then again we all can't look like Smiley.Come to think of it, you don't look so bad after all.. Happy Birthday and good luck on the project.
