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Gotta QUESTION for you Bob....................

Posted: 21 May 2012 4:30 pm
by Ray Montee
How about some 'last names' and the home town of each of these fine players?

Duane Becker, for example, drove all the way to Portland from the Spokane, WA area. Now, that's dedication.

I heard that several others likewise drove a great distance to attend and with gas prices what they are, that's no small expense. A couple of fine folks drove all the way into Portland from "GOBEL", Or.

Tom Palmer of D2F Covers, is just one that came down from the Greater Seattle area as did others.

The beautiful, 91 year old, white haired lady in the wheel chair is Mrs. Adoline Cecilanni. She and her husband built and operated the always popular DIVISION STREET CORRAL, located at southeast 171st & Division Street, Portland. The dance hall regularly witnessed crowds of over 3,000 country music fans on a single night, and was home base for hundreds of Grand Ole Opry stars and later, Rock & Roll name bands.

Portland's TOP country bands called the hall 'HOME'.
Arkie & His Jolly Cowboys was the first and the Saturday noontime radio shows over Radio KXL was the drawing card. After Arkie left the area, Tommy Kizziah and his popular West Coast Ramblers from Salem, OR. were next to enjoy the fun of house band, which included live radio broadcasts each Saturday night over Radio KGW. Buddy Simmons and his Drifters enjoyed the spotlight for awhile, as best I can recall. Heck Harper, a popular KGW Radio disc jockey ultimately assumed the reins and for a short while had a television show live from the band stand. I had the good fortune of playing with all four of these groups, spanning about a dozen years, more or less. In fact, this is where I was discovered by Leon Rhodes when he came thro' the area with the Ray Price contingent. I was invited to join the band and complete their road trip ending up in Nashville, would you believe? I had no idea who 'Leon Rhodes' was........ What a shame.

So how 'bout it Bob Muller? Any last names and home towns to ad to the great photo's?

I know you can do it!

Posted: 21 May 2012 5:03 pm
by Bob Muller
Here is a short Youtube video of Panhandel Rag.

"Portland steel jam May 2012"

I know that it is posted to Youtube, the search is not working yet, not sure why??

Posted: 21 May 2012 7:14 pm
by Larry Behm

Posted: 21 May 2012 7:48 pm
by Dave Grafe
I want to add my thanks and appreciation to Larry and Lynn, Kenny, Deb and Tim, for their energy and general good vibes. I arrived late and sans instrument, after working another event earlier in the day, and so I owe special gratitude to Bob Muller for fixing up Eric's "Butter Knife" guitar in such glorious fashion and hauling it down to the jamboree, and to Harley James for hooking it up to a bitchin' amp and making it lots of fun.

Posted: 21 May 2012 9:41 pm
by Dave Harmonson
Wish I coulda been there. The only steel player I got to hear yesterday was me.
Hopefully I can make the next one.

Posted: 22 May 2012 5:41 am
by Brian McGaughey
I'm with you, Dave.

I had it on my calendar, then 5 days before, up jumps the devil and I'm a no-go.

I feel like I'm missing out on the brotherhood...

Posted: 22 May 2012 6:54 am
by Larry Behm
Dave and Brian do not worry, you are part of the brotherhood, we all know who you are and that sometimes we get busy with life and can not make it down. We are trying to have 2 per year so the time will be right one of these days.

Thanks Kathy Johnson (Muller) and Tony for the pictures and the video on you tube.

Larry Behm

Steel Jam

Posted: 22 May 2012 6:57 am
by Lynn Stafford
Wow, what a great time it was! I really have to tip my hat to Larry Behm for all the effort that he made in doing mostof the leg work...much more than I did in arranging for the use of the Beaverton Elks Lodge. There were a host of other folks that did things like getting the word out to everyone, and my wife, Kathy who put all the information, like the song charts and driving directions on our band's web site. Much thanks also to the backup band; Deb, Kenny and Tim, who also did a fabulous job for us!

Hopefully, those who weren't able to make this one will be able to come to the next!

Posted: 22 May 2012 7:36 am
by Pete Burak
Any takers on the "Bar Harbor, ME" fleece jacket?
I will drop it off at the Elks I guess (I go right by there on my way home).
I thought it was one of our guys who was sitting near the Eric West guitar area.

Posted: 22 May 2012 9:15 am
by Bob Muller
Yes the jacket belongs to Jere Black, please contact me about getting it back.

Posted: 22 May 2012 9:32 am
by Pete Burak
Thanks, Bob.
I can either bring it down to your place at the next jam, or Jere can give me a ring and pick it up.
I am near the Terwilliger Curves.

Posted: 22 May 2012 12:11 pm
by Duane Becker
Thanks for the good time-I had a blast. Great pickers all of them for sure. Thanks to Larry, Lynn, Harley and the rest of the team whom I forgot, for a great jam. The three piece backup band members all were perfect!! I'm gonna have to do this again next May. Duane Becker

Posted: 22 May 2012 12:14 pm
by Jon Hyde
My favorite part of a Blakesby: the ashtray.


Posted: 22 May 2012 5:57 pm
by Eric West
I tried to post a photo of Eric and me, from my files, but it didn't work. I think you remember what Eric looked like. I'm sure his presence was felt as several played that fantastically restored steel of his. Thanks Bob and Bob L. and all who came together with parts. Eric is blown away by all the attention and touched deeply by your love. Eric and I are close, so I know this for sure :o) All those photos taken at the Jam are going into "Eric's Story" file. Anyway, keep on keeping on with the music you all love so well. Perhaps I can hear some of you play again soon. Godspeed. Eric's Mom aka Audrey Lundgren

Missing Guitars!

Posted: 22 May 2012 8:06 pm
by Randy Gilliam
Now I Know Where all the Emmons PP s are, I Really Enjoyed Watching The Jam, You Got some Really Good Players In Portland, Randy G. :D

Posted: 22 May 2012 8:35 pm
by Steve Hotra
Thanks to Larry, Harley, etc for a great Sunday afternoon! It was very humbling to be included with so many great musicians! I appreciate the invitation!

Posted: 29 May 2012 7:40 pm
by Dan Tyack
I wish I could have made it down, I was sicker than a dog that morning.....

Next time!