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Mike Headrick

South Pittsburg, TN, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2009 3:27 am    
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You can add the state of Tennessee to the list. Tommy put his mod on my guitar a few months back, just in time for me to use it on my last CD before the St. Louis show. It did brighten up the guitar. If you have either of my last two CDs (Heart Of The Night and West Coast Gospel), then you've heard the mod.

I believe he has a satisfaction guarantee. He's a great guy, too.
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2009 12:00 pm     Tenn added
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Mike you and your great State of Tenn. have been added to the list as #10 in positive testimonials regarding this mod. Folks, take note, there have been no negative testimonials about this mod.
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Meridian Miss
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2009 1:37 pm     Mod
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AMEN to what you said Brad and all the folks can come by and visit Tommy at the Dallas show at his booth. When tone matters its MAX-Tone.
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Wally Taylor


Hardin, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2009 4:15 pm    
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I'd still like to see a video portraying an A/B test though. You know, BEFORE and AFTER. Neutral
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2009 6:32 pm     Modders please post
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Hey Jim, I just hope that all the people who have had this mod done to their Steels post on this thread and let the rest of us know how good it is. The more people that give testimonials, the more credibility this mod achieves. I believe that the last testimonial given by Mike Headricks was a great one because he is a recording artist.
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 7 Feb 2009 4:12 pm     Mod Job
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Ok it has been 3 days since the 10th gent gave a testimonial about this mod...I truely thought there would be a bigger response to this great Mod..only 10 guys so far...not very convincing.
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Tommy Young


Ethelsville Alabama
Post  Posted 7 Feb 2009 10:48 pm    
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Brad you can come by the booth at DALLAS if your interested,,, there are plenty of players that are playing my MOD some aren't members,,, some don't post anytime,,, some have sent you mail that you didn't put on here as I'm told,,,MY MAX-TONE MOD stands for itself it cleans up the TONE of the guitar from end to end,,,,,,, as you see there hasn't been any BAD replies so if you are truly interested in having the very best in """TONE"""give me a call and I'll be glad to play one or 2 and show you or anyone the difference it really makes...BRAD these guy's aren;t spending their hard earned money for nothing,,, that would be foolish for them or anyone else for that matter ,,,, they have played ,herd and listened to the difference it has made in their own guitars many times over,,some for 2 to 3 years now,,, why do you think they keep coming back to have me fix another one,, because guy's like yourself play his guitars and hear the difference,, he sells it to them and buy's another and makes a few dollars and keeps the very best in tone by having me correct the TONE on his guitars after he buy's them,,,,, BRAD I have max-toned as many as 6 for the same player and there is several forum members that i have done that many for are they all foolish for spending money with me for something that doesn't work,,,,, I don't think so neither do they.. because they have played and herd the difference many times now over and over the same and now even better results as i keep improving """"THE MAX-TONE MOD"""""all the time... If you don't think that I can do as all these members has told you i can then please don't let it bother you,,,, """"JESUS""" COULDN'T PLEASE EVERYONE NEITHER CAN I""""""'" Brad if your guitars tone doesn't need anything thats great,,, I am so proud for you,, that you have that good a sounding guitar, there are some that do not need a lot of help but others need a lot,,,,,,,, that's what i do try my best to make each guitars TONE as rich as possible to suite the individual player as to his personal likes and dislikes in his guitars """TONE""""everything has limitations, so do I and so do the guitars themselves,
BMI dealer,Classic VIBE 100 amp... SIT strings..
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2009 11:59 am     10 positive testimonials
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Tommy Young wrote> some have sent you mail that you didn't put on here as I'm told<<

Tommy, you were told wrong..the only replies that I have received are on this thread. My latest count is 10 people...6 people from MS, one from Ala., one from Tex, one from Indiana and one from Tenn. All ten of these people have given positive testimonials regarding this mod.

Tommy, like you say, there are others but I can't count people who do not reply to the thread. Best of luck.
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Tommy Young


Ethelsville Alabama
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2009 6:26 pm    
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Brad one gentlemen sent me an e-mail said he sent you one but you hadn't posted it,,, so I was just relaying what was sent to me,,,,, doesn't matter as ten more wouldn't make a bit of difference because some wouldn't have their guitar fixed if it ((((((sounded like a 15 stringed banjo out of tune because ole ------- played it that way ,,,, HA HA you have a great day my friend
BMI dealer,Classic VIBE 100 amp... SIT strings..
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2009 9:03 am     a little disappointing
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Tommy, I get a lot of trash email so it is quite possible that I may have deleted the one message to which you are referring. Tommy, the more people who give positive testimonials about your mod, the more well known it becomes. I was hoping that we would get a better far only 10 people responded..that's really a little disappointing.
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Charlie Moore

Deville, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2009 9:46 am     Tommy Mod
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Well i had a mullen with the mod and sold it like a fool,now i have another mullen that i will drop off to Tommy in dallas to have it done,I don't care about the 18 fret and up i care about the brassy sound on the lower strings,it might work and maybe not but it will be worth it to me if it works,the mullen guitars play so good that i give up tone for easy playin but this one needs HELP..JMO..
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Johnny Thomasson


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2009 2:47 pm     Fact Finding, or Crusade?
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Brad Malone wrote:
Tommy, I get a lot of trash email so it is quite possible that I may have deleted the one message to which you are referring. Tommy, the more people who give positive testimonials about your mod, the more well known it becomes. I was hoping that we would get a better far only 10 people responded..that's really a little disappointing.

Brad, I don't think it's realistic to expect that a significant number of the folks that have Tommy's mod are going to read this thread and post a review. Not in a week's time, anyway. 11 now so far, but I'm sure Tommy's done a "few" more mods than that. However, what I do think is significant is, all 11 (especially with Mike Headricks being a studio player and Charlie Moore being a repeat customer... and I think there were other repeat customers in there as well), ALL comments were positive. Nobody has posted a negative comment regarding Tommy's mod. Although the current sample size is admittedly small, what IS statistically significant is that ALL the responses were overwhelmingly positive. You can't get any 11 people to agree on where to go eat lunch... Smile Just ask 11 people which strings sound the best, or which amps have the best tone... likely you'll get 11 different answers.

As I stated in a previous post, based on my 30+ years as a luither, I will allow that Tommy's claims have credibility based on my own experience. My opinion is also based on some of the things I've "read between the lines" in Tommy's posts. I also stated that I don't have Tommy's mod, but would if I could afford it. I think my '72 Pro-II sounds great just as it, but it does start to get a little thin beyond the 15th fret. Tommy himself stated (above) that not ALL guitars benefit equally from his process. That's being forthcoming, as I try to be with my customers. But because I'm far from the greatest steel player around, I'll welcome any and all the help I can get. Oh Well

Brad, I honestly can't tell whether you're just trying to gather some facts to facilitate a decision on your part to have Tommy mod your guitar, or if you are on some kind of crusade to discredit Tommy's work. If it's the former, allow me to suggest this: make arrangements with Tommy to let you play a guitar before and after he modifies it. Then see whether YOU think the investment is worthwhile. It really doesn't matter how many people think what, it's your guitar, your money, and YOUR'S is the only opinion that counts. Based on things he's said on this forum, I feel sure Tommy would accommodate you in making such an evaluation to decide objectively for yourself.

On the other hand... if for some reason (?) you are trying to discredit the work and sole source of income for a physically disabled guy who's trying to make a living for himself, and treat others right in the process... well, I just can't understand that at all. I sure hope that's not the case, and I will give you the benefit of the doubt on that one.

I usually watch threads I've posted to, for the same reason many others do I suppose. But this one seems to have run it's course. The way this is headed, I seriously doubt anything's going to be proven or disproven here, one way or the other. I've said all I know, so it's time to move on to other topics.

Like which strings sound the best, or which amps have the best tone... Laughing
Johnny Thomasson
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2009 7:00 pm     State of Louisiana
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Hey Charlie Moore, thanks for your reply and positive testimonial about the are on the list as #11 from the great state of Louisiana.
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2009 7:16 pm     ALL comments were positive
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However, what I do think is significant is, all 11 (especially with Mike Headricks being a studio player and Charlie Moore being a repeat customer... and I think there were other repeat customers in there as well), ALL comments were positive. Nobody has posted a negative comment regarding Tommy's mod. Although the current sample size is admittedly small, what IS statistically significant is that ALL the responses were overwhelmingly positive.<<

Johnny Thomasson, your above statement is correct and just adds to the credibility of the Mod. Some threads go on for weeks..more people are sure to reply and add to the credibility of the Mod. This is a very positive thread..hope it remains positive.
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Charlie Moore

Deville, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 10 Feb 2009 7:50 am     news
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Tommy my friend you are the talk of the town buddy and it is over due enjoy..Charlie....
p/s i'll bring ya my guitar to Dallas for a MOD job,and you can give me a little break for all the nice things i said bout you.ha..c ya..
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Tommy Young


Ethelsville Alabama
Post  Posted 12 Feb 2009 7:02 pm    
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BRAD i SEE THAT YOU JUST TAKE LITTLE SNIPPETS FROM WHAT I SAID, and not the whole post I made but didn't think you would answer it all,you weren't wanting to have your guitar modded because you didn't call that tells me and everybody what you are about.. to set the story straight there were was 2 of these that had 2 guitars fixed by me there was 2 others that had 6 or more done by me and one that has had 7 now done by me and i guess they are spending their money foolishly like you say you are the one that is trying to set the story strait on how many i've done with improvement to """TONE"""" thats a good many guitars just on here.... but to tell you how many I've done it's now over 40 guitars for your infomation,,, now right that in your bio.hope it makes you feel better,, and by the way thanks for all the guy's that have called and setting up spots for theirs to be max-toned your doing real good..

OH YES CHARLIE MY FRIEND, yes I will be glad to pick your guitar over at the DALLAS show and it will be even better than the first one I did for you,,, as I've improved it several times since then.give me a call at 662-251-0948 e-mail address
BMI dealer,Classic VIBE 100 amp... SIT strings..
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Billy Carr


Seminary, Mississippi, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 12 Feb 2009 7:21 pm     mod
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And the MODMAN rides again into the sunset to enhance another PSG! Go TY!
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 12 Feb 2009 8:05 pm     TY states that he has modded 40 guitars
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TY Writes>I've done it's now over 40 guitars for your infomation,,, now right that in your bio<<

TY, thanks for the information, so far 11 people have replied to this thread and gave positive testimonials about your mod...I'm sure more people will reply.
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Tim Holmgren


Washington, USA
Post  Posted 12 Feb 2009 9:14 pm     That Mod Wow
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I had emailed Brad through the Forum with my feelings and experiences with regard to Tommy's MOD. Mostly, I don't like to post publicly, wanting not to risk sounding foolish. In any case I'll repeat publicly the essence of what I wrote privately. Tommy's mod absolutely brought my Magnum to life. The mod made a night-and-day difference to my ears. The guitar sustains effortlessly all the way up the neck. Prior to the mod it sounded as if it were choking once the bar moved past the 12th fret.

That's the essence of it... effortlessness. The guitar - post MOD - has a powerful, yet sweet tonal character with a good deal of bite, sizzle and even TWANG now. I love playing it. The guitar responds consistenly from bottom to top.

Apparently several people have found intelligent reasons to get the mod done to their guitars. I'll "chime" Very Happy in as the 12th out of 40.

I would definitely get the mod done again should I buy another guitar. Thanks, Tommy.

Tim H in Seattle
Pickin' & Grinnin'
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 13 Feb 2009 6:44 am     Tim Holmgren is #12
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Hey Tim you are #12 on the list of positive testimonials regarding TY's mod. Like I said in a prior post, I may have clicked too fast and deleted your Email, if so, I apologize. It is a shame that some builders are putting expensive steels on the market that are in need of further modification..why don't they get it right before shipping so people are satisfied from the git-go? Tim, if I were you, I would call the builder and explain the time and the cost you incurred to get their product working as it should have when they shipped it. Spending 3 or 4 thousand for a product that needs modification before it sounds right is not acceptable...the builders should get it right before shipping or get out of business. Maybe we should take a lesson from TW, he went to the shop and had Jeff make all the necessary adjustments before he accepted the product. I would not have know that if I did not read his post on the SGF.
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Tommy Young


Ethelsville Alabama
Post  Posted 14 Feb 2009 4:56 pm    
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BRAD you sure do talk a lot about what you would do if you were one of these other guy's,,do you think for a minute that you have the very best sounding guitar in the world,, or do you even play a steel guitar, know were have i seen where you play for a local band or one of the touring country artist, just what makes you or gives you the authority to make these decisions or to have the knowledge to,and or ears to know if your own guitar sounds good, bad, or totally like a piece of junk to anyone but yourself, as most all of us that has played in bands and went to many, many shows and herd and played literally hundreds of steels as some of us has,,, just give us a little rundown on what gives """"YOU"""" the knowledge to go tell a builder that his guitar sounds bad ------ I have told them that a certain guitar they built was weak sounding HAVE YOU ????????or do you know the difference in ""TONE"" of a guitar and ""TONE"" that is produced by the HANDS please explain to us,, now that you know all the difference and how do you expect to tell these builders just as YOU said you would,,, i sure want to hear your explanation of all this that you say you would do...
BMI dealer,Classic VIBE 100 amp... SIT strings..
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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 14 Feb 2009 5:19 pm     vent
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Vent=verbalize,articulate, declare, voice, let loose, unload, release.

USA, What a great country.
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Post  Posted 14 Feb 2009 5:22 pm     max tone
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Goodness fellas.Why all the hoopla?Thomas Malugin
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Post  Posted 14 Feb 2009 5:36 pm     another thing
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I can,t really see why Mr Young gets so defensive.No one has really said anything against his mod thing...Im glad That I have a push pull..That way I.ll never need a mod.It is the best sounding steel..... ever.....Thomas Malugin
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richard burton

Post  Posted 14 Feb 2009 10:27 pm    
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I think that a steel manufacturer, on being told that his instrument was tonally deficient, would be quite concerned that the door didn't connect with the 'guru's' butt as he exited shortly after imparting this information Smile
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