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Posted: 8 Jul 2008 9:18 am
by Theresa Galbraith
I give my opinion like everyone else.

They picked from the ones that tried out, don't ya think?

Anyway, I'm disappointed Coffey is still on the show. :(

Posted: 8 Jul 2008 9:45 am
by chris ivey
peter d. ....hi pete, sorry, didn't mean to duplicate your thread. i almost never look at the 'music' column. however, we've known for years how similarly we think! this just verifies it some more. too bad jim sliff is so rigid he can't have any fun.

Posted: 8 Jul 2008 10:27 am
by Clyde Mattocks
I get it that this is a rip off of the old "Gong Show" theme and panders to the lowest common denominator and is a parody of country music. But
what I can't understand is someone like Jewel, who
has (had) some measure of integrity and stature, oohing and aahing over some clown that couldn't find
a pitch with a roadmap and a flashlight.

Posted: 8 Jul 2008 2:47 pm
by David Mason
Two loudmouth a-holes and a once-moral artist slowly going Hollywood, evaluating a bunch of amateurs who were picked to fulfill demographic niches, rather than for any inherent musicality.... I have officially yanked my endorsement. The first season was good, now they've gone major network and in an attempt to be "American Idol" they managed to tank their own ratings. Hopefully I'll be dead before I have to watch Jewel perfect her Norma Desmond "Sunset Boulevard" decline.

Posted: 8 Jul 2008 4:34 pm
by Joe Drivdahl
Hey Theresa,

Long time, no talk.

Yeah, you're probably right. They probably had to work with what they had (which obviously wasn't much). Maybe thats why American Idol shows us all the losers first; so we can see what they had to choose from.

I guess they didn't call it "Country Star" did they? Which explains why Jewel and the others are the judges.

Soon Nashville won't be the home of Country Music anymore. It will just be "Nashville" music whatever that is at the time.


Posted: 9 Jul 2008 1:31 am
by Alvin Blaine
Joe Drivdahl wrote:
Soon Nashville won't be the home of Country Music anymore. It will just be "Nashville" music whatever that is at the time.

Hasn't Nashville always just been called "Music City USA"? At least for about 50 years now!

Posted: 9 Jul 2008 5:40 am
by Mike Cass
D. Mason...substitute Lower Broadway for Sunset Blvd. and you'll have it... :lol:

I dont get Jewel...I thought she had an uncompromising and extremely lucrative career going in alt-rock or what ever its called these days?
I know that rock 'n roll $$ is head & shoulders above country $$ so her move over here seems like a step down in both funds and her highly touted principles, knowing Nashville as I do.
The only folks Ive seen attempt that transistion are usually waaaaay over with in pop/rock music and are looking to land somewhere soft...the old joke; not good enough to rock out anymore but still good enough for country...and by that point most of those folks have thrown their cherished principles out with the bathwater and will sing anything to get back on the radio.
Its a shame in Jewel's case because I really did like her earlier stuff for what it was. The plaintive, "I'm me,love me-love you" kinda stuff isnt my cup of tea but she did it well and it seemed to come from the heart. Perhaps Jewel has had a "homeless flashback" and is looking to move to a warmer climate, just in case.
It makes no sense......its like if Vince Gill just up and tossed his country career aside, moved to N.Y. and started up an alternative rock band. We'd think he'd lost his mind.
I used to work for a "crossover artist"....I know that the audience loved that particular artists early country music and they tolerated the later pop leanings. But in concert, I noticed that after 2 or 3 pop tunes in a row they started to fidget and wonder when the first 2(of 5)violins would again make the death-defying leap back to being twin-fiddles.
Jewel honey, escape the 'ol tourist trap while there's still time. Id sure hate to see her end up doing 2 shows daily on the General Jackson and a 10-2 shift Tuesday nights somewhere on Lower Broad....which is the best any of the contestants from the show can hope for, all things being equal.

Posted: 9 Jul 2008 6:28 am
by Theresa Galbraith
Mike we agree somewhat.

Actually, Vince did start in rock & crossed over like so many other artists! :)

Posted: 9 Jul 2008 9:04 am
by John McGlothlin
I'm not a professional steel guitarist by no means but compared to what is done with this so-called new age country music I can do a 100 times a better job with a pedal steel or a guitar either one...the only problem is...the listeners these days don't want to hear anything that sounds good...they just want to hear a bunch of unorganized noise and watch a bunch of silly clowns jumpin and flip floppin around on the stage. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 9 Jul 2008 6:03 pm
by Leland Darst
Im sorry folks, BUT the show, (Nashville Star) is not allowed on any of the TVs in my house. Call me a dinosaur. :\

Posted: 9 Jul 2008 7:20 pm
by Darryl Hattenhauer

With the very important exception of the sidemen, most of those acts are human karaoke machines. But less creative.

I gotta ask, since you're in Sack o' tomato, are you any relation to the Giants' Mike Ivey?

Dave said,
Last week it opened with a synth-bass-drums version of Madonna's paean to oral sax, "Like a Prayer." I stuck it out a bit...

Posted: 10 Jul 2008 6:23 am
by Mike Cass
I may be talking sense to nonsense here, but its the difference between little apples and BIG Oranges, Theresa. We hardly agree at all it seems.
Vince's first real foray into mainstream radio came in the 70's when he was part of Pure Prarie League, which definitely wasnt an alt.rock band. maybe, but definitely not R&R.
So imo, your argument for Vinny being a crossover artist doesnt hold water against Jewel, who had a definite and huge fan base in R&R and rock radio before she "crossed over".
If/when Vince crossed over at all he did it some time before joining PPL, mandolin and banjo firmly in hand, at midnight, just over the Ohio-Kentucky state line with no one else watching.
So once again we're back to agreeing that Gregg plays his a$$ off :wink:
Lets just leave it at that.

Posted: 10 Jul 2008 7:23 am
by Theresa Galbraith
Ok Mike,
PPL was played on Rock stations! I think PPL showed Vince's vocal and guitar ability. I believe because of that work with PPL, is when he started doing alot of backup singing work. I could be wrong? He did get signed shortly after that on a country label.

VInce just got a Grammy for his Double CD. One was country and the other was abit cross over.

I'll leave it alone! :)

Yes, Gregg picks his bottom off! :)

Posted: 10 Jul 2008 7:56 am
by Joe Casey
Boy I will agree with Greggs picking comments..But not the NS contestants being a hit on Lower broad...I have heard and there still are those paying dues down there that could have been way more talented contestants and more deserving of a shot. .I listened with an open mind this past week and wonder how these contestants got qualified for the show?..Little girl voices with potential down the road but Nashville Star Boy is the business in trouble if thats the best showcase of newbies they can find? NBC had a chance to produce a good show out of Nashburg not an amatuer hour of Kareoke mirror singers..Someone should tell Coffey to dump the Cowboy hat even if he did shovel C.S. on his pappys farm...He ain't no Cowboy Troy, But then again neither is Troy..Y.G.T.B.S.M..!!!!

Posted: 10 Jul 2008 9:17 am
by Pat Jenkins
I have worked in country radio for quite a while...and I have been watching Nashville Star. I am hard pressed to find much on mainstream radio any better than what we are seeing on NS. I believe music row could take any of these people into a studio, doctor them up, put them in the right package, promotion and distribution...and they will be the next Nashville Star.

If you haven't been to a concert to hear one of the hot new country acts, you are in for an awakening. Most of them can't sing, either. Turn up the music as loud as you can get it and maybe the audience won't know that you can't sing. Dance around and act like you are out of breath, the audience will think you are an entertainer. Now, there are exceptions to every rule. The artists today are using a form of protools to do all of their live stuff, they can not sing on pitch.

Anyway, enough of that. I do find Nashville Star to be entertaining. I guess that is their main goal in the first place.

Posted: 10 Jul 2008 11:02 am
by Joe Casey
Pat..Like yourself I have worked some Radio but as an artist musician for some forty years and still do when someone remembers me. I do get to be invited as a backstage guest by promoter friends to many area concerts.. I find even if the back up bands painted two more numbers on their amps (and on occasion I don't blame them) to get it up to twelve ,Bad singing,pitch control,timing during a live show is hard to disguise..Yes there are many singers recording now that have altered sessions before their efforts being released for sales. But truly it will take a lot of work to make a star out of Coffey...This show done right could be so much better if the producers actually knew what talent is and search the Nashville night spots where a lot is....The Format is somewhat crazy..After all is said and done it is a popularity contest where voting is unlimited..So far there have been a couple who have rose to stardom even however brief..This business is tough and labels only tolerate success..This show really even if its from Nashville the theme should be to put the best up front...Someone with a real chance to become the next Carrie or Kelly...Not someone who will wind up driving home in a new pick-up to return to local club work..This is a great showcase and so far little more.Just my opinion..

Posted: 10 Jul 2008 11:32 am
by Theresa Galbraith
I think Coffey should have never been picked in the first place.
I guess the public hears something we don't, because they keep voting for him. :(

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 12:34 pm
by chris ivey
can you spell t-o-k-e-n ...

darryl...just saw your question about me and mike relation unfortunately. i could use a few good millionaires in the family!

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 1:17 pm
by Darryl Hattenhauer

I could use a few good thousandaires.


Posted: 12 Jul 2008 8:23 pm
by John Macy

"I'm not a professional steel guitarist by no means but compared to what is done with this so-called new age country music I can do a 100 times a better job with a pedal steel or a guitar either one..."

I'd like to hear that--can you post some clips?

Posted: 13 Jul 2008 11:59 am
by Theresa Galbraith
I'd like to hear that---can you post some clips?

Posted: 15 Jul 2008 4:55 am
by Joe Casey
Wow Where I live in Florida was spared the misery last night..Actually I was watching the major league home run derby and I tivo NS..God decided it was time to take that crap off the air at least the singers part.. All it recorded was the intros and the line-up ending..Lightning storm that lasted a good part of the evening shut down satelite..But I did get to notice Coffey was still remaining....Hope rain shuts down the phone lines.too.Local Jocks are saying the shows terrible.....There is justice in this music world....I'm not down on the show because of its lack of traditional content...Its all about Talent and the big lack there of...

Posted: 15 Jul 2008 5:24 am
by Karen Lee Steenwijk
I think the producers of this show should let it rest for awhile and come up with a different show.
Called "Steelin' Around The World".Now that would be something to watch.The panel of "Judges" could be "Lloyd"."Paul" "Buddy" "Tommy" ect.Can you imagine how many steel players that we have never heard of? Ones that are "excellent" and keep that steel under the bed.
I heard on "The TV" that the next show in the time slot is a show about "Dogs".Now why cant these guys do something "great" this time? Gee I if wishes only came true,huh? :whoa: :whoa:


Posted: 15 Jul 2008 9:31 am
by Ken Thompson
I here what you guys are saying about the talent "in general" but are you saying that Gabe can't sing, or can't sing country? Man I would back that young man up anytime anywhere. You don't get much more country than that. I have to assume that most of these comments are about the other contestants and I couldn't agree more.

Posted: 15 Jul 2008 9:51 am
by Bo Borland
I would rather be practicing and playing my steel than spend any time watching any tv show.