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Posted: 28 Mar 2007 12:18 pm
by Bill Ferguson
new clip added 3/28

Posted: 30 Mar 2007 8:14 am
by Bill Ferguson
New clips added 3/30/07

Posted: 30 Mar 2007 3:12 pm
by Alan Brookes
I see all these notes about new clips added. Where's the list and how do we add to it ? Are you continally modifying the original list ?

If so, here are a few of my friend Basil Henriques'...






Posted: 30 Mar 2007 3:16 pm
by Bill Ferguson
The list is in the very first post of this topic. I add a "bump" every time I post a new video.

You cannot add to this list. These are only the video's I have posted.

Each one is also posted individually under "Steel On The Web"

Bill Ferguson

Posted: 30 Mar 2007 3:24 pm
by Alan Brookes
Bill, it seems I was editing while you were replying. Anyway, Forum member Basil Henriques has a lot of excellent videos on YouTube, and I tried to paste them here.

Posted: 31 Mar 2007 5:34 am
by Bill Ferguson
Alan, I don't see your links from Basil.

I would appreciate it if you would start a new topic for that and leave this topic for the video's that I have posted.

Bill Ferguson

Posted: 10 Apr 2007 12:58 pm
by Pete Young
Thanks again Bill

Tommy Dodd & Johnny cox

Posted: 12 Apr 2007 12:49 pm
by Bill Ferguson
4/12/07 New clips added

Posted: 13 Apr 2007 5:48 am
by Tommy White
Thanks for the vids. The Garland Nash vid does it for me. Fabulous touch and just great playing.

Posted: 16 Apr 2007 11:01 am
by John Sluszny
Bill,thank you again !
Here in Europe we don't have the
opportunity to see too many steel players.
That's another reason why your contribution
is so precious ! :D

Jeff Newman

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 4:51 pm
by Bill Ferguson
Clip added 4/17/07

Posted: 19 Apr 2007 10:27 am
by Bill Ferguson
Just uploaded a clip of Robbie Turner

Posted: 25 Apr 2007 4:03 pm
by Bill Ferguson
New clip added so let's bump

Greetings from Iraq

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 4:26 pm
by Charley Hill

Thanks so much for these postings. I am here in Iraq and the only steel picking I have got to hear was one of the nicest guys around. Arty Passes. He was here with Charlie Robison and Kevin Fowler!! Great guys.
Anyway, again....thanks for the postings. Hope to get back to Saluda for another show soon.

Charley Hill

Posted: 5 May 2007 6:12 am
by Pete Young
Still enjoying every one of them Bill. I don't think we stop to think how many different styles of playing that there are. Everyone has that little lick or the way they do it. The more you listen the more you notice

Bill Ferguson's Videos

Posted: 8 May 2007 2:27 pm
by Bernie Gonyea

:roll: Bill; I agree with Tommy White about the video with Garland Nash; it is fabulous; I just love the sound of those non-pedal guitars, especially when they are played so well when done by folks like Garland and Maurice Anderson. More of these fine clips, Bill. Miss seeing your videos very much.. Bernie :lol:

Posted: 9 May 2007 3:44 pm
by Bill Ferguson
I have been a little lax lately, other things going on. I will try to get some more up soon.


Posted: 9 May 2007 7:09 pm
by Benton Allen
My 2 Cents Worth:

I feel that at some future date people will look back at the posting of these videos and realize that they did more to promote the popularity of steel guitar than any other single venue.
The number of hits these videos are getting is astounding! Never before have we in the steel guitar community had the opportunity to veiw and listen to such a variety of steel guitar styles and talent as we are now able to enjoy and learn from.
Some of us can remember the days, not too many years ago, when there wasn't any educational material available. None!! All we had was WSM and the Grand Ole Opry to listen to on Saturday nights - AM radio - static and all!! No internet, no computers, no books, no steel guitar shows, no steels to go look at, no one to teach steel guitar, and in most areas of the country no one that even played steel - remember when Sho-Bud came out with their original steel guitar course put together and edited by Dewitt Scott? What a landmark event in the evolution of our instrument! If we didn't need it for the minimal and basic educational material it contained, we bought it for the pictures it contained! I still have mine somewhere around here. Jeff Newman started his steel guitar College, and Doug Jernigan and others began publishing instructional books and cassettes. All of these were steps of improvement, and greatly contributed to our individual skill levels. Then after all these years came the internet! Mike Scott's is outstanding, and in itself is a great contrbutor to the popularity of the steel guitar. Now we have the video postings that Bill and others are putting out there for us to enjoy, and they are again revolutionizing the popularity of our instrument. Not only can one listen, but we can also see the artist or instructor as he/she plays.
Bill Ferguson is a quality individual and is doing the steel guitar community a great service in my opinion.
We should all encourage Bill to keep those videos coming!!!
Keep up the good work, Bill!!!


Thank You

Posted: 13 May 2007 7:43 am
by Bill Ferguson
Thank you for the kind words Benton. I have been a little lazy lately about converting some more video over to digital so I can post on YouTube. But I am not through by any means.

I have a couple of more St Louis pickers to post and then a bunch from Knoxville.

Plus Paul Franklin is going to send me some of his picking to go through and post. So I hope to keep this site interesting for a while to come.


Posted: 22 May 2007 2:31 pm
by Bill Ferguson
I just added a new clip of Herby Wallace to the list.

Have at it.


Bump Up

Posted: 13 Jun 2007 12:42 pm
by Bill Ferguson
I have had some emails wondering how to find my videos and this post was WAY down the list on the forum.

So here ya go. And keep an eye out for "Tom Brumley" video soon.

Posted: 14 Jun 2007 12:43 pm
by Bill Ferguson
New clip added 6/14/07

Posted: 30 Jun 2007 10:16 am
by Bill Ferguson
Time for a bump - new Buddy Emmons video added

New clip added

Posted: 19 Jul 2007 11:03 am
by Bill Ferguson
Dale Wagner clip added
in 1st post



Posted: 26 Jul 2007 6:42 pm
by Sonny Priddy
Thanks Bill I love It. I Like The Dale Wagner Stuff Dale Played Steel Behind Me When He Was Real Young We Were Friends For Many years. Thanks Agan. SONNY.