I see a lot of posts on how good Tom Brumley was and is. I don't see one on how nice a guy he is. When Buck first came to Montreal we wanted to get back stage but security was very tight. I happen to see Tom walking by and called him over to say hello tho I did not know him. He came over and we told him we were local musicians and we wanted to get back to meet the band. He called a guard over and told him we were old friends. Backstage we went and met all the band. We followed them all around within two hundred miles and got to know them quite good. Then we went to Ottawa one time and got there late. We had to stand at the side cause there was no more room Buck saw us there and asked right over the mike to get us some chairs and they set them right in front of the steel. we sat there and bugged Tom about his guitar been a cross between a shobud and a emmons The bad part of both, the whole show and he bugged back. Not only were they great musicans but they were all super guys too. Tom was gold in both his playing and life Will never forget those days I sometimes think we were blessed
Pete Young Montreal[This message was edited by Pete Young on 29 July 2006 at 07:30 AM.]