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Posted: 4 Nov 2004 1:19 pm
by Billy Joe Bailey
Bobbee if you could you would giveaway your heart, But we know it take's you selling somethig and makeing a litte profit, to put beans on the table.We know you ca'nt give away the world, thats to democratic, ha ha, You know, you can be around someone alittle while, and either, there is a personality clash from the two different mind sets.
I have met and spoke to Bobbee ,on two or three, dirrent time, but he left me with the same imprssion,He was happy and he got me happy about steelguitar. and and that was he cared about what little dumb steelguitar question that Imight have. I wish him the very best.I do see his spelling has improved
since I have been of the form, and that is the one thing that does make me somewhat jeolse, of him but I just aint cai't find that spelling check box on the forum??????
BJ Bailey

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Billy Joe Bailey on 04 November 2004 at 01:42 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 3:27 am
by Farris Currie
HEY,HEY,Got to talk with BOBBE yesterday!He didn't call me no bad names!!didn't pull the phone out of the wall!!Now,i must tell all,BOBBE is the man!I think he needs a big bump!!!!! farris

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 4:00 am
by Tony Davis
I can't believe I just read all of this ........
If you have a dealer in anything....he has to make a profit to stay afloat and pay his staff.........iff he treats people right...they will come back........Bobbe gave me CD's and half price shirt..knowing full well that I wouldnt be sending to America and paying postage on stuff like strings when I can get them here....and that I am a friend of Noel Anstead who makes Anapeg guitars here...should I need work on my guitar that I cant do.
Bobbe and I were friends before I went to his shop......and I just really believe he wanted me to have those CD's.
Smiley was with me at the time and I think everyone knows that Bobbee gave Smiley a refurbished Sho-Bud to rectify a mistake that had been made way back in the dark ages........I played this guitar in Nashville and it is great!
So I guess all I am saying can choose your can't choose your my Great Great Grandad thrice removed used to tell me...............Ïf you cain't say something nice about someone...dont say anything at all "

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 4:32 am
by Chippy Wood
I second all that Tony.

Ron (Chippy) Wood
Emmons D10
Carter SD10

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 4:33 am
by Chippy Wood
I'll go along with all that Tony. Oh Oh slipped again (I'm typing too fast for my own good)

Ron (Chippy) Wood
Emmons D10
Carter SD10

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Chippy Wood on 05 November 2004 at 04:34 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Chippy Wood on 05 November 2004 at 04:35 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 5:53 am
by Terry Sneed
Yea Ron, you are the man! Image

Zum D10 /8x5 / session 400
steelin for my Lord

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 6:49 am
by Tom Callahan
You just keep up all the trash talking. I know that Bobbe and his staff really appreciate all the publicity you give them for free. This is better than a paid tv ad.
Matter of fact, I am going to drive all the way to nashville to purchase an item from Bobbe that I can get at my local hardware store.
Just like to see the guy and talk with Dan.
So you see while you are fuming and ranting, Bobbe just gets into his Jag and drives down to Kentucky fried chicken and hums all the way. I know he will, I've seen him do it.
And the bottom line on all your trash, I personally know of people that Bobbe has given guitars too. No publicity just gave them and went on his way.
He has stopped me from making some costly errors and not made a dime doing it. Guess the old saying of "cast your bread on the water" proves so true here.
Besides, there is all the charity work that Bobbe does for the unemployed "Blond Sector" of Nashville. Got to admire the man for that.

Tom Callahan
Emmons S-10
Nashville 400

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 7:31 am
by Farris Currie
well after yesterdays news letter!and those red tinney boppers!!!in front of the President!!! WOW, sounds like a redneck to me.!! ha ha farris

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 8:29 am
by L. A. Wunder
I bought a Dobro from Bobbe years ago. Not only did he treat me well,(like a REAL steel player)but he threw-in a case and a strap! The case was beaten-up and looked like it had seen the road. I have since repaired it many times with ducttape,and I can't bear to part with it, because he gave it to me. Everytime I play that Dobro I think of him, and dream of putting a few miles on that case myself!


Posted: 5 Nov 2004 11:29 am
by Peter
James, you are a hoot! I love it!

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 12:55 pm
by Stephen Gambrell
Go to Bobbe's website, and listen to him play"Crazy." If that ain't steel wizadry, I don't know what is!

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 1:01 pm
by Fred Shannon
Hey, you guys knock it off. His head's so big now he can't get in the Piper and from what I heard he's flying to Katy Tex sometime this month...

Bobbe, what's the C.G. on that bird now. You'll have to borrow someone's axe down there. You won't be able to get all of you and a D10 in that poor little bird. Image Image Image


The spirit be with you!
If it aint got a steel, it aint real

Posted: 5 Nov 2004 9:40 pm
by Gregg Thacker
I got an E-mail from 'da man himself(Mr. Seymore)! he is sending me the tee-shirt that I was hoping to be able to buy and a CD (as he put it) of his ego HA!. Folks, let me tell you something; He didn't have ot do that at all. He could have just as easily waited until I was able to order it...But he didn't. I really appreciate that in a repitable Steel Guitar dealer. That in my book says alot about a person of Mr. Seymore's caliber. You can bet you sweet "bippy" on this: If anyone asks me where they can find parts or a good bargain on a Steel Guitar, I am going to direct them to Mr. Seymore. I hope on e of these day that I will be able to go and meet him personally.

Terry mentioned a few messages above that Mr. Seymore could make the Steel do anything he wanted it to. He mentioned a couple of things but forgot to mention one thing. I'd be willing to bet that Mr. Seymore can make the Steel "Fly" too. I mean, he is a licensed pilot and all HA!

Ferris, I read your thread and that was real thoughtful of you and I appreciate your kindness. It looks like I will owe you a reimbersement. It's thoughtful people like Mr. Seymore and Ferris that make this world and Steel community worth while!

Several years ago, I ran what was referred to as a Bullitin Board in the anicient Commodore years(if anyone can still remember those things). If a user logged on and started a hornets nest like this so called "Peter" is trying to stir up, THEY GOT DELETED! I am suprised that our fearless leader of this GREAT forum has not taken any action about it. Oh, well, I guess he is waiting for the right time. Enough of my soapbox and mouth rambleing...You all take care and have a good 'un.


If it don't have a Steel, it ain't real!

Posted: 6 Nov 2004 8:09 am
by Farris Currie
Hello Gregg,don't owe me a dime my man!only thing is watch that MR.Seymore talk,hell we have enough trouble with him now!! only thing on here is watch your spelling,we got some that will call your hand on it!! ha ha
and about Bobbes flying,don't want him flying over my house!!later my friend.
enjoy!!! farris

Posted: 6 Nov 2004 9:30 am
by b0b
I was going to check for E mail but then I thought, "Why would Buddy send me a letter?"

Posted: 6 Nov 2004 10:13 am
by Farris Currie
hey b0b,dig that MR.SEYMORE!!we'll never hear the end to that!!huh. love it

Posted: 6 Nov 2004 11:18 pm
by Tracy Sheehan
So Bobbe can make all those weird sounds on his steel guitar.Big deal.Heck,i can do that.Now if i could only make it sound like a steel guitar. Tracy