Posted: 12 Jul 2003 8:24 am
I just got my V-SAM and it is a good tuner. However, I do disagree with the posts that it is dead-on for the E9th tuning only because we all seem to tune differently and the characteristics of each guitar are different- especially when it comes to the dreaded and lowly "cabinet drop" issue as each of our guitars has a bit different drop. If one tunes the guitar to itself the problem is I have 4 guitars and they all have different amounts of drop. I tune the 6th string B pedal A note to 440 then the 4th string E to it (usually ending up a bit sharp)and then back to the 6th string open (then obviously have to retune the A back to 440) then everything else to this using TMPR (no beats). What this takes into consideration is cabinet drop and all of my guitars are different in this respect hence one setting will not work for each instrument. As a result of this I plan to use the 2 programmable settings to help eliminate the problem. The main caviot to this is that it all goes out the window when playing with a keyboard when tuning pretty much straight up makes the band sound better.