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Posted: 24 Jan 2005 5:49 am
by David L. Donald
Paul I doubt anyone at the lable thinks she can sing.

They have a CD with corrected vocals that fits the market.

A pre-made made market to ride off her sisters coat tails.

And a relatively cute nubile as a front / piece of eye candy.

The tours are always a loss, selling CD's is the thing,
And it sold 2.5 million so far....

They could care less if she can sing, as long as the CD sells big.
But I bet a few wish she hadn't proved it so publicly...
It will make the 2nd cd a harder sell.
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 24 January 2005 at 05:51 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 7:34 am
by Herb Steiner
I agree with Jim Lutz, in that there's a lot more important things in the world to get one's bowels in an uproar over than Ashlee Simpson.

Still, I am reading this thread... but more in amusement than anything else. Image

One comment though: I doubt anyone at Tiny Tim's record company thought he could actually sing. Or William Shatner's record label(s). But the suits believed they could sell, and that, my friends, is what makes the world go 'round.

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 9:01 am
by James Lutz
One important thing to consider regarding "online petitions" and the signing thereof. I would suggest tightening down your spam filters because I would think that clicking on anything like that will get you on lots of lists. It is marketing. One takes an issue, couches it in terms that tend to inflame, and the response will be enormous. What spammer would not want all those email or IP addresses? It's pretty clever. Let's see, the issue is about a kid star that is a modern day version of the Monkees that sells millions of CD's. Her recent history on Saturday Night Live gives the public a peek behind the curtain of the music business. A righteous indignation ensues. Let's market a venting recepticle to tap into that indignation and disgust. Disgust, as in yet another kid that pops on the scene to the ire of all the good parents out there, sort of like that there Evis feller did once. And like a guy named Frankie did a generation prior. The only new wrinkle nowadays is the advent of the internet that we all love. Now we can vent our frustrations online and in return get an inbox filled with offers for Viagra and stop hair loss and cheap mortgages. I'd be careful what websites I put any info on.

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 10:57 am
by David L. Donald
Except Elvis and Frankie COULD sing!

And this hasn't notted my undies,
but it is a curious phenomenon.

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 11:28 am
by James Lutz
I agree. Elvis and Frankie had IMHO legitimate talent. However, they both in their era managed to raise the ire of the general population because they pushed established envelopes of the time. It is just that nowadays our culture is so jaded that to achieve the same effect takes a much more blatant and crass type to garner any attention at all. And I do believe that is the intent, to be famous. Not to have talent, merely being famous - becoming "celebrity" - is now a viable goal. That is unfortunate because there are people out there who do have talent and could be viable, and they are overshadowed by the talentless lot that is willing to settle for merely being "celebrity". Andy Warhol's fifteen minutes of fame is stretching towards a half hour for some of these poor souls. As long as the media innundated public continues to buy, there are those who are more than willing to sell....

"To think is to differ." Clarence Darrow

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 12:55 pm
by David Mason
If I recall correctly back in the distant mists of time, it seems to me like having a kind of music that was really effective at pissing off your parents was also a notable achievement. For me, it was Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and those other dangerous bands who worshipped Satan all the way to the bank, for my parents it was those licentious jitterbug records; Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles all had their shot at parental rage; Marilyn Manson is merely the new Alice Cooper, and even sex, drug and rock 'n' roll parents have to wonder about their little dears listening to porno rap. Marketing revolution and delineating the rules for nonconformity is an old, old story.

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 1:18 pm
by Jim Phelps
I was feeling like Ashley's dad was a monster, pushing his daughters like that, but while searching for info on the Ashley/Orangebowl debacle I came across an interview that convinced me that Ashley herself is quite a piece of work anyway, of course that could also be considered to be a result of her upbringing and therefore still comes back to her parents.

I can't find the link to the interview now, sorry if it's right here in this thread and I can't find it, I looked quickly but I don't think it was....

Someone interviewed A.S. and asked about the Orange Bowl mess. I can't find the article to quote her exactly but I'm sure I can get it pretty accurately. She said, "Maybe people didn't like me, maybe they were just mad because the whole half-time show sucked! .... I plan to not listen to a word anybody says and continue to make good music". She also blamed the stage setup at the Orange Bowl, no monitors etc. Her sister Jessica is supposed to have said something like, "wow, I don't know how you just did that, with no monitors or anything!", as if she was proud of her for accomplishing her performance under such substandard conditions.

Let me say that I don't even know if this is a legitimate article and can't find it again, but that's what it said. <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 24 January 2005 at 01:18 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 5:14 pm
by Tay Joslin
I hate to dig up bones here, but I just read a nasty rumor stating that Miss Simpson will be on stage at the Ryman Auditorium within the next few months. Is that true? Does Nashville have any idea where it came from? Too bad we can't get Mr. Roy Acuff's opinion of this situation.

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 8:21 pm
by David Cobb
Don't be surprised if Simpson appears on the Opry.
Michelle Branch (hope I got the name right) was on there a while back and she fit the Opry about like a saddle on a sow.

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 4:53 am
by Paul King
I do not get to see the Opry anymore since they went to a different network. It is sad to say the last few times I saw the Opry it was awful. Ashlee Simpson may fit right in on the show they have today. If some of those old stars were still around I do not believe this mess would be going on.

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 11:10 am
by Tay Joslin

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 11:54 am
by Smokey Fennell
One thing to remember about her selling so many albums is that her core audience is 10 to 14 years old. A mystery to me is why someone thought she would be appreciated by football fans.

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 3:16 pm
by Rick Garrett
She's the worse singer I've ever heard on a stage anywhere. I don't care how many albums she sells she's still got to go home at the end of the day and WISH she could sing.


Posted: 22 Feb 2005 3:33 pm
by Earnest Bovine
<SMALL>]She's the worse singer I've ever heard on a stage anywhere</SMALL>
So you haven't been watching American Idol. Watch it tonight and let's see if you can repeat that statement tomorrow.

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 3:14 am
by David L. Donald
Now this even surprised me.

I was working on a project when athe half American half Thai son of my friend here, overheard me discussing bad bad bad chick singers in the karioki bar I had just stopped into.

Well he says,
hey wait let me get my computer
there's some thing ya GOTTA see....

Well I could have just plotzed when the vid started...
Almost fell over laughing.

Well guess what, our lil Miss Ashlee is notorious for the stadium gig,
clear the other side of the world...

She is no a notable "BAD SINGER" on a world wide level,
not just the american pop world.

Go figure LOL... Image

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 3:16 am
by David L. Donald
Now this even surprised me.

I was working on a project when athe half American half Thai son of my friend here, overheard me discussing bad bad bad chick singers in the karioki bar I had just stopped into.

Well he says,
hey wait let me get my computer
there's some thing ya GOTTA see....

Well I could have just plotzed when the vid started...
Almost fell over laughing.

Well guess what, our lil Miss Ashlee is notorious for the stadium gig,
clear the other side of the world...

She is no a notable "BAD SINGER" on a world wide level,
not just the american pop world.

Go figure LOL... Image

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 3:17 am
by David L. Donald
Now this even surprised me.

I was working on a project when athe half American half Thai son of my friend here, overheard me discussing bad bad bad chick singers in the karioki bar I had just stopped into.

Well he says,
hey wait let me get my computer
there's some thing ya GOTTA see....

Well I could have just plotzed when the vid started...
Almost fell over laughing.

Well guess what, our lil Miss Ashlee is notorious for the stadium gig,
clear the other side of the world...

She is no a notable "BAD SINGER" on a world wide level,
not just the american pop world.

Go figure LOL... Image

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 3:18 am
by David L. Donald
Now this even surprised me.

I was working on a project when the half American / half Thai son of my friend here, overheard me discussing the bad bad bad chick singers in the karioki bar I had just stopped into.

Well he says,
hey wait let me get my computer
there's some thing ya GOTTA see....

Well I could have just plotzed when the vid started...
Almost fell over laughing.

Well guess what, our lil Miss Ashlee is notorious for the stadium gig,
clear the other side of the world...

She is no a notable "BAD SINGER" on a world wide level,
not just the american pop world.

Go figure LOL... Image

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 4:51 am
by David Mason
But David, did it surprise you?

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 7:58 pm
by David L. Donald
For some reason I wouldn't get good refreshes over in Thailand, and so I would post and think it wasn't there.
So this was a doubled post...<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 19 April 2005 at 10:12 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 8:06 pm
by Jim Phelps
This is like déjà vu all over again.

Posted: 24 Mar 2005 1:52 pm
by JW Day