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Posted: 12 Feb 2017 4:34 pm
by Kenny Foy
Been in a couple of times since Bobbe's passing. Same as usual. Couldn't ask for better customer service as usual and wound up having a nice visit. Just like Steve said, I'm glad they're still in business. They're 2 1/2 hours from me. That's how far it is for me to have a shop for STEEL GUITAR NEEDS and GLAD they're there. So Bob, and all the guys, THANKS for being there and I guarantee you I'm not the only one who is proud, and glad, they're there. THANKS GUYS! P S I remember Vic and Jeff Peterson workin there Just all round good people.

Steel Guitars of Nashville

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 7:26 pm
by Jeff Campbell
The store is very much open... I was there yesterday and several times in the past. I love going there and they are always super nice to me!!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:26 pm
by Bo Borland
I always call and ask Michelle if I can speak to Bobbe.. (it's an old Buddy Rich joke)

I just received my latest string order a couple days ago. I like the Cobra Coils and have been using them for years.

Bobbe and I go way back to his days in Philly.
SGN is always a stop when I'm down that way.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 4:01 pm
by Vic Lawson
Maybe this will clarify. After Bobbe's passing a former customer of ours approached Michelle and I about reopening the store (due to Bobbe's passing it was closed for two months) We had several meetings and finally came to an agreement that worked for everyone. As of right this minute there are 3 equal owners myself, Michelle and Tom Bozeman. Essentially it's the exact the same with the exception of carrying Seymour's instructional products. I obtained legal rights for the Cobra Coil Brand. I a currently in the process of selling my shares of the corporation. Bob has graciously stepped up to the plate of helping manage the store as I'm on the road and have no time to invest.
Please continue to support Steel Guitars of Nashville without it there will soon be no stores like it.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 4:50 am
by Ken Byng
SGN and now SGoN have always been a 'must visit' place in Nashville for me when I have visited the town. I always found Bobbe to be very entertaining when he was there, and was pleased to learn that the business would continue after his sad departure.

I love Cobra Coil strings, and bulk buy them on each trip. I will visit in September this year. I have found Michelle and Vic to be very accommodating and helpful folks in the past, and I am looking forward to meeting Bob Hempker for the first time when I visit.

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 6:38 pm
by Jeffery Self
Vic Lawson wrote:Maybe this will clarify. After Bobbe's passing a former customer of ours approached Michelle and I about reopening the store (due to Bobbe's passing it was closed for two months) We had several meetings and finally came to an agreement that worked for everyone. As of right this minute there are 3 equal owners myself, Michelle and Tom Bozeman. Essentially it's the exact the same with the exception of carrying Seymour's instructional products. I obtained legal rights for the Cobra Coil Brand. I a currently in the process of selling my shares of the corporation. Bob has graciously stepped up to the plate of helping manage the store as I'm on the road and have no time to invest.
Please continue to support Steel Guitars of Nashville without it there will soon be no stores like it.


Posted: 6 Mar 2017 4:59 pm
by Rick Baker
I stopped by the store today... talk about a great bunch of folks. Nice inventory of guitars and supplies. Be sure to give them some business, I sure don't think you could go wrong.

Steel guitar store of Nashville

Posted: 25 May 2017 1:55 pm
by Bob Wood
I logged on to their web site the other day to order some accessories and lo and behold they are no longer in business! It goes straight into the steel guitar covers! But nothing else! What happened! Did they finally have to close down after Bobbe's death? Anyone know?

Posted: 25 May 2017 4:05 pm
by Richard Sinkler
Did you log into

I just did and everything is fine.

Posted: 26 May 2017 8:56 pm
by Damir Besic
I just bought bunch of stuff over there another day.... store is up and running strong, steel guitars all over the place, gazillion accessorial steel guitar items, strings, amps ... and no other then Buck Reid working on guitars in the back room .... actually Lynn Owsley himself walked in too, while I was there talking to Michelle and Buck about my new 705 pickup ...

Posted: 4 Jun 2017 1:48 pm
by Jerry Overstreet
I was just looking at the website, gonna browse for something but it looks like you need an account just to browse? I don't think I want to log on to an account just to look around....or am I missing something?

Posted: 4 Jun 2017 2:56 pm
by Ron Hogan
I was by there too, last week. Lots of great guitars there and they were busy.

Posted: 5 Jun 2017 12:48 am
by Ken Byng
Damir Besic wrote:I just bought bunch of stuff over there another day.... store is up and running strong, steel guitars all over the place, gazillion accessorial steel guitar items, strings, amps ... and no other then Buck Reid working on guitars in the back room .... actually Lynn Owsley himself walked in too, while I was there talking to Michelle and Buck about my new 705 pickup ...
Buck used to work on guitars when Bobbe owned the store. He is particularly good with Emmons push pulls and is a handy guy to have about the place.

Posted: 28 Jun 2017 9:39 am
by Drew Howard

The website is down.

Is the store open? I have a freind inquiring who will be down there for gigs.

I miss that kind of thing

Posted: 28 Jun 2017 12:43 pm
by Andy DePaule
Dustin Rigsby wrote:I actually miss Bobbe's offensive jokes... :lol: :lol: .....and his tall tales !
With all the PC @&$# these days, I miss that kind of thing....
Just tell the jokes and if someone don't like it there is a door just for them!

Posted: 29 Jun 2017 8:01 am
by Bob Hempker
Our website is being worked on and will be back up and running. I the meantime, yes we are open. If you need to order something or inquire about a product, call our store number, 615-822-5555. We appreciate your business. Our website will be up and running,hopefully by the end of this week.