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Posted: 25 Feb 2013 2:54 pm
by Stuart Legg
Sorry Mr Gimble I lost my temper.
My remarks were totally uncalled for and unnecessary.

I should not respond to others opinion of me. Doing so makes me look defensive and gives credibility to the person making the accusations.

I now realize that my mere presents in a topic will stir controversy for some folks here. So I’ll try in the future to stay out of topics that involve the Icons of PSG.

But if you read the whole topic you will see that I was not trolling and did nothing to deserve the character assassination I received here. Except for the very end when I lost my temper.

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 3:52 pm
by Tab Tabscott
Aw...I like your posts. Always have.

Whats that famous cartoon showing two dogs surfing the web, and the one dog says to the other "..nobody knows you're a dog on the internet..."

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 3:28 am
by Stuart Legg
Gary Lee Gimble wrote:intent=bait...just ignore it...
That was totally unfounded, unnecessary and uncalled for.

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 3:29 am
by Stuart Legg
Lane Gray wrote:Not to mention that many in here haven't learned enough about music to know that one single-note passage can fit over other chords.
I admit I didn't check out Stu's links, but if he took a passage of Paul's from one chord progression and successfully lays it over another, that's a trick worth sharing.
And one that Paul, Buddy, and about every other advanced player already knows.
I think that learning more about how music works is a LOT more important than just adding phrases to one's bag of tricks.
Stuart and Bo spend half their time trolling and half their time imparting useful info. But which is which sometimes becomes hard to distinguish
Your remarks are accurate to some degree but you imply pro players know something and that I don’t know and that my cataloge of PF samples was only confined to your interpretation and based on this conclusion you felt it necessary to judge me as someone who is trolling here.

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 3:30 am
by Stuart Legg
Gary Lee Gimble wrote:Lane, Stu's convoluted post on 22 Feb 2013 2:48 pm had no reference to what this thread is about, pick blocking. I can't speak for Paul as I don't know him excluding to what I read what he posts on the Forum. But as you suggested, half time trolling seems to be prevalent and I hate to see that turn into a deterrent for future posts from someone in the know. A youtube search on Stu Legg-pedal steel yielded squat so I'm more inclined to agree with your trolling assessment. BTW, I believe BIAB has improv modules you can purchase which will satisfy learning of said trick.
Your remarks show you know very little about me.
Again you confine my research to your limits and imply that I am not aware of those simplistic conclusions and somehow that justifies your repeating accusations of trolling.

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 3:31 am
by Stuart Legg
Herb Steiner wrote:
Bo Legg wrote:.

We have many times stated here on the forum that Stuart does not play and why he does not play steel guitar.
A light bulb just came on for me. :idea: I didn't know that Stuart isn't a steel player.

While it makes no difference at all regarding my opinions about some of the things he's posted here in the past, I can now adjust the number of grains of salt to take with the stuff.
Herb the last thing I expected here was for you to jump in on a character assignation.
First you say it makes no difference and then you make the grain of salt comment and that says otherwise.
Your post lends credibility to their unfounded charges and as you can see they have used your quote.

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 3:34 am
by Stuart Legg
Tab Tabscott wrote:
Herb Steiner wrote:
Bo Legg wrote:.

We have many times stated here on the forum that Stuart does not play and why he does not play steel guitar.
A light bulb just came on for me. :idea: I didn't know that Stuart isn't a steel player.

While it makes no difference at all regarding my opinions about some of the things he's posted here in the past, I can now adjust the number of grains of salt to take with the stuff.
Wow, I am such a doofus-I would read Stuart and Bo's stuff and think "This fellow is a real genius and I am really stupid because I don't understand most of it and I took it as being the gospel truth...".

There's a fellow who does the same sort of thing on Bluegrass-L. His name is Bangs Tapscott and he says all sorts of intersting things which may or may not inflame a discussion. Thing is, I run into people all the time who think that Bangs Tapscott is ME. They'll say "Man I loved it when you told that one guy he was a pedantic jerk...".

Not that Stuart and Bo are of this ilk-I think it's nice that there are people who subtly point things out and pull your leg now and then...

"Bo Legg" the steel player! What a hoot!
go to Bo's post here in this topic Posted 25 Feb 13 11:30am and play the 2 clips there.

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 3:36 am
by Stuart Legg
Quentin Hickey wrote:Alot of trolling going on here, there should be an
"abstract off on a tangent" section for these posts shouldnt there???
Brother you hit the nail right on the head.
All this crap was totally uncalled for.

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 4:32 am
by Lane Gray
I believe you misread me a bit.
I don't care that you don't play, your devotion to the instrument is pretty impressive.
Your presentation often leaves a bad impression: I don't know whether you enjoy a little bomb-throwing from a snark streak or whether you have the social ineptness of an impassioned nork (portmanteau of nerd and dork) oblivious to how the message comes across (I've a huge nork streak myself: you should have seen me and Eugene, thirty some years ago). You lay down too much useful stuff to get dismissed as a garden variety troll

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 7:30 pm
by Brandon Halsey
This can't get any better.... We have a thread where Paul Franklin himself actually commented and provided insight...AND we have great minds like Lane and Stuart going at it.

Best forum in the world I'm tellin' ya....

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 7:44 pm
by Lane Gray
Hell, I'm not arguing with him. Suggesting he lighten up.

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 8:45 pm
by Paul Sutherland
Mr. Franklin: Do you block the top two strings on the E9 neck with your picks or trailing fingers, or do you just pull the bar back to stop the ringing?

Thanks in advance.

PS: The check is in the mail for a bunch of your courses. I'm just anxious to know.

PSS: If your name is not Paul Franklin I'm really not interested in what you have to say on this subject.

blocking as lick moves toward treble strings

Posted: 17 Mar 2013 8:51 am
by steve takacs
Hi, Mr. Franklin; you wrote that:

In general, my remaining two fingers without picks follows every move my middle finger makes, as if the three fingers are webbed together, which is the secret to making this technique work cleanly across the fretboard.

Paul, does that also apply if you are working on a lick from the bass strings up through the more treble ones ? For me it's hard be hard to block a string the index or middle finger just picked when the direction of the lick is moving away from the guitarist. For me it's easier if the lick moves towards the guitarist as the non-picking fingers would be dragged in the direction of the lick.

I hope I'm explaining this clearly. Thanks, Steve T