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Posted: 4 Jun 2011 11:49 am
by Ron Whitfield
Attempt? No, I can positively insult if that's a goal.
You're one who I'd say will probably read the blog with interest/openmindedness, and hopefully contribute there as well, but to place JP over Iz, or anywhere near him will certainly raise some eyebrows, if not actually hurt or even insult those that have been truly moved by his soulful depth. Said the fellow Sabbath lover.

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 12:19 pm
by Twayn Williams
As a Shaggs fan, this whole thread boggles the mind :mrgreen:

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 12:35 pm
by Ron Whitfield
Frank Zappa rated The Shaggs the #3 best band in history.

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 1:06 pm
by Mike Neer
Ron Whitfield wrote:...but to place JP over Iz, or anywhere near him will certainly raise some eyebrows, if not actually hurt or even insult those that have been truly moved by his soulful depth. Said the fellow Sabbath lover.
JP played a part of my formative years as a musician. Beyond "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" I have not listened to Iz. Therefor, JP has had more of an impact in my life than Iz. I don't see what is so controversial about that--if I didn't tell you, you'd never know. When I was 16 years old, Hawaiian music was that stuff from the Don Ho show, which I had no interest in.

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 3:39 pm
by Ron Whitfield
I can dig it, Mike. I've probably got a couple of years on you and JP didn't much impress anyone I ran with, just like Kiss was third rate to our prioritizing ears, yet huge with those just a bit younger. Plus, living on the mainland in way pre-computer days, anything Hawaii was otherplantary. Amongst us who watched Iz since his Makaha Sons day's, he's had a huge impact, overtaking Gabby in many eyes, but then they largely didn't grow up with Pops. Different perspectives. I don't know if Iz and his late brother Skippy translate well to a mainland crowd, but Iz has certainly opened many 'foreign' ears, and hopefully some eyes as well. I think you would enjoy a deeper investigation.
PS, I too glossed over Don Ho back in the day. Boy, did I have an exciting revelation once I knew the real deal.

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 4:10 pm
by David Matzenik
I have said on the HSGA forum that there is a fundamental problem with internet communication. If we were sitting around with a few beers and someone said "That band is total crap" it would be passed over pretty quickly in the spirit of conversation. But because the internet uses typeface it looks more like legislation printed and nailed to a wall. And in making replies lets not forget that brevity is the soul of wit. Thats not just humour. Generally, I support Mike Anderson's position, if a bit long winded. But I have never understood people who think one should keep your opinions to one's self.

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 5:31 pm
by Ron Whitfield
Insightful observations, David, the net is a real dbl. edged sword.

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 5:55 pm
by Darrell Urbien
This is what happens when you let haoles talk about music. :)

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 6:29 pm
by Mike Neer
The internet has become more opinion-based rather than information-based lately. It just gets tiresome after a while for me. I can't even watch a decent YouTube video without someone's comments stinking up the place. So many unqualified opinions on everything. I personally make it a point not to offer up too many opinions to keep the "opinion pollution down," but more importantly, because I reserve the right to change my mind. I don't like to be iron clad in my views--I've learned from those mistakes.

Posted: 7 Jun 2011 6:45 am
by Mike Anderson
Checking back I see that, contrary to what I`d feared was gonna happen, the conversation got more civilized than ever. Probably because I left :D

Thanks for keeping it that way and thanks Mr. Neer for saying you`d keep watching my blog. Like I said, there`s no point my writing about that which has been written so usefully by others before (strings, tunings), so what you're going to get is me tripping over my long-winded (heh! So very true; I write for a living and like to `hear myself talk`) tongue trying to describe my personal adventure in steel and my feelings and observations about steel and other kinds of Hawaiian music, and probably some other aspects of my favorite place on earth.

But to close, my observations about music are based on my feelings, not opinions, and I think there`s a big difference. when you see some 14-year old offering their opinion on a music video, that opinion is going to be based on how hip they think the music is, and nothing more. And I am on a campaign to quash any lingering feelings of hipness in myself at this stage of my life. ;)

all the best,

Posted: 7 Jun 2011 1:49 pm
by David Matzenik
Well, I'd rather be hip than unhip, if you dig?

Posted: 7 Jun 2011 7:28 pm
by Mike Anderson
David Matzenik wrote:Well, I'd rather be hip than unhip, if you dig?
Not too Roy Smeck hip? Sol Hoopii? Weather Report is supposed to be hip, loved them when I was a kid, but now I can't stand them.

As Tower of Power said, sometimes hipness is what it ain't.

Whatever the hell that means. :)

Posted: 7 Jun 2011 9:07 pm
by Mike D
After reading these 3 pages the only thing I have to add is that 'Livin' after Midnight' is now playing in my head and probably will be all night.....
Thanks a lot Neer! :mrgreen: