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Posted: 19 Nov 2010 4:19 pm
by Reece Anderson
Matthew P.....I agree with your comment concerning the reasons for the extra cost of a left handed piano. I'm sure Christopher Seed's comment you quoted is sincere, and I'm sure it's well founded from his perspective.

As a teacher, when someone left handed comes to me to start playing, I have always felt an obligation to point out that "both" hands have a function which is critical to playing, and as the years go by they would have the added joy of playing many and varied instruments anywhere, anytime.

The root question to this conversation could be in the answer a great pianist would give if asked " which hand is the most important"? I believe they would answer by saying, "it's beyond our comprehension to consider playing without either hand".

I believe we can agree It's been proven that left handed people can be successful playing any instrument in the manner in which the masses play it. However, I also believe If a person feels it best to play left handed after careful consideration,......thats exactly they way they should play it.

Left-Handed Players...

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 10:07 pm
by Mike Kirkley
Hi, fellow forumites,
Well, I feel an obligation to put my two cents' worth in here. I am a right handed player, but I think that if a person wants to play left-handed, then by all means, let them do so. I have seen my good friend Tomi Graso play, and lemme tell ya folks, the boy is right up there at the top of the heap when it comes to world-class players. Also, not only is he a damn fine steeler, he's a great guy, too!!! A real friendly, down-to-earth cat who is extremely approachable. Reese, I totally agree with what you said about Tomi attending the steel shows and conventions. Tomi has so much talent, and I know that some of, if not all, the steelers here in Aussie-land would LOVE to see more of him at the annual Brisbane Steel Guitar Show...I know I would. I think he'd be a terrific addition to Scotty's St Louis Convention as well. As for the rest of you fellows who play left handed, by all means, press on!!! It don't matter if you play left handed, right handed, or with your long as you enjoy what you're doing, and are having fun, then I say go for it. A pedal steel is a unique instrument, as we all know, and if the entity in charge of all things wants us to play, then we definitely need to do so!!! Press on!
Mike Kirkley
Wynyard, Tasmania, Australia

Left Handed Steel Player

Posted: 11 Nov 2012 2:59 pm
by Christopher Adams
Count me in. I've got two left handed pedals. A Marrs S10 and a Blanton D10. I just read about the Wheeler D14. Maybe someday.


Posted: 11 Nov 2012 5:28 pm
by Jack Ritter
I am mainly left handed but play with right hand. I throw and play golf right handed. Jack

Left Handed players

Posted: 12 Nov 2012 10:25 am
by Jim Park
The band I was in opened for Neil McCoy years ago, and his Steel player was Monte Good who is a left handed player. we both had Emmons guitars with the same changes and I offered to let him use my axe since it would be on stage already, this was right after their sound check and his guitar was still right next to mine.......He declined, and replied "Look at my guitar again"......I did and then I saw it......mirror image of mine,I should taken a pic.......

Posted: 12 Nov 2012 11:09 pm
by Bob Watson
I'm a lefty who plays right handed. I started playing Ukulele when I was 7 and a family friend who played guitar restrung it to a left handed instrument. I picked it up and told him I liked it better before he had restrung it. He looked at me and said something like, "great, I'll restring it back to right handed and you'll have a lot easier life being a right handed player". I guess he knew I'd wind up being a musician! My friend Scotty Baker is a left handed steel player who plays left handed. He just bought a beautiful new Justice PSG last year. I used to go hear him play a lot while I was just learning how to play, it was like watching a mirror image of him playing.

Posted: 16 Nov 2012 8:37 pm
by Don Griffiths
And Larry Edwards volume pedal is even on the right. Now that is a true Lefty. I'm a Lefty that plays righty.

Left or Right

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 6:54 am
by Ray Thomas
Its according to which side of the guitar I'm setting on, some days left, other days right.