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Posted: 13 Feb 2010 4:15 pm
by Lefty
This twin reverb (The King of clean) is one of my favorites. This is actually a 1970 that I bought with factory D-120F speakers. It shipped from California and during the trip the baffle board busted and both of the speakers were damaged.
The seller actually was a good person, and worked with me on repair cost. Woody Woodell reconed both speakers and I built a new baffle board. I added a new blackface front panel, but still have the original. This is the cleanest, roundest and most complex twin that I have played through.



Posted: 14 Feb 2010 6:44 am
by Bill Lowe
vibrosonic with an orange frame JBL. I also have a JBL Twin that is about to get the Ken Fox work over

Posted: 14 Feb 2010 8:21 am
by Lefty
This Fender deserves mention. The Quad Reverb, a Twin with 4-12" speakers. Clean up until about 6.75. Perfect for that Big Waylon Jennings Tele sound.
I bought this one from the original owner, a lawyer moving to Arizona to retire. It came with the original Fender catelog from 1972. There are some fine looking Stringmasters in that catelog.
I always wanted one because Freddie King used one all the times that I saw him live.


Fav amp

Posted: 14 Feb 2010 3:21 pm
by Dave O'Brien
Nick - Altho I like my Peavey Special 112, NV112 and NV400 I prefer the stock Fender 65 Twin RI also not only for the sound but I like the normal channel for my banjo and dobro.

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 5:30 pm
by Tony Prior
Ok, I got lucky and acquired this amp ( cheap) in need of some work and speakers... add one more to my collection...

1995 Dec build Custom Vibrolux



here it is a few days ago...


Posted: 24 Feb 2010 8:37 pm
by Dennis Wallis
1978 Twin Reverb .....has had little use (still does). Also have Steel King ; Hot Rod Deluxe ; Deluse 90 ;and a little Frontman 25 R (great little practice amp ; cd player input ; headphone jack ) .

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 12:03 pm
by Jerry Roller
Here is my little Deluxe Reverb. I sure need a volume knob for it. Can someone help me with a knob?

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 8:34 pm
by James Morehead
Jerry Roller wrote:Here is my little Deluxe Reverb. I sure need a volume knob for it. Can someone help me with a knob?
Hey Jerry, I got a knob for ya. I'll bring it to Muldrow. James

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 8:44 pm
by Jerry Roller
Great, thank you James!

Posted: 26 Feb 2010 10:12 am
by Jon A. Ross
Cartwright Thompson wrote: I like the look of the centered 15" speaker too, but I like the weight balance of having it off to one side. It's easier to carry when the speaker balances the weight of the transformers. I wonder what the sonic differences are?
Hi Carty, I'm back to the world of psg! Woo hoo!

I was unsuccessfully trying to shoehorn a Red Fang spkr into my '61 single 12 Vibrolux, but the o.t. is in the way. One of my "expert" buddies suggested making a replacement baffle board with the spkr off-center, insisting it would sound "better" off-center, without delivering a thesis on "why". I reckon it might be a moot point on the later, thick board needed to mount a heavy cast frame spkr, compared to the lighter, tweed-era baffle. Perhaps the off-center, asymetrical location eliminates a phase cancellation precipitated by the standing wave vibrations...or some such nonsense. Regardless of the voodoo, I am all over the balance achieved by the spkr offsetting the tranny weight!

Posted: 8 Mar 2010 12:04 pm
by Richard Shatz
"61 Champ, "48 Champion 600, "48 Deluxe, "62 Concert.



Posted: 9 Mar 2010 1:46 pm
by Adam Fischer
I just got this one. It's. . . unique. I was planning to put the whole thing in a new cabinet, but once I got it home I found that I liked it for some crazy reason.


Posted: 10 Mar 2010 2:37 am
by Cartwright Thompson
Now all you need is a Marshall stack with Godzilla on the grill.

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 8:00 pm
by Ray DeVoe
Hi Nick

These amps have previously been posted on the forum but here they are again. These are my two 135 watt mid 70's Fender Vibrosonics.

The first amp is in original mint condition. Its the sweetest sounding amp that I have ever played through.



The second with the aged grill cloth look has just been totally rebuilt. Rick Johnson did an outstanding job on restoring the cabinet and grill cloth, and Nashville Amp Repair replaced the caps and installed Wing C power tubes.
This amp has a throatier sound which cuts through a little better.




These are fine amps and they are both "keepers". I have used them out together a few times and the blended sound is terrific.


Posted: 12 Mar 2010 12:36 pm
by Ulf Edlund
Ken Metcalf wrote:Call me crazy... but here is a 67 Twin and 69 Twin for the Tele and two D-130 JBL w/ Stewart 1.2 and now new Revelation pre-amp. for the U-12.. Big in Texas syndrome.. or is that like driving a Corvette ?? compensation.
OK Ken. You are crazy :lol:

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 5:09 am
by Tony Prior
ADD 1 ...Bought an exceptionally clean 78 PR with manual, schematic and warranty card yesterday ! Brought this from the point of sale to the gig last night, 12 watts,I am now a believer. For a small gig, small room, this is a great amp, I used it 100% last night with my HR Deville sitting idle on the sideline.


Here it is with other family members, the HR Deville is angry, it would not come up for the photo.


Posted: 11 Apr 2010 7:02 pm
by Mickey Shane
'55 Tweed Deluxe
'65 Pro Reverb
'70 Twin (after market cab)

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 10:34 pm
by Jeremy Threlfall


1961 version, I believe

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 10:38 pm
by Jeremy Threlfall

This is a 1990 10W single-ended 6L6 champ with a 12" speaker. Its actually quite useable for folky jams (y'know, with lutes and triangles and stuff)

also got a blues deluxe re-issue (a US built one from 1995) and a Steel King. Haven't got pictures of those

Posted: 20 May 2010 12:26 am
by Guido Hausmann
here's mine:

a '79 Vibrosonic


gone through by a well known vintage tube amp wizard. equipped with JBL D-130.
i think this thing sounds much better, than i will within the next 10 years...

and here's the "new" one:
