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Posted: 1 Jan 2010 1:27 pm
by Earl Erb
Hey Pee Wee, Happy New Year! Just remember,there was life before Houston and Dickens. Like maybe the Speak Easy joint on 14th Ave. in Washington, D.C., winter of 69 I think. Remember who was in the band? Who in the heck booked that gig from hell anyway? Those were the days when we didn't know where our next meal was coming from. Good to see you on the forum. :o

Posted: 1 Jan 2010 3:01 pm
by Leroy Riggs
Pee Wee, what a fascinating post. You must be have a wealth of fun and interesting experiences. Have you considered writing a book? I'd buy.

Posted: 1 Jan 2010 4:19 pm
by Bill Ford
Fantastic reading, enjoying every word of it...Bill

Posted: 1 Jan 2010 8:29 pm
by Pee Wee Rogers
Earl . . .the last time I saw you was at Spiniker Cove Apts. It's now call The Arbors.

How are you doing man. . .the guy that booked the Washington, DC Club was Dick somebody who was a song writer that had a wife that sang like Millie on the records of the time. . .such as "Gone".

That job was between the Jack Greene job and David Houston job and was the fall and winter of 1969.

Worked that for about 4-5 months and went to the Smithsonion Museum a lot.

Sometimes I still don't know where my next meal is coming from.

Just took Tater home from the 07:30 Opry and his wife gave me Veg/Beef soup to hold me over.

God it was good!

Remember on May Drive when we had the jam session with Grag Galbrath, John Stacey and who knows who else and the Police came by and said they could hear us all the way to Peterbilt and told us not to play until 07:00 am?

And John kept hiting his Bass Drum and the Cop thought it was coming from the attic and they went up there with flaslights and couldn't find anything.

We all slept on the floor and all over the living room and waited until 07:00am and turned every thing up to 10.

When I was at the Speak Easy (about 3 or 4 blocks from the White House)I went to the hamburger joint on the corner and on the sidewalk I found one of those small notebooks with John F. Kennedys home number,Peter Lawfords Home number,InterPol International number and Robert & Ethel Kennedys phone number and all of their addresses and everything.

I didn't have a phone at the time so, I didn't try any of them out.

I think Marilyn Monroes number was in there too.

After I got back to May Drive the FBI or IRS was investigating some Sargent that was taking pay-offs in Charleston that I used to sell chemicals to and played in his club.

I told them that I never paid anyone off for anything and handed him that little black note book.

Well he looked at it and said "Wait right here".
I said "OK" and he was gone for about 10-15 minutes and came back and said "Mr. Rogers you're clean and can go now."

He never gave me the book back. . .but, I was so glad he let me go I didn't say anything.

Life has not been boring for me.

That book would be worth no telling what now!!!

Good to hear from you Earl. Keep in touch.

And Leroy and Bill.

Charleston memories from Bill Stafford

Posted: 2 Jan 2010 3:28 am
by Bill Stafford
Glad to see you here Pee Wee. Many memories from Charleston. Those were the good ole days. Remember the Coconut Grove? Played there with the Hutto family and many other of our mutual friends all over Charleston and the Navy base. And it was great to see you when you and the Dickens band stopped for a visit at Sierra when I was there.
Have a happy new year. Hope we can get in touch. I was just at Breeden's studio this past August doing a session. Will be back in there this year so hope to see you soon.
Bill Stafford

Posted: 2 Jan 2010 5:05 am
by Pee Wee Rogers
Bill. . .when you come to town please come by the Opry or even by my house and we'll see each other and go over all the good times.

That's what old people do. Not that YOU are but, I am.

When was that?. . .I think I was with Tater so it had to be in the past 26 1/2 years.

There was a full house that night and a big group of Steel Players were there if my memory serves me right.

You are now or were the rep for Sierra Guitars; right?

Always good to hear from ole friends and you are one for sure.

I'm getting e-mails from people that you remember but, don't know where they are or what happened to them.

Keep in touch. . .thanks for writing!!!!!!!!!

Pee Wee


Posted: 2 Jan 2010 6:46 am
by Bill Stafford
Pee Wee, the years in Charleston started in 1957 as I was stationed there at the Navy Base. We played seven nights a week at the Coconut Grove - then I got up early and went to work the other seven days a week. If you ever see Johnny Siebert, give him my regards also.
Yes, I was at Sierra when you were in the Portland area with Dickens. That was agreat show you guys put on for all those "tough Oregon cowboys". I was sitting at the bar when it was time for "Raggety Ann" and really enjoyed seeing all those guys tear up on that one. What a magic moment when real professional musicians and entertainers do what you guys do. Will stay in touch.
Bill Stafford

Posted: 2 Jan 2010 9:01 am
by Pee Wee Rogers
Bill that was a very complimentary thing to say. You never know how other people hear what you do.

We worked that area . . .when we worked the road about every winter.

Gosh. . . it was cold over there in January!!!

It's pretty cold here now. Was 15 deghrees when I woke up to feed the animals (two horses and 6 cats)with a wind chill of 3.

Thanks for writing. . .Pee Wee