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Posted: 8 Sep 2009 7:59 pm
by Charles Davidson
Mr.Bill,I guess I'm going straight to hell,I smoke at my car,on our tour bus,on stage,except one club,thank goodness we play there only once a month.I'm SO bad. And not to get off topic,I'm a klutz on my steel that smells like Pall Malls. YOU BETCHA, DYK?BC.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 8:31 pm
by Larry Bressington
HELL YEAH!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 12:42 am
by Charles Davidson
Mr. Bill,I have read some of your posts here on this thread over and over.No disrespect sir but I can't figure what the hell you are talking about. Seems you write only to the educated,sophisticated urbanites,But there a few of us old illiterate country boys that would love to be able to grasp the nature,worth,quality,and significance of your posts.We are the guys that drive old pickup trucks,not Mercedes Benz SLR Mclarens,Would perfer a Bud Lite over a glass of Rey Sol Anejo,We don't eat dinner,we eat SUPPER. Would rather go catfishing than a Broadway play. Love KFC,hate sushi. So Mr. Bill may I suggest when you post,make one for the aristocrats,and a simple one for us old dumb asses.then we could all benefit from your wisdom. YOU BETCHA, DYK?BC.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 4:04 am
by Bill Hankey

If you were a steel player across town here in Pittsfield, MA, the first thing that I would do, would be to have you over for an afternoon of fun trading ideas on our steel guitars. I have no idea if you are actively maintaining high standards of sociabilities, or prefer the quiet relaxing moments of privacy in your home.

Defining klutziness, would keep a beer-logged speaker at a beer party busy the entire evening. He could be a member of the common klutzy society of wanna-be steel players, posing as one competent to play the big show. You will never know! Talk is cheap! The proof is in the pudding. Invite him to join the house band for a change of scenery. Those players from the state of Missouri have the right idea. Show me! Klutziness comes in many different forms. Thousands of klutzy errors account for huge unnecessary expenditures without penalties. Perhaps having to take responsibility in recovering losses, including losing loaned musical equipment, would shake some sense into those who go beyond the limits of trust. This IS the land of the FREE. Small percentages of dwellers of our free enterprising system, have misinterpreted "The land of the free", and have developed the five fingered discount method of doing business. Sorry b0b, it's true! Klutziness opens doors for that kind of activity. Protecting your equipment through awareness is not that difficult to do.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 6:17 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
Bama DYK Charlie, i went to the big city & learnt that fancy talk, so can i help ya' unnerstan
Bill H is a very polite fellow & this time he's callin' me a Klutz
(i don't know bout you & the rest of the fo'bros)
no hard feelins' mind you, Bill can come over & have some BBQ & some beers wit me if he likes ;-)

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 8:38 am
by Bill Hankey

I accept, with kind regards. How far are you from Lourdes? The throngs of personages could make room for one more believer. As much as I would enjoy visiting that wonderful place, it will never be visited by this country steel guitarist.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 9:22 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
Bill, i'm 1 hour & 1/2 from Lourdes
i go there 3 times a year & bring back that blessed spring water
it's an amazing place w: throngs w: people from all over the world

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 10:39 am
by Charles Davidson
See what I mean Mr. Bill. I could understand every thing Crowbear said. He put just enough frosting on the cake,but not TOO sweet.YOU BETCHA, DYK?BC.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 10:44 am
by Bill Duncan
Crowbear, I'll send you some blessed Blue Ridge spring water for some Lourdes water. I can also send you some from the Jordan River if you like. That's what I call the creek that runs by my house that my horses and cows drink from.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 11:01 am
by Charles Davidson
Bill,I've drank from those creeks many times,All you have to do is drink UP STREAM . YOU BETCHA,DYK?BC.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 11:25 am
by Stuart Legg
Speaking of Klutz. Let me make myself perfectly clear. I was saying that the government promises us a pony and just gives us bull crap which doesn't even come out of a pony not unlike this topic.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 1:35 pm
by Bill Hankey

I pointed out a while ago that during the Civil War, there were absolute scarcities of smiles in the military. The gunfighters of the same period were calloused as well. There are precious few steel guitarists who can smile at the camera while playing their instrument. Even the majority of Nashville's finest pickers with the exception of (Lloyd and Buddy E.) wear that frown. Joe Wright, one of the finest entertainers in the land, is a proverbial exception to the rule. He is a fine example of controlling the cheek muscles at will. I'd not be disinclined to label smug as a fixed form of klutziness. Who needs it? If a player slips on the ice, that's klutziness. If he should land hard on his derriere, that can be funny, if he doesn't smash his equipment by losing the grip on the handle.
A steel could conceivably end up in a traveled roadway. Solution is simple: refuse to walk on a glare of ice and snow, until it's properly sanded. My point here is simple. I'm taking potshots at common annoying specified klutziness. Injuries sustained, can be traced to flimsy concentration, or a moment of distraction that may disable a player for a lifetime. Always be on guard to ward off the mad rushes of those who haven't a moment to spare. Pull away from activities that force you to take unnecessary risks, and the expense of possible injuries.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 3:24 pm
by Rick Collins
Bill, I've often wondered if klutziness is a manifestation of ADD (attention deficit disorder), not the extreme clinical type, but a tendency for inattentiveness.

Try this comparison:
Some redheaded kids are loaded with freckles.
Some have only very, very few freckles; nevertheless they are freckles.

Seemingly, we all could have some degree of ADD, however slight.

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 5:59 pm
by Bill Hankey

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 3:47 am
by Bill Hankey

I'll try again! My computer stalled out earlier while I was making a point concerning moms and dads who love music, and they are blessed with a child who is deemed to be precocious. A lack of scrutiny and sophistication may block the apparent tendency of a youngster's precocity from surfacing. Musically, the child advances much like the showcase individuals of steel guitar fame. Those great players of the pedal steel guitars can be properly addressed, if we should take the time to delve into the finest details of their beginnings. An accurate assessment can be procured by paying special attention to the smallish details of their beginnings. Looking deeper into their memory retentivity could bring lesser players a bit closer to succeeding at playing more difficult instrumental performances. The most delightful part of living and enjoying the outreaches of musical pleasures, can be attained by "following". It WILL require locating a good used steel - one that will sell at a reasonable price. From there a strong bond can be formed, once the knowledge of basic requirements are met leading to playing melodies. Acquire books of literature written for the purpose of teaching the student to play the pedal steel guitar. At the beginning, save precious time by referring to knowledgeable information, found in many publications. Resist opening your doors to those who conform to habitual klutziness in musical endeavors.
There are no shortages of serious musicians. Steel guitarists.. maybe, but Spanish guitarists, not a chance!

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 7:47 am
by Bill Hankey

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 8:09 am
by Duncan Hodge
Forget it's Hankeytown

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 9:04 am
by Bo Legg
Bill, Steel guitar is not like a religion where you have to repent everyday for your shortcomings including klutziness. Spend less time fighting your demons and just play the damned thing.

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 9:37 am
by Stephen Silver
The world can do well with fewer objectionable comments from lip services, and then falling victim to disparaging honkings of a wanna-be know-it-all.
Take a dose of your own advice for a change. It might do more good than harm my dear "wanna-be-know-it-all" friend.


Posted: 10 Sep 2009 9:45 am
by Bill Hankey
Bo Legg,

My policy differs slightly from that which you have touted from some time ago. Could I remind you that this is real life, where you can lose your shirt listening to the outspokenness of ne'er-do-well subjects. Good advice is invaluable in many situations. Making wise determinations will require some practice.

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 9:56 am
by Bill Hankey

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 11:36 am
by Bo Legg
Bill, to me playing Steel Guitar is like fishing.
I have never heard any one refer to it as ne’er-do-well nor criticize me, call me C class nor expect me to be apologetic for fishing just because I haven’t ever won a fishing contest.
I don’t come home from a fishing trip and sit down at my desk and try to figure out the reason I didn’t catch more fish. I don't ask myself “was it because I’m Klutzy?” or “did I prepare myself mentally?” No! I just want to get back out to the lake a fish the damn thing.
Real life to me is never having to ask “are we having fun yet?”
When I’m having fun I never ask myself “why?” When I’m not having fun I never ask myself “why?” I just do something else.

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 12:00 pm
by Charles Davidson

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 12:31 pm
by Bill Hankey

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 5:11 pm
by Bill Hankey

I scrubbed some of the nonsense on page three. I'll try to reform by abstaining from issues that create an opening for unpopular responses.