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Posted: 22 Mar 2009 8:46 am
by Terry Kinnear
last wednesday nite .my friend Herb and Tammy and i ,played lenten service tammy played guitar and sang .herb played a couple of songs on steel ,i played bass. then i played steel,herb played bass .then tammy played bass, herb on steel ,then i played guitar and sang ,everyone left

Posted: 22 Mar 2009 2:36 pm
by Skip Cole
I'm happy to see all you fine Gospel steel players on the Forum. Hope to get to the Gospel Steel Conv. next time it comes around and meet some of you folks. I remember the days around this area when Southern/Country Gospel had a radio station to tune into, and also had the Quartet Convention at the Mid South Colesium every year. I had the blessing of playing steel for the Gatewood Family from Eudora, MS ,during that period of time.
God bless you all,

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 7:18 am
by Erv Niehaus
For you newbies on the Forum, the best music to learn on is gospel music.

When you are playing the Lord's music, the Holy Spirit is standing over your shoulder showing you the way. :D

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 8:23 am
by Whip Lashaway
I do a church gig occassionally and get to do some gospel studio work upon occassion. Tried to make a living with a gospel group back in 03 & 04. Found out the Christian community expects you to play for a love offering. Which turned out to be another way of saying free!!! After each of us went broke we had to give it up and return to country. I'm not getting rich but at least they believe "a workman is worth his hire" and will agree to a paycheck. It's a real shame that only the so called big names in gospel can get away with doing a concert and get anyone to buy a ticket. But I still do what I can, when I can. God Bless, Whip.

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 9:29 am
by Erv Niehaus
I guess it boils down to playing either for "love" or "money". :D

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 1:53 pm
by Whip Lashaway
When you do it for a living it boils down to money. Funny how nobody in the Christian community would expect their Christian Dentist to do a root canal for free! I love you Erv but I really think it's shameful the way gospel musicians are automatically expected to play for nothing. Don't get me wrong, I have, do and will continue to play in church and charitable functions for free. I also have built cabinets, done electrical work, plumbing, roofing, etc...for churches and people of the church and just people in need. I'm not at all oppossed to helping people or organizations out all I can. However, there is something about being a musician that people just immediately think you are obligated to do it for free. I don't agree. If you are a professional musician, as I am, you deserve a paycheck just like a doctor, lawyer, plumber, carpenter, babysitter, dogcatcher, whatever!!! Now I'll get off my soapbox. God Bless, Whip.

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 2:03 pm
by Erv Niehaus
I'm not picking on you.
I am not a professional musician so don't play for money.
I just play for the love of the Lord. :D

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 2:30 pm
by Kenny Martin
It has and always will be my first love!

Kenny Hinson singing "Call Me Gone" with Sonny Garrish on steel! Sonny is a awesome gospel steel player and of course a great player on anything.

Here's a clip i just did the other night on a song by the Cox Family called "Back Roads" Listen to this steel ride! Don't know who it is but sounds like Tommy White!

"Without him who gave us the gift we are nothing"


GOSPEL music

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 2:42 pm
by Mike Archer
count me in
I did a gospel cd afew years back
and I played in a gospel group for a few years
I love God with all my heart and am a Christian
and I love gospel music... in this day and age
we need to be close to God as we can get!!
Mike :D