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Posted: 13 Jan 2007 6:13 pm
by Eric West
Well John, I think that if "what other people do" becomes more of an issue than what you do, it is a sign that you might need to find something to "refocus" your energies. That's what I found with things other people have been doing that slightly "steamed" me..

In my case it has been playing guitar again on whatever stages haven't been idled by the times, or turned into public begging platforms by people that work them for little or nothing, and being able to find some of the joy that has been chipped away by some of the things you mentioned.

I've found a TON of inspiration, material, and have just ordered the PG Music Brent Mason "program" What the heck. Gotten made with money I'll be making onstage tonight playing guitar! ( and some steel..)

Heck, who's to say that it might not be, for some guy or gal, getting an old Ricky, a Retro Epiphone tube amp, and revisiting some of the things done by Alvino Rey?

It's You that's important in all this.

JM .002



Playing for Amusement

Posted: 13 Jan 2007 9:14 pm
by John De Maille
I think you misunderstood, or maybe I worded it wrong. I'm not losing any sleep or brooding about what other people do with their gear. But, going out time after time and getting some effect or amp or steel that, Buddy or Lloyd or Paul plays, in order to try and sound like them is not for me. It's just an opinion I have. After all, who am I, or for that matter, who is anybody,to disparage another player for following their beliefs. I'm sure other steelers would not use the gear I use, but, my gear is my choice. I don't play to amuse others, I play to amuse myself. My energy is focused on the music I play and the sound I'm getting from my rig. Occassionally, people pay me to play my steel and I find that very rewarding too. It's the best of both worlds. Lifes' too damn short to fill it up with negative energy. Even though, I know we all have a gripe or two about something. It's just human nature.

Posted: 14 Jan 2007 8:20 am
by Jim Peters
There is some misunderstanding of my post. I never said I only play for the money, in fact, never mentioned money. The gig is my fun! Playing an instrument without an audience is not fulfilling for me. I also paint and draw, and doing a decent sketch or portrait(or learning a new song) is some reward in itself but playing in front of an audience is the "kick" for me, not just the playing of the instrument. The pursuit of better live performance is why I play, the money barely enters into it (for me). JP

Posted: 14 Jan 2007 10:34 am
by Dave Little
have just ordered the PG Music Brent Mason "program"
Me too. I downloaded it just yesterday. I'm working it out on E9 steel. I had been intrigued by some of the free and cheap clips at Lots of good stuff there too.
Dave Little

Posted: 14 Jan 2007 12:12 pm
by Eric West
I can't wait. "E9"? Ill check the link. I have a slow connection but Terry Downs' site has some awesone "free stuff" too.

The thread can continue just like it never got hijacked now..



Posted: 14 Jan 2007 5:29 pm
by BJ Jenkins
Hi Gents... Count me IN to the bunch that picks "Just cause I LOVE it"!!
While I try to learn the melody of a given tune....I also like to stick in a little "BJ" somewhere in there.. I am a HAWG for Improvisation.
all the best !