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Posted: 14 Nov 2004 11:50 am
by David L. Donald
For me the thread closes when :

a) Cor either has a steel in his living room,
and/or on consignment in his neigborhood

b) He has the cash in hand of what
HE put out in HIS currency.
If he sent 4,000 euros to get a $4,500 steel.
That's what he should receive back.

But if getting $4,500 in cash sent over gives him only 3,461.53€...
If bought at 1 to 1 exchange rate, [guessing at time frame rate]
It is now 1.3 to 1 so guestimating ( $4,500 / 130 = 34.6153€ x 100 ) 3,461.53€

If the delay in refund since he requested it,
or not getting the steel period was caused by the company and not Cor,
then that is an unfair loss for him.

I know the $ exchange rate has tanked since he paid for the steel in full,
I am sure it is much worse than when he asked for the refund.
though the exact amount difference I don't know.

But the time period above matches the worst fall in the diollar in 15 years.

He is better off getting the steel to sell over here.
(Since that is more likely than Ron Lashley ever paying in relation to the exchange rate.)

When that happens close the thread...

but only AFTER it is bird in hand.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 14 November 2004 at 11:52 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Nov 2004 5:07 pm
by Brian Henry
Does anyone know if Lashley Emmons will be at the Dallas Show in March?

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 8:48 am
by Rick McDuffie
I would say that to get excited would be, well, premature. Cor will let us know what comes next.


Posted: 16 Nov 2004 3:38 am
by Brian Henry
David, Where abouts is Brignon France? Have you beeen there a long time? Regards, tbh

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 5:28 am
by Doug Rolfe
As of now, it is not likely that they will be in Dallas for the show, IMHO!!! IF by chance they are, it would be a good thing for several of those who are interested in this post to ask them face to face what they are doing about solving Cor's problem.
Either get his steel built or get his money back to him.

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 6:23 am
by Lyle Bradford
5 days and no Cor? Is this a sign?<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Lyle Bradford on 16 November 2004 at 06:25 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 6:55 am
by Farris Currie
yes, lots more to this story! believe nothing you hear,and only half of what you see.

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 9:08 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
i ain't tellin'
TB, Brignon is Northwest of Nimes

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 11:41 am
by Cor Muizer Jr
keep you informed guys if i have some.


Posted: 17 Nov 2004 11:37 am
by Klaus Caprani
Can't wait!

Klaus Caprani

MCI RangeXpander S-10 3x4

Posted: 19 Nov 2004 6:17 am
by Lee Baucum
Old western movie (with "cowboys & indians"):
It's late at night. Two cowboys sitting around the campfire, wondering what's out in the darkness.

Cowboy #1: It sure is quiet out there.

Cowboy #2: Yep. A little too quiet.

Posted: 19 Nov 2004 4:22 pm
by b0b
After several complaints, I've deleted some off-topic replies from the end of this thread.

Posted: 19 Nov 2004 6:29 pm
by Bob Wood

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 8:05 am
by Erv Niehaus
What's happening?!

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 8:24 am
by Jim Cohen
We're learning patience...

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 9:08 am
by Donny Hinson
What for? Image

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 12:17 pm
by Fred Jack
Hey you last four posters better stick to the subject, whatever the hell it is,or the sheriff's gonna get cha! Regards, Fred

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 12:21 pm
by Farris Currie
UP DATE,COR ain't dead, he is over on Rains Guitars Topic,just ain't talking on his own subject.heck of a note,started this now he won't even update. spending the money i think. farris

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 1:15 pm
by Rick McDuffie
Cor is giving the Emmons Co. another chance to do the right thing. Jim C. had it right... patience is a virtue.

Let's hope it pays off for Cor.

Meanwhile, it's nice of you guys to keep Cor's issue in the forefront. Image

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 3:15 pm
by Tom Olson
Has anybody else thought about this -- it should really have been "Portnoy's Problem" and "Cor's Complaint" rather than the way it really is, don't you think? It sounds better that way. Image

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 3:42 pm
by Farris Currie
who in the hell is portnoys?????

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 8:09 pm
by Tom Olson

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 9:04 pm
by Bob Wood
Huh? Image

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 9:41 pm
by Tom Olson
Sorry, just trying to confuse you. Heh. Image

Posted: 21 Nov 2004 1:55 am
by John Davis
I reckon you all are waiting for this post so you can do the next one and be number 500? so I will put this here to give you all the chance to go for it!!!
I am on tour with the show at the moment, but when I get back next week I am going to emty the pot of your contributions and let you all know how much I have collected !! is this exciting or what!!?