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Posted: 2 Jun 2011 2:10 pm
by Jack Stoner
According to my Engineering contact at Eminence that I was dealing with during the field testing of the EPS15 C speaker, there is no plans to make a 12" version.

His suggestion was to look at other Eminence models.

Posted: 2 Jun 2011 2:36 pm
by Steve English
I guess they only cater to real steel players :? :wink:

Posted: 2 Jun 2011 4:01 pm
by Roger Francis
thanks Jack

Posted: 3 Jun 2011 5:05 am
by Jack Stoner
Roger, Ray Walker posted that there will be a 12" model. He is an Eminence dealer and they apparently have changed their mind. Contact Ray about the 12" version.

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 6:08 am
by Roger Francis
I did and thanks Jack, Tc Furlong has the 12" eminence made for steel he calls The Randy Beavers cause Randy had some input on developing them, sounds very interesting

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 6:14 am
by Roger Francis
Steve English wrote:I guess they only cater to real steel players :? :wink:

Good one Steve!! :lol:

8 ohm?

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 12:22 pm
by Jay Ganz
Will the 15" or 12" Eminence "steel" speakers be available in an 8 ohm version? My little 2 lb. power
amp puts out way too much power at 4 ohms and might blow the speaker.

Posted: 4 Jun 2011 12:51 pm
by Roger Francis
Jay, TC has them in 8ohm

Posted: 5 Jun 2011 6:00 am
by Jay Ganz
...and he only has 12", right?

Posted: 5 Jun 2011 6:54 am
by Roger Francis
As far as i know he only has 12s!

This is the info he sent me:

I commissioned Eminence to produce a speaker of my design. I had help with listening tests, power handling proof, etc. from Randy. I think it has a nice balance of lows, mids and highs that are smooth and not too "bitey".

Posted: 5 Jun 2011 8:00 am
by Jack Stoner
I have a 12" Eminence "Tonkerlite" in a Fender. I've used it with my D-10 and it didn't do bad. I've even considered making a 12" cabinet for it and using it, on occasion, with my MB200.

The Tonkerlite ... Tonkerlite

Posted: 7 Jun 2011 8:20 am
by Dale Hansen
Based on all of the reviews and input, I just (impulse) ordered a GK MB 200 off of Amazon.

I can justify the purchase to my wife (..I hope) by claiming that I really needed it on hand to explore the many possibilities that may exist for mounting the thing to a fellas guitar, Pak-a-seat,... or even a spouse's backside, if needed. Besides, after 26 years of marriage, I've come to realize that *it's much easier to obtain forgiveness after the fact, than it is to get permission beforehand.
(*I just put this theory to the ultimate test a month ago. I bought another Harley. I survived, so it's not just theory anymore,...It's proven.)

I've built one 'dashboard' mount so far, and just today, had another query about a mounting method (MB 200) for a pak-a-seat.

Here's the dash view mount.
On this one, there are three post holes. (You can have more, if you'd like..)
This one is currently set up in the position nearest to the rear of the guitar.
The spread of the extension arms, is intentional, so the feet of the MB 200 can straddle the arms, and sit securely. For added security, I'll include some self adhesive Velcro 'hook' with the mount. The mount 'arms' are already outfitted with the 'Velcro 'fuzz',... - aka, 'loop'.

Shown here, holding my TC Nova Reverb unit (..which is still for sale...btw) This is roughly equal in weight, to the MB 200.
Note the "inside-outside" configuration of the hanger bracket. I built it this way to give the mount a bit of a 'twist' towards the player's view. It also adjusts to your preferred view angle, and features a 1" stand-off spacer, to get it a little further from the end-plate.

Player's point of view. Here, near the end-plate,you can see the stand-off spacer, too. (Sorry, but you'll just have to imagine the control knobs on the MB 200...I don't have one for demo's, yet.)

Thanks again, fellas.
Your pal, Dale

Posted: 7 Jun 2011 10:03 am
by Garry Simpson
Here's a picture of a cabinet I built with a 15" SICA in it. I pretty much copied the cabinet Steve English built (thanks Steve for the ideas). Fun project and I really like the eq of the MB200.


Posted: 8 Jun 2011 8:19 am
by Steve English
Great product Dale :) ...and welcome to the MB club!

Garry, nice job on the cabinet. I think building them is half the fun. I've been thinking about building one that has the amp top loaded, or maybe a little two-piece such as an old Fender Bandmaster, or Vox Beatle....scaled down 8)

The Black Box really compliments the MB's also!


Posted: 15 Jun 2011 6:57 pm
by Tony Kotula

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 4:55 am
by Roger Crawford
Steve, how did the RP155 project go?

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 8:23 am
by Steve English
If you're asking about using the MB-200 with your NV400 speaker/cabinet, yes, the speaker can be plugged right into the back of the MB-200. You might have to add a 1/4" plug to your speaker wire, but easily done.

You can also take a line out of the MB-200 into the amp in on the back of your NV400.

Dead in the water. Too much work and not enough time to deal with it.
I did mount a RP-150 to the inside of one of my cabinets. I leave it set on my standard reverb w/delay setting. With this one I can just pick up one box and go...all wired up. When I use two systems for stereo, I feed the 2nd system from the "right out" of the RP-150.

If I need to use various effects on the RP-155, I take the 2nd system (with no RP mounted to it) and the RP-155 pedal.

This whole "sizing down" process has been more of a benefit to me than I ever imagined. I've never been happier with my sound, and with two systems, it's easy to cover any scenario.

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 12:11 pm
by Mike Ester
Mine just came in! :D

I hooked up the Black Widow from my Session 400 Limited Wedge, put my RV5 inline, and WOW!

I tried Steve's initial settings. I'm sure I will tweak them, since I'm running a Carter S12U with a George L-12 pickup.

Now it's time to rustle up a new speaker cabinet. Me like this MB200.

Posted: 18 Jun 2011 2:45 pm
by John Coffman
Dale Hansen made this mount for me. Just slips on the legs. It tilts also for easy adjustment for the amp.

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 9:11 am
by Jim Sliff
Curt - yep, I remember when we were a small minority of 3 or 4 (Ken among us) who stated that modern bass amps had a much wider frequency response than those around in the 70's and are much more like full-range keyboard amps. I'd run my first couple of steels through the rack setup I had (Crest 1000W power amp, Alembic preamp and two Acme Low-B cabinet) and could knock down walls. Plenty of high-end and obviously headroom.

After I sold that I ran my Fenders and GFI Ultra through a 160W SWR Baby Blue (2x8" + 1x5") which surprisingly could shake the house and STILL have top end.

Although I still prefer the sound of my blackface 40W Vibroverb the combo MB200 112 is a superb steel amp. I have to handle FAR less weight (a good thing with my bad back) and it sounds tremendous with the stock neo. I see absolutely no need to drag around a multiple-speaker cab or even a GK head with a single-speaker cab when the combos (I've tested the 2x10, 1x15 and bought the 1x12) sound great and are far less hassle.

I especially like the gain control instead of a volume control combined with very interactive tone-shaping controls. It's amazing how It'll go from clean/loud to dirty/loud with just a little control tweaking.

But I'm not too sure about all bass amps with a huge array of tone controls, though; as you add more "shaping devices" to the signal you give up something, usually string-to-string articulation. Simple setups - bass, low and high mids and treble - are about the most tone controls I like to see on an amp. Less is more...

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 12:35 am
by Steve Norman
so ironically yesterday I go into Bass Northwest here in Seattle to check one of these out for myself. Then that night I play a gig with my steel-king. I have been very happy with the steel king lately and it sounded beautiful all night. Then the next band borrowed it and fried it on the spot. Ahh the smell of melting electronics. Since I have gigs the rest of the week and my other amps are scattered all across the pacific northwest I decided to roll the dice and use the money that the dude who killed my steelking is paying me for damages to acquire the mb200. Well I just got back from practicing at a place who only had a Marshall 8ohm split 4/12 cab to play through. I was able to get the tone of the steel king and then some. I am very happy with this and plan on matching it with a 4ohm lightweight cab asap. What a great little amp!

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 9:48 am
by Steve Hotra
Hi Steve;
I've had mine for a month now and now feel like I can offer some perspectives.
I bought the MB 200 as a back up amp as well. But I love the flexibility of this little amp. Still working with getting a nice pedal steel guitar tone with it ( my Mesa Express is my first choice) However I've been playing my Taylor T5 into a 1995 Toa floor monitor with a 15" speaker. Love the low end that I can get. It takes all of my effects pedals well, too. The MB200 is one of the best purchases I've made in awhile.

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 5:56 pm
by Mike Ester
I just finished my first gig with the MB 200. I ended up putting the BW from my Nashville 1000 into a new Fred Justice open/closed back cabinet. The guys really liked the sound of this little box. They were more impressed with the amount of power from such a tiny package.

PS: Thanks for the cabinet, Fred. I really love it.

Posted: 26 Jun 2011 8:25 am
by Steve Norman
Just recorded with it, Its great xlr out into the board for recording. Good clean even tone.

Rack Mount?

Posted: 2 Jul 2011 7:27 am
by Michael Remming
Has anyone rack mounted the MB200 yet. I would like to have one in my rack for ease of adjustment. I have noticed the input jack is on the front. Anyone dealt with this yet?