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Posted: 25 Jan 2000 6:20 pm
by Mike Ihde
I forgot to mention.......
You can hear a full length cut from my album "A Different Slant" of the song "Tenderly" by going to....
and clicking on the title "A Different Slant"<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Mike Ihde on 25 January 2000 at 06:27 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 25 Jan 2000 8:47 pm
by Porter Fawcett
Please add me to the list

Posted: 28 Jan 2000 8:52 am
by Chris Walke
Mike- playing around with this tuning has been great fun. I learn something new everyday. Please send me the song.

Ooh, maybe I'd better change my screen name!!

Posted: 28 Jan 2000 12:35 pm
by chris ivey
i guess it would be dumb to not take advantage of your rick is still tuned to it since i heard about it. thanx

Posted: 7 Feb 2000 2:25 am
by fulvio
please add me to your list

Posted: 7 Feb 2000 6:17 am
by fulvio
sorry,I forgot to add my e-mail

Posted: 7 Feb 2000 10:47 am
by Jerry Gleason
If the offer's still open, I'd like a copy. Thanks!

Posted: 8 Feb 2000 7:57 am
by Bob Duff
Hey Mike. I would also appreciate a copy of Moonlight In Vermont to try on the Leavitt tuning. Thanks so much. Bob.

Posted: 8 Feb 2000 11:12 am
by sliding bill
I'll try anything (at least once).
Thanks for the offer.
My e-mail address?
Click the envelope above.

All the best.


Am I the only Brit around here at the moment ?

Posted: 9 Feb 2000 7:19 pm
by OD Scudder
Mike, I would like to take you up on your offer and thank you in advance..

Posted: 20 Feb 2000 1:48 pm
by Mike Ihde
I have heard back from some of you saying that you are enjoying the Tab and from a few saying they had problems opening or printing the files. If anyone had a problem, drop me a line and I'll resend it. Or, if it all worked out fine, let me know that too. Thanks guys!

Posted: 22 Feb 2000 7:12 am
by S Condron
Yes, I'd like to give it a go. send me a copy at


Posted: 24 Feb 2000 9:28 pm
by Dave Webster
I'd like to give it a go, too! (Tuning and Tab) Seems like most people are enjoying it alot. I don't wanna miss

Posted: 9 Mar 2000 11:26 pm
by Mike Ihde
How's it going? Are you enjoying the Leavitt tuning? I'd love to hear some more feedback on your success or frustrations. Let me know.

Posted: 11 Mar 2000 6:48 am
by Andy Greatrix
Thanks for the tab mike. I have been playing, toying, and loving the Leavitt tuning for about a year now and find it endlessly fascinating.Not only is it great for jazz standards,but it is also great for other music as well.Although it is known for not having to use slants, if you add slants to the equation,it opens even more doors.This tuning has only began to be mined.The possabilities seem to be endless.thanks agan Mike.
All the best,-Andy

Posted: 11 Mar 2000 7:38 am
by Dana Duplan
Mike: I'd like a copy of the tab as well. I really enjoy you're "Different Slant" tape. How should I extend the tuning for my 8-stringer?

Posted: 24 Mar 2000 7:23 am
by Carl Yamamoto

I've really enjoyed playing with the Leavitt tuning. What I'm wondering is if there are materials available specifically for gaining familiarity with scales, patterns, chord voicings, etc., in that tuning. I suppose if I learned enough of the songs I would pick that up eventually, but wondered if you have additional materials you use when you teach - something that might give more of a feel for where you are while you're playing. Thanks.

Carl Y.

Posted: 24 Mar 2000 6:42 pm
by Al Nixon
Would it still be possible to get a copy of the tab for "Moonlight in Vermont"? Thanks,
Al Nixon

Posted: 25 Mar 2000 8:35 am
by Wade Medlock
Mike, the Leavitt tuning is a throaty full-bodied one...sounds like I'm reviewing a wine! It's taking me some time to get at the theory of this tuning, but I'm working on it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I might have asked this before, but if you have suggestions on expanding the 6-string Leavitt to 10, what would those strings...and

Posted: 26 Mar 2000 10:36 am
by Joe Savage

Please send me a copy of this. Many

Posted: 26 Mar 2000 3:43 pm
by Doug Beaumier
About expanding the tuning... there was some discussion of that a while back. Click on "search" above and type in "Leavitt" to check it out.

The 8 string version should have an Eb to produce a full 6th chord (Eb6 in open position) and a low C to provide another much needed voicing for a major chord and a low root note for the C, C7, and C9 in open position IMHO

I've never experimented with a 10 string version. I like it as a 6 string tuning because it maximizes the chordal possibilities of 6 strings... no pedals, and that's the beauty of this tuning. I've been playing Leavitt for 4 years now, and I love it.

dougb <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Doug Beaumier on 26 March 2000 at 03:45 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 29 Mar 2000 12:10 pm
by scott anderson
I would like to try if your still sending the song out.
thank you

Posted: 31 Mar 2000 3:35 am
by Mischa Sobel
OK mike... you talked me into it! Thanks.

'steelin' in cresskill'

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 11:11 am
by Sonny Miller
Please send me the Tenderly tab if you have any left. Thanks

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 1:37 pm
by Rich Gibson
Hi Mike i'd like a copy.Is there some conventional wisdom on what notes to add on an 8 string?
On another subject your guitar ensemble arrangement(solid gold guitars) was a big hit with the kids.