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Posted: 2 Jun 2005 3:14 am
by Rick Garrett
Thanks for your post about my dad Mr. Finis. Hey man I talked to a guy that knew you and my dad way back when and if you're coming to Tyler for the show he wants to come too and meet you there. His name is Guy Goodwin. Do you remember him. He plays a stand up bass and does vocals. he said he hasn't seen you in years. I always enjoy reading a post about my dad so thanks again for reviving this old one.


Posted: 2 Jun 2005 7:25 am
by Ted Solesky
I had the privilege to see Buddy and Bobby doing a show with ET when I was a kid. They did a show at an outside park. Buddy's Fender didn't sound shabby at all when I heard him. The genius he is - what's new? The was a super experience and memory for me!

Posted: 2 Jun 2005 7:39 am
by Wayne Cox
I guess I'm a little confused. I always thought that Leon Rhodes played the lead guitar on the ETRS album.?*!
~~W.C.~~<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Wayne Cox on 02 June 2005 at 08:41 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 2 Jun 2005 12:38 pm
by Rick Garrett
Hey Wayne, I think Buddy played lead guitar for ET before they picked Leon up in Dallas. I have some pictures of my dad and Buddy along with the rest of ET's band. Dads on steel and buddys playing what looks like a fine old Gibson 6 string. They eventually did some twin steel stuff for ET together that was something special. Seems like I heard on a taped interview of my dad that they picked Leon up from the house band at the Longhorn ballroom in Dallas on the same night that my dad went to play steel for Hank Thompson. Could be wrong on some of that but Buddy for sure played lead guitar for awhile with my dad on steel for ET.

My dad also said in that interview tape that ET was the kindest man he'd ever met. He remarked too that it was hard to imagine Buddy playing lead guitar as fine a steel man was he was at the time. Hope this clears up things for you.


Posted: 12 Jun 2005 11:21 pm
by Ernie Renn

BTW: It was an Epiphone Sheridan! Image

My best,
Image<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Ernie Renn on 13 June 2005 at 12:23 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 12:35 pm
by Willis Vanderberg
That's odd, I though Ray Price was from Mississippi...?


Posted: 24 Jun 2005 12:26 am
by Rick Garrett
Great old pic Ernie! Thanks for sharing that. Lots of country music history was made on that old stage.


Posted: 25 Jun 2005 9:04 am
by Jason Odd
Bobby Garrett also played with Dewey Groom's band at the Longhorn Ballroom, I'm suprised no Dallas cats have mentioned his 1960s stint with Dewey.

Thanks to a forumite I have a scan of a late '64 shot of Dewey's Texan Longhorns, including Texas legends like Billy Chambers, Billy McBay and Clay Allen alongside Mr. Garrett.

He also worked with Tony Douglas' band the Shrimpers. And according to Joe Goldmark's research, Bobby not only played on some Douglas releases, but the Shrimpers had some singles of their own in the late 1960s.

Posted: 26 Jun 2005 5:56 am
by David Nugent
Regarding the fine photo submitted by Mr. Renn, I believe I read an article stating that Buddy Emmons helped Shot Jackson build the Sho-Bud that Bobby is playing and it was Buddy himself who carved Bobby's name in the front apron.