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Posted: 4 Apr 2003 7:55 am
by Rick McDuffie
The amazing thing is that you said you were looking for someone in Kannapolis, and no one ever said "where's that"? It's not a well-known place. Image

Rick McDuffie
Tarheel Jazz Q-tet
Debbie Elam Band

Posted: 4 Apr 2003 10:08 am
by wlitaker
I have sit back and listened to all this crap I can stand. First of all he failed to tell that I have tried and tried to get him to pay the shipping costs and to finish paying the rest of the money he owes me. I am not going to get in pissing contest with anyone on this forum. If anyone wants to sell him anything that is up to for me I am going to send him back his money. As a matter of fact that is the last thing I told him. I don't know why he thinks I am hiding..I am easy to find ! I am sending his money back and that is all I am saying about this deal. THE END.....William Litaker

Posted: 4 Apr 2003 12:16 pm
by Melinda Dauley
Sounds like over a year is a long time to hold someone's money.

Posted: 4 Apr 2003 9:35 pm
by JB Arnold
That it does Melinda....That it does.


Fulawka D-10 9&5
Fessenden D-10 8&8
Mullen Royal Precision D-10 8 & 5
"All in all, looking back, I'd have to say the best advice anyone ever gave me was 'Hands Up, Don't Move!"

Posted: 5 Apr 2003 9:20 am
by autry andress
I have done business with Mr. William Litaker last year & had no problems & was
happy with the item I bought.
Autry Andress

Posted: 5 Apr 2003 9:31 am
by David Reeves
May God Bless whom He will and condemn the rest.

Stump Reeves

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David Reeves on 05 April 2003 at 09:32 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 6 Apr 2003 1:24 am
by David Greenwell
Mr. Litaker, both Amplifiers, the Nash 400 and the Evans were paid for in FULL in November 2001 at the same time a $US1000 dep. was paid on the steel. (You said you couldn't ship the steel until the end of Feb 2002 because you were waiting on some additional changes to be put on your Sho bud and you couldn't be without a guitar.)
You were however to ship the Amps immediately. As we discussed on more than one occasion NO money was required to be sent to you for International shipping as I, the consignee pay at this end when Customs Duty and local Taxes are assessed and added to the total charge which I pay to the Carrier before I can take delivery of the Goods. ALL you were required to do was take the Amps to the Freight Carrier.
You gave me many excuses why you could not do this i.e.
* You only had a pick-up and it was wet and you did not want the Amps to get wet.
* Since Sept 11 BAX would not ship from a private Address and you did not know anybody with a business address.
In the end I suggested that the Amps be sent to the Sierra Guitar Co. in Portland as they had agreed to ship them to me with a guitar that they were sending me. I sent you a US money order to cover the internal freight Kannapolis to Portland.
Notwithstanding that the Amps had been paid in full and you were holding $US1000 of my money you claimed that the money order did not arrive and you would not pay the lousy $US72 local freight.
I thus lost the opportunity to take up Sierra's kind offer. You have subsequently acknowledged that the money order DID arrive---however that money seems to have been swallowed up also.
In the middle May 2002, seven (7) mths. After I had paid for the Amps you told me that you had decided that you no longer wanted to sell the Amps. However the deal with the steel was still on (but you were still unable to ship it yet). I pointed out to you that the Amps were not yours to sell or not to sell they were mine and I wanted them WHERE WERE THEY?
If however anyone wants to know more I have over 80 e-mail's that catalogue every aspect of my dealings with Mr.Litaker.
Mr.Litaker you are NOT accessible your land line has been cancelled and not withstanding that your e-mail is the same you have not returned any of my e-mail's or attempts to contact you since November last year (2002).
I am delighted that you have surfaced and I am even more delighted that you have come out and stated publicly on the Forum that you are sending my money back I presume that it will include the Fright money that I sent you.
I will contact you off the Forum on your email address and arrange receipt of the money.
I will also keep Forum Member informed as to when payment is made.
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David Greenwell on 06 April 2003 at 01:35 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 6 Apr 2003 6:41 am
by Russ Young
<SMALL>I have sit back and listened to all this crap I can stand</SMALL>
Are you saying that after holding onto someone else's money for 17 months you thought it was time to set the record straight? What a coincidence that you decided to return the money five days after your name popped up here ...

It's a shame that some of the guys from Australia and New Zealand are having such problems getting their gear from the U.S. I recently bought a lap steel from an Australian guitar dealer named Peter Baring at North Coast Guitars. It was as smooth, or smoother than most of the domestic guitar transactions I've been involved in.

Peter doesn't currently sell pedal steels, but he might be persuaded after reading these stories. (Then again, since he acquires a lot of his guitars in the U.S., this thread might convince him to keep it that way ...)<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Russ Young on 06 April 2003 at 10:58 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 6 Apr 2003 7:26 am
by Rick Garrett
I once shipped a U12 over seas to Ireland. THe guy who bought it said shipping was to be taken care of by him personally upon receiving the guitar. Thats one way its handled I guess when you ship overseas. So according to that you would think that 72 bucks (to be paid upon delivery) wouldnt have been something to keep an honest man from shipping the guitar. Good luck David and I'll make a mental note to NEVER EVER EVER buy anything from Litaker.

Rick Garrett

Posted: 6 Apr 2003 8:59 am
by David L. Donald
One bad thing to see ;
Is that anyone should be so put out like this,
especially one of our allies overseas. I am overseas myself, but am fortunate enough to have a good USA support structure too.

One great thing to see ;
is the raging indignation of formites about this.
It's nice to see a bad apple NOT spoiling the bunch!

Why Mr. Litker could think after getting $1,000 sent to him, he will then be stiffed for $72 beggars comprehension.

Why he should, in any form, show indignation at over 15 months of, understandably more and more heated, e-mail requests to be made whole, one way or another, by the other party is also reason to be question his veracity.

And it makes no difference whether others have had good transactions with him or not.
This transaction looks like a real stinker... and it doesn't seem to smell bad in OZ (Australia).
It seems to me a lot of restraint was shown from down under not posting this to the forum a long time ago.
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 06 April 2003 at 09:59 AM.]</p></FONT>