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Posted: 3 Apr 2003 2:59 am
by George McLellan
Melinda, just out of curiosity, how many steelers did you talk to or try to talk to? The reason I ask is: if it was 10 then 5 out the hundreds that were there isn't too bad, if it was 100, then that would be a large %.
Winnipeg is a small convention compared to Dallas or St. Louis, but out of the +/- 40 pickers that usually go there, I've never met one that wasn't friendly or wouldn't take the time to anwer questions. That makes it 100% to 0.



Posted: 3 Apr 2003 8:05 am
by Stephen Gambrell
HEy Melinda, could you post the link to your band's website one more time?

Posted: 3 Apr 2003 9:42 am
by b0b
I was looking through picture as past shows and jams the other day, and I was struck by the bonds of friendship that we've developed over the years. Even though we only see each other once or twice a year, there's a lot of good vibes happening in those events. Sure, we have our differences, but it always seems to me that the love of steelin' transcends all of that.

I've never experienced any of the equipment snobbery you talk about. I've showed up at jams with very wierd guitars, and seen others with setups that make some people cringe, but I never got the impression that steelers were actually being dissed because of what they were playing.

<img align=left src="" border="0"><small>               Bobby Lee</small>
-b0b-   <small> </small>
-System Administrator

Posted: 3 Apr 2003 10:46 am
by Jesse Pearson
Melinda, I know I promised you I would not respond to any of your post again, but I can't stand it, so excuse me for going back on my word but here goes.

Have you ever heard of the psychobilly band "Dead Bolt"? One of the bass players is my friend and a very cool guy. They have a number of albums out on some inde label and a following. They sound like "Dick Dale meets the Munsters", and you can't swing dance to em. Putting the retro thing aside for a moment, don't you think that people into Rockabilly might like the bands they can swing dance to better than the one's they can't? Now I know we got off on the wrong foot at first, but when I tried to give you some advise, you had earlier said you was in a "Rockerbilly" band, later your called Rockabilly, "cheesy"? Turns out you are in a psychobilly band, it's kinda like a punk band with hick overtones isn't it? You guys are into a different scene dance wise o.k I can tell you snob stories from Charlie Sexton to Roger Waters, the older you get the less it will matter. Four years from now, I doubt you will be playing psychobilly or give much care to some strangers lack of manners when it comes to talking shop. All that really matters is your working it and learning, just keep on that path and your gonna go far. Image

Posted: 3 Apr 2003 1:40 pm
by Bill Llewellyn
I'm sure glad my MSA looks almost exactly like Mike Perlowin's. Image

<font size=-1>Bill, steelin' since '99 | Steel page | My music | Steelers' birthdays | Over 50?</font>