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Posted: 20 Jan 2002 12:43 pm
by B Bailey Brown
Day, and now Emmons. My first steel had the Day set up, so that is the way I learned. Then I quit for several years and when I bought my Sho-Bud Professional in the early 70’s it had the Emmons setup. That concerned me briefly, so I called Jerry Blanton and asked him about it. He said, “Buy the guitar…either one works as well as the other!” I did, and he was right! Image

B. Bailey Brown

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 12:44 pm
by Al Marcus
Richard Sinkler- good move! With P7 on RK and boowah on LK , and your left foot on usual P5 and P6, you can just about play all C6 without moving your left foot. Just like on E9. Pretty good.

I used to use Day setup, it is more comfortable for me, and I think faster with the ankle, but most all the guitars are Emmons setup, so I switched too.

Another reason is, I don't use Pedal C on E9, I get the E to F# on a knee lever to take care of that. Then I have pedal 3 available for the C6 neck.

A Player can get used to either way, whichever is more comfortable to him or Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Al Marcus on 20 January 2002 at 12:46 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 12:59 pm
by Buck Grantham

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 1:04 pm
by Gary Dunn

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 1:12 pm
by Steve Miller

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 2:15 pm
by Larry Miller
Emmons, I wanted to try the Day set up a few years back, but B.S. talked me out of it.

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 2:17 pm
by Hook Moore


Posted: 20 Jan 2002 3:01 pm
by Paul Graupp
Larry: You should have asked Tommy White !!

Regards, Paul Image Image Image

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 3:29 pm
by George Rozak

Sho-Bud Professional

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 3:43 pm
by Bob Tuttle
I use the day setup. My ankle flexes better that direction.

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 4:35 pm
by Moon in Alaska
My setup is Emmons --- but only by accident !! I had a single pedal for several years which pulled both the B and G#. When I purchased a steel with more pedals, I then had my left pedal raise the B only, the second pedal raised both B and G#, and the 3rd pedal raised the G#. It took me 3 pedals to have what we now have with 2. I played maybe 15 years before I changed to standard A - B - C. So I would say mine evolved !!! Image

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Posted: 20 Jan 2002 4:54 pm
by Donnie Blassl
Day on my ZB.

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 5:09 pm
by Jerry Hayes

Have a good 'un! JH U-12

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 5:47 pm
by Gary Morrison
Emmons on Emmons, then Day on Sho-Bud!

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 7:57 pm
by Rick Trolinger
Day. My first guitar was setup that way when I got it. I don't think I would want it any other way.


Posted: 20 Jan 2002 9:23 pm
by Dale Thomas
When the split pedalswere evident, I put the split on my old electraharp the way I assumed it was done, mainly for comfort.
Years later, I heard it was the Day split.
When I used to teach pedal guitar I would give the student the option. I'd say "put your foot on the floor, is it easier to lift your little toe or your big toe?" Try it. I've had Sho-bud, Emmons, and now Franklin. all with the Day setup. Dale Thomas


Posted: 20 Jan 2002 9:33 pm
by Nick Reed

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 9:48 pm
by Lem Smith
Emmons. The first guitar I had was setup Day style, but it never felt "natural" to me, until I switched to Emmons.


Posted: 20 Jan 2002 9:58 pm
by Jerry Roller
Gene, I have purchased several used guitars and worked on many and I have never seen one with the C6th backwards like mine so I assumed I was the only ht6C player in the world. Image

Posted: 20 Jan 2002 10:10 pm

Posted: 21 Jan 2002 1:36 am
by Winnie Winston
Emmons with a number of additions after pedal 3...


Posted: 21 Jan 2002 3:08 am
by Ernie Renn

I should add that I didn't know there was such a thing until I played a friend of mines guitar. He uses the Day split. Without knowing it was an experience to remember... or forget...
My best,
The Official Buddy Emmons Website<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ernie Renn on 21 January 2002 at 03:10 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Jan 2002 3:42 am
by DALE WHITENER feels more natural to me.

Posted: 21 Jan 2002 4:41 am
by Gene Jones
Jerry....I finally found the original tuning charts from Music City Mfg and by golly you are 100% correct......your C6 set-up is reversed from the Sho-Bud factory set-up. It is my E9 neck that I have reversed from the original!

I should know better than to trust to memory...I'm even wrong most of the time when I try to remember what I had for lunch yesterday! Image Image <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 21 January 2002 at 05:13 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Jan 2002 6:05 am
by Tony Orth