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Posted: 23 Oct 2002 5:53 pm
by Ron Page
You motivated me to register MusicMatch on my new box here...

Real nice playing. Thanks for posting it here among a strong group of critics. Great feedback from the folks above. I learned a lot just reading the comments.

I am the worst with that volume. In my case it's a lack of confidence. Us hackers think if we hit the wrong note it will sound better missing than at higher volume. Image

Thanks Tony. Got that tune on an old Hag record, of course.


Posted: 2 Nov 2002 7:20 am
by Louie Hallford
I want to hear this.(and other downloads)For some reason I have never been able to hear sound bites on my computer. Just bits and pieces,usually hang-ups like a needle stuck in a groove.

Please do not respond to my comment on Tony's post.I will go to computer topic and address the problem. Please look for me there. <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by louie hallford on 02 November 2002 at 07:24 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 2 Nov 2002 2:04 pm
by Bob Maickel
Very Nice Tony!
'Nuff said, keep up the good work.

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 3:42 pm
by Tom Hodgin
Tony, the more times I hear it the more I like it...Don't touch a thing...IMO...the drums bring out the heart-beat of your song..the guitar and steel are straight from the soul...I hear a great deal of Jimmy Day in your music....Fantastic Job....tom

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 4:11 pm
by Roy Thomson
I liked the clarity and your expression
Tony. Nice job!
Also liked the lead guitar intepretation.

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Posted: 3 Nov 2002 5:06 pm
by Roy Ayres

It's a beautiful piece of work. My only criticism is that it should have been longer. Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it.


Posted: 3 Nov 2002 6:00 pm
by Bob Barone
Nice job Tony. Drop me a line where you are playing and I'll be sure to drop by and listen. There arn't too many of us steel players in the CLT area.



Posted: 3 Nov 2002 6:59 pm
by Ray Montee
Here's an old codger's view of your splendid piece of music. It was well done; clear and dynamic; sounded like it came from your heart. It's a superb starting point for all of your future recording work.
Being old, I have a very strong distaste for "LEAD DRUMS" or even a hint of them.... and that is my professional opinion on your excellent recording.
Not knocking Carter....but more than likely YOU will sound equally as good on any rig you happen to choose. You take command of your playing.........and display a depth to your music that many lesser experienced folks tend to lack.
Thanks for sharing. Do let us hear more.

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 9:50 pm
by R. L. Jones
Tony; that wasbeautiful, I have been missing something. I`m always buying these C D `s searching for this kind of sounds. I just dont know where to find this kind of stuff ,all guitar , with a great beat of the drum. I woyldnt change a thing.
I would love to have agood C D with this kind of sound , any body ??

R. L.

Posted: 4 Nov 2002 5:49 am
by Roy Ayres
Yeah, Tony! Put out a CD. I'll buy it.

Posted: 4 Nov 2002 7:39 am
by Jack Francis
Image Image

Posted: 4 Nov 2002 12:00 pm
by Tony Prior
Thanks so much for the nice comments. I have been given some exceptional positive suggestions here and am very grateful. Kinda like a college education for free !

I am planning a CD which I am going to call the 6 pack x 2, which will be 6 tunes played on the steel and the 6 back-up tracks.

Currently 4 tunes are complete. This CD will not be about my playing but rather another venue for players to hear a version of a tune and then play their version over the track. All tracks primarily Guitar,Bass and Drums, maybe some minimal keybard phrases.

coming soon...

Posted: 4 Nov 2002 12:34 pm
by Pete Grant
On your walk-up to the chorus, I hear the rhythm 1 2 3 4, along with an & uh as you go to the augmented chord. Do some rhythmic variations. Try 1&_&3_4_ or 1_2_3&_&, and other uses of both the downbeat and upbeat.

Strive to have each note be a different intensity. (Easier said than done, but a really good approach.)

You might try a B7 instead of a G+ in the verse. If you had a 12, I'd have another suggestion or two.

All in all, nice work, Tony.

Posted: 4 Nov 2002 3:33 pm
by Jim Florence
Don't listen to the nay-sayers. If I could record that well at home, I'd be thrilled half to death. I think it sounds great.