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Posted: 24 Apr 2002 5:33 pm
by Steven Knapper
HI there Tom. Blackie Taylor has told me a lot about you over the last year and a half while I have been learning the "Beast". He insists that I play your licks on your songs, at first I really didn't want to, but now I am glad I learned them. Thanks!!!

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 5:35 pm
by bob drawbaugh
Tom, welcome. I'm glad we are together again. Image I'm glad you decided to drop by.

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 7:06 pm
by Al Marcus
Welcome to the Forum, Tom. If you see Dave Musgrave, ask him if he learned to play "Laura" yet...Glad to see you on Image Image

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 7:34 pm
by Reggie Duncan
Welcome, Tom. You are truly one of the greatest! And, your daddy was the greatest songwriter of all time! Please, continue to post often, and answer the questions that you feel comfortable with!
And Tom, YOU CAN POST ANYTHING ANYWHERE!!!!!!!! Sorry, b0b.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Reggie Duncan on 24 April 2002 at 08:35 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 9:33 pm
by Bobby Flores
Hey Tom!

Long time no see. Glad to have you with us here on the forum. Yes, you are loved by many and for darn good reason. Besides being the truly legendary musician, you are also one of the nicest guys on the planet. Hats off to you Mr. Brumley. Hope I get to visit and maybe pick again with you sometime soon.

Posted: 24 Apr 2002 10:45 pm
by Ray Montee
Tom! Welcome aboard!!
My strongest memory of the recent Texas program was you and your Rick! Great job. Enjoyed ALL that you chose to play. Would have enjoyed hearing much more.

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 2:23 am
by Bill Myrick
Now look what you went and done !!!!! Gonna have to come down here and hide out til the smoke settles !!!! - Image

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 6:31 am
by Red Kilby
Hi Tom, welcome to the forum. I hope to see you at the ISGA this year in St.Louis.
Stay in touch,

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 7:13 am
by Earl Yarbro
Tom, It sure was a pleasure talking to you in Dallas about my D10 ZB. It was an honor. Looking forward to your show in Branson this year. Welcome to the forum, there are some wonderful people posting here, I know you'll enjoy the fellowship.

Earl Yarbro
Zum D10
ZB D10

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 7:38 am
by Bud Hall
Please Mr. Brumley, enlighten me!, whats the name of your barber?, I understand he specializes in the folicly impaired. LOL

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 7:40 am
by C Dixon
Riding in Tom's car (talk about a thrill) once in Branson, I commented about his fantastic tone.

His reply was something like this:


"Thanks. Tone is something I worked the hardest on all these years".

I think he made it! Don't you folks?

He has a tone to die for. And he does something that is very difficult to do. When he plays 3 notes simultaneously, it sounds as if it was one big fatttttttttttttttttttttt note Image

He also can pick fast notes with a "cutoff" stacatto affect that has few equals in the steel guitar world. It is one of the reasons he fit soooo well with the Buck Owens band (IMHO). He and Don Rich were perfect compliments to each other.

Yes, right up there with Jerry Byrd and Chet Atkins; Speedy West and Jimmy Bryant, Buddy Charlton and Leon Rhodes and Paul Franklin and Lord forgive me but the young guitar player's name eludes me at the moment (please forgive me sir).

Tom Brumley will ALWAYS be one of the all time greats. And a super, super person in person.

God bless him and all the rest,


Posted: 25 Apr 2002 10:28 am
by John Borchard
Welcome to the forum, Tom. I'm not sure if you remember me. I worked for Ray and Steve Hennig at Heart of Texas Music in Austin back in the '80s and I play Sonny Curtis's old D-10 ZB. Anyway, I'm with the rest of these forumites in thanking you for all the beautiful music and inspiration you've given us over the years. Great job and welcome aboard!

John Borchard

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 12:20 pm
by Ronnie Miller
Welcome to cyberville, Tommy.......Ronnie

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 3:14 pm
by Cairo Zoots
I've been sufferin' with TB ever since I heard ya, and am kinda disappointed they haven't renamed that town to BRUMLEY Mo. yet.... Image


Posted: 25 Apr 2002 4:37 pm
by Bob Kagy
Tom, your Tom Cattin album blew me away in the 70's - it's still one of my top 10 pedal steel albums.

Pedal Patter: I could never get it up to speed, but it was always a great instructional challenge that benefited me greatly. Plus it never stopped playing in my head.

Glad you're here, welcome. We love you.

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 5:01 pm
by Tom Ward
Tom...great to have you with us. Your "Together Again" got me started playing steel. As soon as I get it right I'll put my steel away. Thank you for your years of contributing to my addiction. Tom<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Tom Ward on 25 April 2002 at 06:02 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 6:42 pm
by ebb
i'm just waiting to trade "a pile of (green)paper" for In Time 2.

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 7:42 pm
by Dale Dorsey
Hey Tom,

How do you like this welcoming committee on here? I would say you have more fans than you might be aware of. Very well deserved I would say since you've help keep steel players alive and well with all of those number 1 cuts over the years.

Posted: 25 Apr 2002 9:29 pm
by Tore Blestrud
Hei Tom, and welcome to The Forum. Looking forward to see you and Rolene here in Norway this summer. Please stop by Oslo for a couple of days!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2002 3:38 am
Welcome, Tom....
I will NEVER FOFGET the first night my wife and I pulled into Branson, Mo. and I was Looking for a steel gig there. We stoped at Toms' Theater, walked in, and I could hear Tom on a RIDE from the other side of the Theater doors, FROZZZZZ RIGHT IN THE HALL WITH TEARS FILLING MY EYES. GOD, That man TOUCHED MY SOUL. Image He came out in the hall BEFORE the show was over an spoke with me for several moments. THANKS, TOM, we all LOVE YA, MAN! Image

Posted: 26 Apr 2002 5:45 am
by Chuck Campbell
Welcome, It's great to have you here. I've been a big fan from the begining. My favorite lick, all of them especially Togather Again.


Posted: 26 Apr 2002 7:05 am
by Vance Monday
Hi Tom, and welcome..I have always enjoyed your style and enjoy your show very much..
Hope to get up there this summer..Good to have you on board..Vance

Posted: 26 Apr 2002 9:17 am
by Barbara Hennerman
Hi Tom!

Glad you're here. I'm pretty new myself and I can't tell you how much I enjoy the Forum.

I doubt you remember meeting me in Denver. My husband and our band opened for Buck at Elitch's back in 1967. I'll never forget that you took time out to talk with Bob and me. I really appreciate it.

I can't add anything that hasn't already been said about your picking and tone, but just know it is appreciated and loved.

Thanks for a lot of good music years ....

Barbara<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Barbara Hennerman on 26 April 2002 at 10:20 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Barbara Hennerman on 26 April 2002 at 10:23 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 26 Apr 2002 9:44 am
by Steve Buchanan
Mr. Brumley,
I have played lead guitar in bands for years.
I played the "Live at Carnagie Hall" album over and over until I hopefully could match Don Rich's outstanding guitar note for note. Got good enough to play the "Opry" once. I just started playing steel (or trying to play the steel). I must say that you are the reason I needed--no have to learn this instrument. If I don't go nuts first. Once again, thank you for providing me with such great music.
p.s. I am thrilled that I found your note on my first day with The Steel Guitar Forum.

Posted: 26 Apr 2002 9:49 am
by Evelyn Whitney
A very special hello from Leonard T. Zinn and Evelyn Whitney.
God never made a sweeter human being, than you.