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Posted: 6 Dec 2005 5:17 am
by Steinar Gregertsen
<SMALL>If you want to use the BEST music software and the best of the VST (or other) plug-ins etc, the the Mac is the ONLY option (In the Professional World that is)</SMALL>
Sorry Basil, but this isn't correct. 5 years ago, yes, but not anymore. The Windows/Nuendo combo is gaining ground, also in high-class professional studios (for some reason it's become very popular in Nashville studios, Mark Knopfler's "Shangri-La" is another example, it's the choice of legendary engineer Alan Parsons in his personal studio, Eric Clapton's "Crossroads" show was recorded on this combo, etc...).

Again, I have nothing against Macs, I'm just a bit tired of these "Mac is for the pros, Windows is for the home amateurs" myths. It's simply not like that anymore, even if the majority of big-time studios still favors Mac/ProTools,- and why shouldn't they, they know the system inside out and has paid big $$$ for it, so why change it as long as it runs fine?



Posted: 6 Dec 2005 7:01 am
by basilh
Steinar.. To say
<SMALL>Sorry Basil, but this isn't correct</SMALL>
You could; have said "I think etc,"
but to state categorically as you did, is quite pretentious.

It's just MY opinion, the same as it's just YOURS.
I could quote hundreds of instances of the use of MACS in the REAL pro world, I don't need to.

Posted: 6 Dec 2005 8:41 am
by Steinar Gregertsen
Oh come on Basil,- you state categorically that using the Mac is THE ONLY way to do it in "the professional" world. I say that isn't correct, there are several high-profile studios who use Windows - that not an opinion, that's a fact.

Or would you say that Chuck Ainlay, who engineered Mark Knopfler's latest album, isn't a professional?
Interview with Chuck Ainlay.

Again,- I have no beef with Macs, as far as I am concerned people can use whatever they please as long as the results are good, but I've had it with the "Mac is the only pro solution" snobbery.



Posted: 6 Dec 2005 9:37 am
by Jon Bergh
oh dear...

Posted: 6 Dec 2005 4:09 pm
by Dave Potter
And so it goes...........<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Dave Potter on 06 December 2005 at 04:22 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 6 Dec 2005 6:10 pm
by Steinar Gregertsen
.....and here it ends (on my part. I was just trying to point out some simple facts, I have no interest of the Mac/PC wars...)

