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Posted: 17 Jun 2004 4:16 pm
by Jody Carver
Mike Brown writes and I quote....

Jody, don't give'em any ideas about the tweed underwear.....Mike I dont think Smiley
would find his tweed underwear comfortable,those amp corners can be rough on
a bare $ss. Image

I have been a Tweed man all my life and have the utmost respect for the Fender I once knew
That loyalty has changed over the years so I think it may be time to wear Peavey Colors,
Love the sound of those 1000 Nashville amps.

I'd swap my horse and dog for one. ImageOf the many positive things I hear about Peavey..Mike you are one of the best. Thats
a plus for all steel players,something Fender
unfortunatly has overlooked. Peavey should be proud to have you and I am sure Hartley is.

Good Luck.

The Knight Of Fender (past) Tweed has spoken.

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 5:41 am
by Mike Brown
Thank you, Jody. I enjoy what I do for a living and only hope that my replies are courteous and informative. See you in St. Louis? Texas?

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 10:04 am
by Jody Carver
I hope to be in St.Louis. Thats not been confirmed as yet. I would like to check out some Peavey gear such as the 1000. I have been selling amps and guitars all of my life and have listened to guitar players of all types and shapes,and I want to see what the Tube warm sound is all about,I remember Van Halen having the Brown sound,I could never figure that out.From what I have heard there is nothing like a Peavey for pedal steel with loads of head room, in all my years I have played Fender gear and always admired Leo Fender as most everyone does.Sure Fender has great amps,but Peavey leads the pack for steel players,so there must be something there.

But Peavey has its own distinct tone and I would like to check one out with my Fender guitar.

Keep doing what you have been doing,Peavey has something in you that other companys have not. You may be a company man but your also one of us. Image

Be well. PS. This is NOT a paid political announcement. But I have heard so much about
you that I wanted to pay you a compliment as many others have.

Now I feel better. Image

Looking forward to meeting you.

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 12:58 pm
by James Morehead
I have called up Mike with product questions for the last year, and Mike is the best!!. The only thing I'm gonna say is this: I think we should send a petition to Mr. Peavey and request that he DOUBLE Mike's salary. And give him a company truck/bass boat rig for his personal use, and 3 months vacation time. Oh yea, almost forgot----Lear jet privledges, too. Come on every one, it's time to help Mike out!!! Mike, I enjoyed meeting you in Dallas this spring. Keep up the good work, as you can see, you have a huge fan base out here(and most of us didn't even know you played!!)

Posted: 19 Jun 2004 3:55 am
by John Floyd
Mike Brown Wrote:
<SMALL>Jody, don't give'em any ideas about the tweed underwear. Smiley might show up at a show with 'em on!</SMALL>
Jody Wrote:
<SMALL>Mike I dont think Smiley would find his tweed underwear comfortable,those amp corners can be rough on a bare $ss. </SMALL>
Jody, Smiley always wears his shorts on the outside, I guess thats the Polish way. Image

I can't comment on the Service Dept at Peavey, because I have never had to use it. I have been a Peavey owner of Several Amps and Pieces of PA Equipment since 1978 snd never had anything to fail on me except One of my PX-300's earlier this year and the Dealer(Rick Mc Duffie at Tarheel Music) Replaced it, because it was only a week old.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by John Floyd on 19 June 2004 at 05:03 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Jun 2004 10:38 am
by Jerry Hayes
Mike's tops in my book. I aquired a used Peavy MX Tube/SS hybrid amp which didn't have a footswith. This amp wasn't being manufactured anymore so I contacted Mike about what to do. He set it up so that Peavey took another model footswitch with the same connector and rewired it and relabeled the switches so that it worked with my amp. I'm very happy with Peavey. At the moment I have 2 Nashville 400s, A TNT 130 Bass Amp, a Bandit 1-12 Tran-Tube, an MX 1-12 guitar amp (which I love), a couple of small practice amps and 2 mixing boards by Peavey. I'll continue to use them as they're the most dependable brand I've ever tried. Before the MX amp, I was using (and still have) a Fender Hot Rod DeVille 2-12 amp. I tried out the MX at a gig and to my surprise it actually sounded better than the Fender so it's my number one geetar amp at the moment. Have a good 'un...JH

Livin' in the Past and the Future with a 12 string Mooney Universal tuning.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004 4:40 pm
by Mike Brown
I am very, very fortunate to have known many of the artists that are mentioned on this Forum from time to time. I am also very fortunate to have been employed by Peavey Electronics Corporation since 1976. Great people, great company.

Hartley Peavey is to be given credit for my involvement in the steel guitar business as he knew that I had an interest in learning steel. My wife Cindy asked Hartley if he knew where to purchase a steel back in '85. It just so happens that he had a brand new MSA D-10 sitting in the warehouse collecting dust. Needless to say, this was my first exposure to steel guitar. Always wanted to learn and never thought that, hey! I don't have one to learn on.

My next acquaintance was with Mr. Jeff Newman via cassette tapes of his Woodshed Workshop. After a year of "woodshedding", I finally played a few tunes with my band, the Water Moccassins and have been playing ever since.

Anyway, Hartley is one to encourage a musician or someone who is interested in electronics, ask Keith Hilton.

I'm telling ya, Hartley is the Leo of our times and Peavey products reflect it, but keep their own identity. Some bandmates of mine play Fender amps and guitars, but what else has Fender offered in the last 30 years? Yes, they, like Gibson have "acquired" other companies, but how many Strats can you make with different variations of pickups, pickguards, finishes, etc.. My bandmates still use and seek out the older Fenders. Doesn't make sense to me.

Anyway, thanks much for the compliments and if I can be of assistance in the future, please let me know. The best is yet to come.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation

Posted: 22 Jun 2004 9:36 pm
by John Floyd
Anything to report on the Neo Black Widow?

Thanks for what you do for us.

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 4:07 am
by Jody Carver
Right on.....The Prince of Peavey writes & I
quote..I couldnt have said it better,longer?
yes,but not better. Thank You Oh Prince Of Peavey,the Knight Of Fender past has spoken,
Image Image Image

Hartley is the Leo of our times and Peavey products reflect it, but keep their own identity. Some bandmates of mine play Fender amps and guitars, but what else has Fender offered in the last 30 years? Yes, they, like Gibson have "acquired" other companies, but how many Strats can you make with different variations of pickups, pickguards, finishes, etc.. My bandmates still use and seek out the older Fenders. Doesn't make sense to me.

Posted: 16 Jul 2004 1:01 pm
by Jerry Overstreet
I hope it's OK to revive this older topic to relate an experience I had involving Mike Brown at the '03 ISGC in St. Louis. On Sat of that weekend I was sitting in the LL Lobby trying to rest from the long and late Fri. nite after staying up to see Tom Morrell. Mike passed by and we spoke as He passed, he then stopped, came back and asked me if I was OK. I assured him that I was OK but tired. I guess I must have looked pretty haggard and used up. I will never forget Mike's gesture and the genuine concern he showed for me that day. It only served to reinforce my admiration for him. Ever company should be so lucky as to have a Mike Brown. Now I see he has lost his Mother. Let's all return the kindness he shows to us.

Posted: 17 Jul 2004 12:09 am
by Stephen Gambrell
AMEN to that, Brother Jerry! I've talked to Mike about lots of stuff, and he never seems too busy to just shoot the breeze. This, and KNOWING I don't play steel through a Peavey product. Like all of us here on the Forum, I feel for Mike at the loss of his mother. She must have been a special lady, cause Mike is a VERY special guy!

Posted: 18 Jul 2004 7:25 pm
by Clyde Bloodworth
I am very glad for the Peavey logo to be displayed on my equipment. It gives me some status to make up for my lack of talent. Thanks Mike for your support(and Peavey's)of steel guitar over the years.

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 7:32 am
by Mike Brown
I try to remember that regardless of what color we are, how old we are and what nationality we are, and even what amp we use! We are still human beings on this earth. We all have a common goal which is to live a long life and to help others. I try to remember this. I guess this trait was "given" to me by my Mom. God bless her.

Thanks for the comments.

Posted: 23 Jul 2004 12:04 pm
by Doug Ferguson
There is a reason why an amp that went out of production in the early 80's is so sought after even today. There's nothing like the sound I get from my Session 500. A few years ago our band was setting up on the outdoor stage at the Austin stock show and rodeo, just outside of the arena where Trace Adkins was playing that night. When we did a sound check people came pouring out of the back stage area of the arena to hear us jam. Turns out it was the band members and crew. They said that steel stood them up and carried them to our bandstand. It was my biggest compliment ever. Thanks Mike, Max and Hartley Peavey!

Posted: 23 Jul 2004 12:18 pm
by Mike Brown
You are welcome!