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Posted: 21 Feb 2003 10:53 am
by Ron Whitworth
Very well said Sidney!!! Those are my thoughts on GD's Stereo Steel Amp system also..They sound superb++++,they are lightweight & have all the features you always wanted in an amp but just could not get anywhere else..A little pricey(what isn't nowadays?) but well worth every penny..Dependability-mine is 6yrs old & works perfect + the sound from it will knock you out!!!!!! Just my opinion....Ron

Posted: 21 Feb 2003 12:05 pm
by Jerry Gleason
I've used a Stereo Steel rig since 1995. One of the things I love about it is that is has a stereo aux input with it's own level control. Since I double on guitar, I I find this feature indispensible, because it allows me to use a dedicated preamp / effects unit for standard guitar, and run it through the same power amp and speakers. I usually use a Digitech RP-200 floor processor for guitar. There are better processors out there, but the RP-200 is compact, lightweight, and gets the job done for live playing.

My rig sets up very quickly. I can have the amp up and running in less than five minutes, which is fast enough for getting on and off stage at a festival event where things have to move fast. The rack with the amp and steel effects (Digitech TSR-6 reverb or Boss GX-700) is three spaces, and weighs about 25 lbs. My speaker cabinets weigh about 34 lbs. each.

I don't always bring two speaker cabinets to the gig, sometimes just one is enough. The amp has separate level controls for each side of the power amp, so it's no problem to just use one cabinet.

Posted: 21 Feb 2003 12:10 pm
by Jim Smith
I use my rig without speakers at all when practicing at home through headphones, and when playing gigs where everything is run direct to the board. It's by far the most versatile rig I've ever encountered. Image

Jim Smith
-=Dekley D-12 10&12=-
-=Fessenden D-12 9&9 (It's finally here!)=-
Stereo Steel rig w/Boss GX-700
IVL SteelRider w/JV-880<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Smith on 21 February 2003 at 12:11 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Feb 2003 3:10 pm
by seldomfed
Hey Pete,
Peavey is a rock. With the Lemay Mod and BW's it's very nice. BUT (whine, huff), "it ain't my brother, it's HEAVY!" Image Gots wheels even.

So I've been savin' pennies for the Stereo Steel and I'm coming closer. Appreiciate the comments of the owners here. Thanks. I've tried them at Scotty's shows for three years. It looks like it fits my use model well. And I personally like the sound.

Then I can ditch my gas guzzler truck, get a small car and haul it all.

Matter of fact - to test the concept of 'less is more', this weekend we have a gig up in the mountains for a ski party, small stage. SO I'm taking the AER Compact 60 for steel and my little Reverend Hellhound for guitar so we can car pool in one truck. The AER DI into the board will cover this room quite well. The PA fills out the AER sound really well.


Chris Kennison
Ft. Collins, Colorado
"There is no spoon"